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"I am a human being capable of doing terrible things

WHEN Mataya Paige woke, the tent she had been sleeping in had been consumed by hot flickering flames. The tent was slowly falling to ashes as she sat up quickly, her boy aching in pain as she began to cough uncontrollably. The smoke slowly clouded around her and she shut her eyes and shielded her face from the scorching heat. 

Looking down at her shoulder, it had been cleaned and stitched up perfectly and she took the time to quickly scan her surroundings before standing up on the makeshift cot. It wobbled as she balanced herself, noticing the her other wound was stitched up also. 

Balancing on the cot, she looked around for an opening to jump, if she stayed any longer she would be swallowed by the raging flames and she wasn't okay with that. Her eyes landed on an opening in the back, that side of the tent not being touched by the flames yet. She held her arms out by her side and waited for a second before she took a big leap, her body souring over tiny flames that had resided on the group before she landed in the safe zone. 

She quickly lifted the bottom of the tent, not caring about the pegs keeping it up and slid out. Chaos had taken over the right arm as explosives went off left and right. Gladers and others ran around alarmed, screaming and yelling at others to take cover or simply do one thing: run

Mataya thought about running, but she remembered Thomas, Newt, Minho and the others. Who would she be to just leave them in such a terror strickening time? 

WICKED had found them, and it was time for her to fight against them. It was time for Subject A9 to step out into the open and show them that she wasn't terminated and she's ready for her vengeance.

Running over to a large crate, she pushed it open and leaned down to grab a large rifle and a knife. SHoving the knife in her belt loop she kicked close the crate before running behind a larger one to shield her from the others. Peeking over the crate, there was a helicopter in the middle, Gladers and the others from the Right Arm were sitting on the ground. She looked around in hopes of seeing Thomas but she had no luck. 

Mataya let her bottom lip slide in between her teeth and she held the rifle tightly in her hand, placing it on top of the crate, she closed on eye and leaned forward, her finger on the trigger as she lined up to shot with Janson. 

The sound of a gun being loaded was present behind her, "Drop the gun." The muffled voice said. 

Mataya shut her eyes and cursed under her breath before letting go of the gun and standing up, her hands by her head as she turned around slowly. The man had a black mask on her face along with a black uniform that held protective pads. He was with WICKED, clearly. 

He motioned his gun for her to move forward and Mataya did. He grabbed ahold of her arm tightly and Mataya winced at the grip. He tugged her along and Mataya brought her other arm around, her fingers running across the silver blade before gripping it and bringing it up, she quickly twisted around, her arm twisting back in pain as she brought the knife forward, slicing it across his chest.

It didn't knick him, but it was enough to throw him off to loosen his grip, letting Mataya slip out of the grip and bring her foot up, connecting it with his head making him stumble back. 

His uniform had heavy padding and she wouldn't get far, but she began to sprint, trying to escape from the man but it was no luck. Running smack into another guard, he ripped the knife out of her hand and brought his hand up, digging his thumb into the fresh wound visible on her shoulder. 

Mataya squeezed her eyes shut and let out a blood curdling scream as her knees bent forward and she tried to get the man to stop. He grabbed ahold of her other arm and pulled her up, bringing both arms around her back and holding them tightly as she pushed her forward to walk. 

Mataya hated how utterly weak she had been feeling the past few days, she escaped WICKED once, but why couldn't she even fight back this time? 

Almost exhausted from the fiery pain inside of her, she didn't bother fighting back as she roughly continued to push her towards the others. Her eyes scanned everyone, and she furrowed her eyebrows together when she saw the familiar face. 

"Mary!" She called out.

The brunette turned towards Mataya and a wash of relief went over her as she tried to stand up and run towards the girl. The guard pushed her back down and she frowned, Mataya being shoved away. The man pushed his hand into her wound once more, forcing her down onto her knees beside Minho. 

"That guard seriously has some issues." Mataya grumbled from beside Minho.

"Where's Thomas?" Janson asked.

Mataya kept her head low, trying not to be recognized by anyone just yet. It wasn't time for her to be known by WICKED yet. Janson simply hadn't been listening for A9, or he surely would have turned his attention to her. Luckily enough, Thomas had always been the main priority for WICKED. 

"Right here." His voice was distant and Mataya looked up, alarmed. 

Guards went rushing forward and grabbed his arm, the others keeping their guns up, aimed at him incase anything happened. The guard shoved him forward quiet roughly and he stumbled a bit before catching himself. A sadistic smirk was across Jansons' face, he was satisfied that Thomas hadn't fought but just handed himself in. To Janson, this was an easy win. 

To everyone else, it was much more. 

"Thomas." Janson brought his fist forward into his stomach making him double over. "Get him in line." 

Mataya's eyes widened and she clenched her fists by her side. The guard pulled him forward, putting him in between Mataya and Minho. Mataya kept her head down as Janson looked over before he turned away. 

"Okay." Walking over to another man, Janson leaned closer, "Bring her in." 

Mataya leaned towards Thomas, "What the hell was that Thomas." She hissed, "You should have ran." 

Thomas looked over at her, "You've been running from WICKED for a long time, you should have ran also." 

Mataya looked up into the familiar brown eyes and frowned, "I couldn't leave you." 

Thomas smiled - if this were a different scenario, he would lean forward and kiss her, showing the brunette how he truly felt. Sighing, he nodded once, "I'm glad you didn't." 

Her heart pounded in her chest, his smile almost contagious as she smiled back before shaking her head and looked over at Newt, her heart clenching as he eyed her before turning away. Sucking in a breath, Mataya looked back at Thomas. "So what's the plan?" 

"We fight." 

Author's note: 



and i'm not complaining but the "pls update" comments just make me not want to update, so that's usually why a new chapter takes forever to be uploaded. it just gets aggravating and i literally want to rip my hair out. 

Anyways, don't forget to vote, shit's going DOWN in the next chapter. 

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