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Harry's green eyes had not stopped gazing at me since we were all seated in the restaurant. Minus a few glances Elizabeth's way, Harry's attention was solely on me. And for some reason, I loved it.

I couldn't believe I was getting sucked in again, especially since it was clear Harry still had feelings for me. I wondered if I was just a rebound for Scarlett. Then, I remembered Scarlett was the rebound after me, and I grinned to myself.

Ashton didn't say a word. My husband, the ultimate optimist, had lost all hope. I wanted to comfort him, to tell him it would be okay. To be honest, I didn't know what would happen to us.

It was unfair. When we lost our baby, I was stricken with grief. I was convinced it was the end of the world and Ashton stayed by my side through it all. After that, I was determined our family would never experience that kind of turmoil again. I wished I could give Ashton that kind of support, but it isn't as easy for me. My situation was out of anybody's control. Ashton's stupidity is to blame.

Harry's stay in Sydney was a much needed distraction. He kept the kids occupied so I could focus on our problems. However, I could tell Riley knew something was going on. She seemed to be comforting Ashton throughout the dinner and sent me wary glances.

When we all made it home, I took a special visit to Riley's room to talk to her. She was twelve, old enough to understand what was going on.

Riley was awake in her bedroom, painted lilac at her request. She was staring at the shelf, which had a professional photo of all four of us. Happier times.

"Riles," I said, making my presence known. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Save it, Mum," she interrupted. I stared in shock at my daughter. "I don't want to talk about it. I already know."

"Did Dad say anything to you?"

"No," she said. "I figured it out myself. You were sleeping on the couch. I can't believe you would do that to him, Mum. I thought you loved him!"

"Riley! Couples argue all the time, it wasn't a big deal-"

"You're leaving him, aren't you? You want to get back together with Harry. I saw you two tonight, and so did Dad. He was so sad, you know?" She stared at me, anger flaring in her eyes. "Mum, if you're cheating on Dad, I'm never going to speak to you again."

"Riley," I began softly. "There is nothing going on between Harry and me. We were together before, and we're friends now, but it doesn't mean anything. I love your father, Riles. The thing is, lovey, we're a little tight on money."

"How tight?" Riley asked. Her voice was laced with confusion, but I could hear the relief in her tone.

"Very, very tight. We lost a lot of money from our bank accounts and I also got fired. So you need to be careful, okay? Dad's not feeling too great on it, so don't make silly requests, and try to stop Will from too," I explained.

Riley had a thoughtful expression on her face. "Mum... I'm so sorry."

I understood she was talking about falsely accusing me before. I embraced her in a hug, and basked in her sweet scent. My first baby in my arms, being ever so understanding and mature.

It wasn't long before a third pair of arms joined our hug, and the familiar scent of coconut filled the air. I felt my husband's scruff against my cheek and sighed.

Pulling apart, the three of us looked at each other intensely. I was a bit breathless. I kissed Riley on the cheek and walked out of the room. Ashton quickly followed me to our bedroom.

I turned to face Ashton. My heart broke at his tired eyes and sad smile. He didn't deserve this. He was taken advantage of.

I kissed Ashton and he responded hungrily. There was something animalistic in his mood. I ignored it and how uncomfortable it made me. I kissed him back with the same amount of passion.

But we broke apart soon after. Ashton was a bit breathless, but he stared at me lovingly. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I clutched onto his hand, kissing it lightly.

"We're going to be okay," I said softly. It was a promise I would try my hardest to fulfill. But the end was unpredictable nevertheless, so neither one of us was convinced.

Same Old Love (sequel to Heartbreak Girl)Where stories live. Discover now