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"One kiss, turned the skies to grey
I'll never get away, no shelter from the rain." 
- Lightning, LITTLE MIX

The silk fabric of the plush pillow was enough to make Mataya Paige stir in her deep slumber. A deep groan emitting from the back of her throat as she let her clean face rub against the warmth. Hair was sprawled out around her and she felt a rough hand slip into hers, making her eyes fly open with surprise. 

"Mmm, good morning love." The deep voice grumbled from beside her, a wet sloppy kiss was placed against her forehead and she felt her body instantly relax. 

Mataya smiled softly her head lolling to the side as she took in his beautiful features, "Good morning." 

"We have a very busy schedule ahead of us today." This made Mataya instantly groan as she rolled over onto her side, her hand slipping from his grasp as she let it graze across his cheek.

The once soft skin was replaced with a prickly scruff that had grown over the years of being together, and his dark brown eyes were softer now, the bags that used to be so evident had faded since the days in the scorch. 

"I would much rather stay in bed with you all day." Mataya mumbled as the man she has loved so deep fully leaned forward towards her. 

Thomas let out a soft murmur as his lips placed against hers in a soft, short and sweet kiss. "I know babe, but sadly we have business to attend too." 

Mataya rolled her eyes but couldn't help a content smile crawl across her face as he pulled away. "What business? There's nothing to attend too anymore Thomas, we escaped all that stuff and started a life together. Away from it all." 

Thomas sighed, throwing the covers off his body as he got up from the comfy bed and shuffled towards the bathroom. "Just some small things and then I promise we can go back to longing about kissing and being all cute." 

Mataya let out a huff and rolled her eyes once more before she followed suit, letting the warmth be ripped away from her body as her feet touched the wooden floor. Reaching down, she picked up the white button dress shirt that had been lazily thrown there the night before and slipped it on. 

Sleepily she walked over to the bathroom, once she was done doing up the buttons she let her arms wrap around his bare chest and placed her head on his shoulder. Her eyes lingered in the mirror as she watched him smile back at her. 

"God I love you." 

Mataya smiled as her cheeks began to turn a bright red quickly. Her eyes flickered down the the gold band placed on her finger before she buried her face into the crook of his neck. Her toes began to ache from standing on them for too long and she could feel the vibration of laughter as Thomas watched her shy away.

Suddenly, that soft laugh was no longer the one she was accustomed to, it no longer was the one that made her face hurt from smiling. It was dark, scary, and deep within. 

Mataya was quick to pull away, a sadistic smile on the man's face as he watched her through the mirror. 

"Don't be afraid love." 

"What the hell Janson!" Mataya spat out, her chest heaving up and down quickly as she took another step back, her body coming in contact with the white bathroom door. 

Jansons smile grew wider as he spun around to face the half naked girl, his hand gripping onto a knife so tightly his knuckles grew white. "Don't be afraid Mataya, I'm not the killer here."

Mataya's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked down at her hands. Blood. 

Thomas' body lays limp on the floor, blood everywhere. 

Mataya's eyes widen as she lets out a blood curdling scream, her body turning from the scene of Thomas and Janson. Quickly as she turns on her bare feet and runs out of the room and down the hallway towards the stairs. 

The laughter of Janson echos through the hallways as she runs down the stairs and down into another corridor. Footsteps are loud and clear from behind her and she places her blood covered hands on the brass door handle as she pulls open the door.


The heat was enough to make her messy hair stick to the back of her neck. The world is no longer the way it used to be. The world was once again covered with sand, a result of the scorch destroying everything in sight. 

Buildings were dilapidated and no one was in sight. Mataya quickly spun around on her barefeet to see the house was long gone. 

She was once again lost in the scorch. 

"Teresa!" The familiar voice was enough to make Mataya turn back around, her eyes squinting from the bright, blazing sun from above. 


Mataya took a step forward as she watched the two adults embrace themselves in a tight, loving hug. The love radiating off them was enough to make Mataya's heart shatter into pieces as she watched them pull away and press their lips to another. 

"See what happens to bad people Mataya." The haunting voice said from behind her. 

Mataya's eyes filled with tears, "I'm not a bad person Janson." 

"That's where you are wrong Mataya, your fate is quite obvious here. You either kill Thomas, or watch him love someone else." 

Mataya sat up with a gasp, her body drenched in sweat as she took in her surroundings. All eyes were now focused on her and she felt her chest rise and fall at a rapid pace as she tried to calm herself down. 

"Mat, it's okay." Newt sat in front of her on the ratty old mattress and she shook her head.

Looking to the side she noticed Thomas was fast asleep, Teresa by his side with a sickening look on her face. 

Mataya quickly looked away, her heart clenching in pain as she looked back up at Newt. 

"What the hell happened?" 

Authors Note: 

I am not proud of this chapter at all, I am so sorry for this rubbish. 

Tell me what ya think I guess.

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