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"Going down the dusty roads,
We are cold and see-through."
- I Need You, M83

Mataya paced back and forth, her teeth chattering against her nails as she never removed her eyes from the dirty floor. Her stomach was filled with a gut wrenching knot that made her feel absolutely sick. It's how she felt when she was about to leave WICKED, and go out into the Scorch. Jorge let out a sigh as he let his eyes follow the nervous girl.

"We aren't going to call WICKED, Mat." His voice was clear like always, and usually, it calmed her. But not today.

Mataya stopped pacing, "It doesn't matter, they could be looking for them! Everyone downstairs wants to call WICKED and sell them back. Subject A9 is supposed to be dead!"

Brenda rolled her eyes at the over dramatic teenage girl, "If they didn't look for you in the tiny sliver of hope that you would be alive, then they probably won't look for them. They probably think they are dead also."

"You don't know that Brenda. And what about the others? They are criminals, you know? They will do anything for money and guaranteed safety."

"We can deal with the others later. What Jorge says goes around here. Stop worrying about it, you don't know what WICKED will do."

Mataya rolled her eyes, "That's what I'm afraid of." She mumbled and began to pace once again, "Let me talk to them!" She stopped and faced the two.

Jorge shook his head and got up, "I will talk to them. You stay here with Brenda."

"But I might know them!" Mat walked forward, her voice pleading as she protested against Jorge's orders. Her arms held up in the air as she smiled, eventually clapping her hands
together in a praying manner.

Mataya felt a surge of anger boil inside of her as Jorge got up and pushed past the distressed girl. Of everyone who should be talking to them, it should be Mataya. The girl who was raised in WICKED, the girl who knew everything -- until Ava ruined everything -- about the whole company.

Shaking her head she let out a huff as her energized body flopped back onto the couch. Her eyes shut as she sunk her head into the cushions. She was annoyed and she had absolutely no idea why, but she couldn't shake the feeling off. Her stomach was twisting and turning in an oddly familiar way and she couldn't sit there just waiting. Placing her hands on her face she rubbed at it viciously, like she was trying to wash away every trace of her existence.


Mataya let out one more sigh as she let her fingers comb through her brunette hair. Her eyes flickered over to Brenda's as she gave her a small smile. Mataya pressed her lips together in a small smile, her eyes flickering over to where Jorge had exited the room.

"I can't just sit here and wait." Mataya said, "We could be in danger now and we need to do something."

Moment's had past and the anticipation began to kill her. Brenda had left to go downstairs and left Mataya with her horrid thoughts that began to eat her alive. Her throat let out a raspy groan and she smacked her hands on the couch cushion, the ratty, gross feeling of the fabric made her cringe and dust flew up into the atmosphere.

She pushed off with her weight and began to head towards where Jorge and the others were. The sound of her slightly heeled combat boots was the only sound as she walked down a rutted up corridor -- which really wasn't one -- till she stood in the shadows.

Her eyes lingered on Jorge's and an unknown figure further up in the shadows. The two lingered momentarily before they walked away from the hanging teenagers.

Subject Terminated // The Scorch Trials [1]Where stories live. Discover now