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"They don't own me,
I'm not a piece in their game
Can't control me
They're the only ones to be blamed"
- Arshad, GIRL ON FIRE

MATAYA PAIGE sat on the dirty mattress, her normally calm and pleasant demeanor had quickly changed to something ugly and unlike her. Her face contorted, her eyes narrowing into slits and her hands bawling into slits as she stared at the man across the room. The blonde man who had lied straight to their face was tied up in a chair, his face beaten and bloody from none other than Jorge himself.

That didn't do justice for Mataya though. She was shaking with anger as she pushed Newt's hand off her shoulder and got up from the mattress quickly. She stumbled back a bit, her head feeling woozy and lightheaded from whatever she drank. Pushing past the screaming in her head as it pounded in pain she stepped over a blanket.

"You're Marcus?" She said loudly, her voice booming off the walls creating a echoing effect.

Mataya didn't like her change in attitude; her once soft, calming voice was now gone. Her eyes glued on the corporate, Marcus. Her head was clouded as she walked forward towards him.

Marcus' tongue slipped out of his mouth and ran across his lip as he eyed the raging girl. With a roll of his eyes, he spoke, "And I thought you were the smart one."

She didn't hold back as she lunged at the blonde and sent an upper right cut to his head making the chair wobble in place and send him flying back onto the floor. Newt and Minho had gotten up from their spot instantly as Mataya went flying towards him and rushed forward. Both of them grabbed onto Mataya's arms as she pulled her fist back and went to send another punch flying in his direction.

"Hey hey hey!" Newt said, his hand gripping onto her right arm as she tried to pull away from their grip.

Mataya finally stopped wrestling against the two boys and let out a huff of air. Stepping forward, she let the saliva collect in her mouth before she tilted her head and sent the spit flying into his direction. Marcus clutched his face in agony and let his eyes narrow when the spit landed on his forehead.

"You're welcome for the free drinks." He muttered under his breath as Jorge stepped forward.

Minho and Newt still held onto the anger filled girl as they walked towards the couch. Mataya shrugged them off, walking away from the group and leaning against the wall. A large, clear window was beside her and she turned to it, trying to calm her nerves.

Mataya wasn't sure what came over her. She had gone back to her quiet self as she sulked in the corner, leaving the rest of the group to talk amongst themselves alone. She merely didn't want any part to do with anything at this point. If anything, she was fed up with her entire plan of getting to the safe haven. She was done with WICKED, she was done with Jorge and Brenda, and she was extremely done with Thomas.

Everything that had happened in the past few hours had been a haze to Mataya, but her dreams, her dreams were burned into her head like a scar. She couldn't shake the impending doom feeling bubbling inside of her as Janson's words echoed in her head repeatedly.

"You either kill Thomas, or watch him love someone else."

She shook her head, trying to rid of the words but it was there. It was there and it wouldn't leave no matter how hard she tried. She felt trapped. Trapped inside her own head as she tried so desperately to escape.

Like she escaped WICKED.

Sometimes, Mataya thought that WICKED was still controlling her every move and thought. Everything that Mataya did, was part of a plan. In fact, maybe WICKED planned this all. Her escape, her meeting Jorge and Brenda. Everything they did here was part of a sick game that they played.

Subject Terminated // The Scorch Trials [1]Where stories live. Discover now