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"you know the fire's burning low
can you feel the flame, the fading glow?
you know we are slowing down"

MATAYA WAS overwhelmed with sadness everytime she thought about Minho. Yet another person she cared so deeply for was taken away by WICKED and yet another moment of feeling so utterly weak and hopeless. She didn't like feeling weak, she didn't like the underlying pain that came along with it as she sat on a large crate, her head in her hands as she desperately tried to hold back the tears threatening to spill.

The fire's that had been caused by WICKED's chaos were still blazing hot and crackling in the night sky, creating a warmth feeling to everyone as they sat around not knowing what to do or say. They had suffered a copious amount of loss tonight and they weren't sure what their next move would be, but they needed time to figure it out before they made rash decisions; like chase after WICKED, guns ablaze as they tried to fight because the first time clearly didn't work out so well.

Mataya sat away from the rest of the group, not wanting to communicate about how much loss they had suffered since leaving WICKED's humble abode. Sucking in a deep breath, she let her hands rub against her dirty face, cuts littered here and there from fighting. Pressing her fingers down on the delicate, aching skin she hissed a bit as it left a stinging sensation. It distracted her from the pain that was collected in her shoulder momentarily and she was thankful.

She had lost a lot of blood from getting shot, she had suffered a lot of pain along with it and she was surprised she was still here amongst her peers. She had a disadvantage though, people could see that large gaping wound in her shoulder and used it against her, creating a fiery pain inside of her.

There was shuffling from behind her and she looked behind her with caution and apprehension. Every sudden movement frightened her to no end. She felt her heart beat quicken when Newt stepped over a crate and took a seat beside her, a small smile on his face and a white box in his hand. She groaned out loud when she saw the large red cross across the box and turned her head back to the disaster of the area.

They both didn't say a word for quiet some time, just staring out into the horizon both wishing that they could be in a different predicament, both wishing that they had been in a different setting so they could actually enjoy the starry night above them. Mataya had small flashes of her life before WICKED, it seemed so peaceful and easy.

There was an itching in her skull and a dull ache as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at the dirt. More flashes of her old life - the life that was stolen - were evident, but were hazy.

It was Newt. There wasn't an actual image, but she could feel his presence almost inside of her head as she had a wave of deja vu rush over her.

"Do you remember anything from before your memories were taken?" Mataya finally asked, her gaze shifting back up to the night sky.

The moon was high up in the sky, creating a small light for them alongside the crackling flames around them. A small sigh was emitted from Newt's lips as his head leaned back against the crate and he did too look up at the sky.

"It's all a haze, like a fog is blocking my way to my memories." He mumbled, his eyes flickering over to Mataya. "Some things feel familiar but I never understand why."

Mataya let her bottom lip slide in between her teeth and she finally sat up, pulling the sweater she had been kindly given off. Turning to the sandy blonde British boy she smiled. Newt understood and sat up also, opening the box and pulling out a thread and a needle along with some scissors.

Mataya eyed the needle and almost wanted to get up and run at the thought of it being threaded through her thick skin. Newt tried to place the thread inside the needle, cursing under his breath as his hands shook slightly.

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