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~Bella Irwin~

The sun was rising. The sky was different colors of pink, orange, and a faded blue. My watch read 5:39. I was late.

Scrambling to find my other shoe, I made so much noise in my dressing room. So much noise, that a jet lagged Harry, with Elizabeth on his hip, knocked to check up.

"Everything's alright," I assured to his unconvinced eyes. "Just trying to get to work, that's all."

He nodded, giving me a warm smile. It lightened up my entire drowsy mood. As he walked off I reached for my cell phone that had my alarm go off once again.

Clearly, I forgot to turn it off. The sound of those beeps literally ate my head off. I rushed to turn the stupid alarm off, walking downstairs with my head spinning.

Ashton was seated on the sofa, awake as ever. He turned to me in surprise. I smiled at him without really thinking about it. He smiled back apologetically.

My phone started ringing, once again with that default radar sound I was sick and tired. Angrily staring at my phone, muttering about clearly turning it off, I gasped when I saw I was actually getting a phone call.

It was my boss. Hopefully, it was just a call to pick up some fabric or something. I could not deal with anything else.

Tentatively, I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Bella, hello. It's me, Mr. Trenton."

"Yes sir," I greeted. "Is there a problem? I'm sorry, there's just terrible traffic. I might run late," I lied.

There was a slight pause. "You don't have to come on time today."

"Oh. Is there a conference or something later today? Please tell me the times. I promise I'll be there soon," I continued, trying to not sound rushed.

"I'll need you to come in and pick up your paycheck. Unless you want it transferred to your account," Mr. Trenton said, slowly.

"I get my paycheck on Friday," I reminded. "And I always get it transferred to my account sir."

"Bella, you know we have had money problems lately ," he started.

Hell yes, I knew. Faith told me just weeks ago. My heart was pounding.

"I'm sorry, Bella. We have to let you go."

I stumbled back, Ashton looking at me in surprise. "Sir, I don't understand."

"You're the one I regret the most Bella. But I'm sorry. We need to get back in shape before we continue," he explained.

I stayed silent, and after sighing heavily, my former boss hung up the phone.

Tears threatened to spill at any moment. I always took pride in being a working mum, and all of that was immediately snatched from me. Not only that, but it was the absolute worst time for it to happen.

I had a terrible feeling in my gut. It felt as though the whole world came crashing down. It wasn't until Ashton was standing in front of me, struggling to get my attention, that I was broken from my pained trance.

"Was that your boss? What happened?"

I debated on whether or not I should tell him. Sooner or later, he'd find out, but it was all a matter of when.

Deciding that I could never keep a secret from Ashton, I spilled. "I just got sacked."

Ashton's eyes were as wide as saucers. He stared at me, as if he was hoping for me to laugh in his face and tell him it was just a joke.

We looked at each other for a good ten minutes, unable to say a word. "My last paycheck is being transferred to the account. That's 8,000 dollars approximately. That should tie us over, at least for a bit," I assured.

Ashton was pale. He still didn't say anything, so I continued to speak. "I'll cancel the cleaning ladies this month. If we don't buy anything extra, we can save it all for bills and groceries. Babe, hate to break it to you, but you need to find a job."

Ashton nodded. "Bella, this isn't your fault."

I knew it wasn't, but I was not going to tell him that it was his fault. "Don't worry about it, baby. I love you. I made a vow to never leave your side. I never will."

Ashton smiled warmly, and pulled me into his tight embrace. I smelt his coconut shampoo mixed with his unwashed sweat from playing the drums the night before.

"We're gonna make it," I continued to assure. "I'm sure of it."

But maybe it was all just karma.

the Australian dollar, peeps. I do my research :)

hope you liked it. please comment and check out my other stories! (for your eyes only is a harlena fic)

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