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"I won't surrender,
I will fight through the pain."
- Mutiny, ARSHAD

The scolding hot sun felt like absolute hell to Mataya as she pushed herself to shuffle through it. Her voice was dry and scratchy and she grew immensely tired from the blazing sun high up in the sky. She felt her eyes droop as she continued to walk through the beaten up town which was completely destroyed by the Scorch. Letting her lips press tightly together as she swallowed the little bit of saliva that formed on her tongue, she tried her hardest to go on, but the more she walked, the more tired she got.

"Come on Mat, you are better than this." She mumbled to herself as she began to drag her left leg behind her, the searing pain of the wound making her body go numb in pain. "Fine, sitting for 10 minutes won't matter.."

Sliding down the large sand doom, she plopped under a large broken down piece of the dilapidated building -- a large platform 10 feet off the ground to provide shade and a safe hiding place in case they came looking for her.

They aren't coming for me, Ava had made that perfectly clear, she thought to herself as she shook her head and leaned against the cold brick, letting her eyes shut as she gripped her left leg and tugged it up closer to her chest. Letting out a loud groan of pain she took in a deep breath, grinding her teeth together as she pushed herself up with her arms and began to roll up the trousers.

"Shit.." She mumbled under her breath as she looked at the bloody fabric around it before she untied it, glad that the bleeding had stopped. She cringed at the large gaping bullet wound. Letting her head fall back against the cement she thought of anything that she could possibly do to cover it,  in case of infection. Grabbing her backpack she ripped it open, pulling out an extra tank top she had grabbed from her room and tearing it.

She was fully aware of what could happen if her wound was exposed, or even worse - got infected in such dreadful and dangerous conditions. Mataya wouldn't last long if she wasn't immune to the Flare that took a hold of your brain and ate away at it. Now, all she could do was hope and pray for the best - maybe, just maybe, luck would be on her side.

The sound of ripping fabric welcomed her as she pulled apart one of her favourite tank tops. She quickly tied it around the gaping wound; tugging at it as tight as she possible could and pulled her pant leg back down before grabbing one of the very limited water bottles she had and taking a tiny sip.

She grew more and more tired, her eyes feeling extremely heavy as they began to droop more. 10 minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt....would it?

Giving in to her exhausting body she let her eyes shut and fall into a deep slumber.

"Remember, WICKED is good Mataya." The familiar chilling voice haunted her head as her eyes locked on the golden brown ones. 

The boy was no longer hard at work like he should have been, noticing the somewhat flustered girl across from his desk; he looked up in curiosity.

The brunette got up from her seat slowly, a white piece of ripped paper in her hand as she walked around and towards the door, quickly slipping the paper into the boy's hand before scampering off quickly.

The boys eyes lingered on the exit door momentarily before he folded the paper open, his eyes scanning the black ink that was messily written on it.

Room A9. There's something important we should discuss.
- M

The boy's eyes looked up at the clock hung on the wall above him and he shot up from his seat -- earning an odd look from the blue eyed brunette across the room from him before he rushed out of the door and down the empty corridor.

Looking around carefully, he walked over to the large, grey door that read 'A9'. The door was slightly ajar and he pushed it open with a huff leaving his plump, pink lips. The hinges creaked and he shut the door behind him before he strolled into the large room, his eyes widening in awe at the cleanly kept room.

Surely, him and his coworkers did not have a room large and vast like this one was.

But then again, that's what happens when you work side by side with someone as big as Janson. Or, so he assumed.

Shaking his head he saw the brunette sitting on the large, double bed -- a prominent frown on her face as her eyes flickered up to his. Her arms ran across the silky fabric of the bed sheets as she spoke.

"Thomas, you don't know me but... I know you."  The girl said, her voice in a hushed voice.

The girl sat up from the bed and stepped down from the pedestal that the bed was perched on. The white and black swirly blankets were enough to distract Thomas for a moment. There was a white sheer curtain around it.

He wondered momentarily if Janson or the head of WICKED, Ava Paige had a room this nice -- no doubt about it was bigger and better.

"I'm Mataya." She took another step towards him, still keeping distance. "I need your help Thomas."

"Why me?" He questioned, "I've seen you work with Janson. Why not ask him?"

"We can't trust people like Janson. WICKED isn't what we think it is, and we need to get the out of here as fast as we can before each and everyone of us subjects....dies."

Mataya's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly, a large gasp escaping her lips as she let her eyes scan her surroundings. Her forehead dripped with sweat and her body felt stick as she panicked for a mere moment.

Letting her eyes shut, she ran her fingers through her greasy, sand filled hair before she decided that it was best that she started moving once again. Her body tried to protest as she pushed up from the ground, letting out a groan of pain as she was lifted off the warm sand with every strength in her body, she gripped her pack before slinging it on and looking out at the charred land ahead of her - The Scorch.

No one had made it through the Scorch alive. Well at least no one they have heard of. It was merely impossible - and tiresome. But she was going to make it, she had too. Mataya didn't have a choice because without walking through that charred land of absolutely nothing.

"Where could you be Thomas and Mary?"


My name is Mataya and I used to work at W.I.C.K.E.D. the place claiming to be our safe haven - the place that was going to save the human race. But when I caught on to their entirely wicked ways, I decided to take action of my own.
Now, Subject A9 is terminated. Left out on her own in the land of the scorch, but little do they know - I wont go down without a fight.



The won't be following the dialogue of TST.


EDITED: march 23, 2016

Subject Terminated // The Scorch Trials [1]Where stories live. Discover now