Him and War

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Tai takes in a shaky breath before opening Val's door. Val sits on his bed with just his pants on. He is brushing his hair.

"I guess the no knocking thing is genetic" he smirks. "What are you talking about?" Tai asks. Val twirls his hair and stands up. "Let's cut straight to the chase shall we?" He spreads his arms out.

"I just wanted to....thank you for saving Maisarah" Tai says and looks his brother in the eye. "It was a pleasure" Val says and goes to the window. He grabs a thin chain off the ledge and chucks it at Tai.

Tai catches it and looks to see that, hanging on the chain is a snakes fang. It has the letter 'T' carved into it.

"I know you don't trust me. Wear that and I won't be able to see into your mind" Val says and sits down again. "How do I know that this is a real snakes fang?" Tai questions.

Val looks up and smiles, "There is this thing called trust, little brother. I see that you still have to learn the art." Tai slips the chain over his head and onto his neck.

With a final glance at Val, he leaves the room.

"When will someone that isn't a peasant show up?" Mai asks Sadon as she sits on her throne. "I don't think anyone rich person would bother stoping hear. Dracodia isn't exactly number one on the 'You have to stop by' list" Sadon replies.

"That is truly depressing" Mai frowns. "Maisarah" Tai sighs as he enters the room. Mai diverts her gave to his, "What is it?" "Feeling better?" He asks.

"About as good as a flying pig in mud!" She exclaims. "Who is that, your majesty?" Sadon asks and looks out the window.

Mai looks and sees Hansen walking through her castle gates. "Just when I was in a good mood" she mumbles. "Tai stay back, I do not need you getting hurt. Valtwine!" She yells.

Val comes around the corner. "Yes luv?" He says. "Your fathers here. Would you care to say a word?" Mai asks and he nods. After a minute or two, the door flies open.

"Hello Maisarah, Taidonothie and Valtwine. It is a pleasure to see you all" he grins as he walks in. "What do you want?" Mai asks.

"I have gotten sick of waiting for you to return Maisarah. I have been waiting and waiting for you knock on my door again. But you never did!" He exclaims.

"I am here to declare war, Maisarah. No fun and no games. Pure war. I shall pay another visit with my friends in 1 week exactly" Hansen grins and leaves. "Don't leave!" Mai holds her hand out and curves her fingers, pulling Hansen back to where he was standing before.

He smiles and places a hand on the sword at his hip. "I shall leave when I want to" he snarls and shoves his hand out, throwing Mai into the wall. She falls to the ground, unconscious.

"That's it!" Val walks up to Hansen and pushes him, sending him flying through the window. Hansen gets up and grins, then leaves the castle grounds.

"Maisarah!" Tai exclaims and rushes over to her. Val follows and checks her pulse. "She'll be fine. She's still breathing" he sighs. "You are stronger then him" Tai looks his brother in the eye.

"He seemed weaker today" Val frowns. "Tai" Mai says drowsily. "Mai, are you alright?" He asks. She nods and stands up slowly. "Where did he go?" She asks.

"I threw him out. Like literally" Val smirks. "Good" Mai says and sits on her throne again. "I really can't deal with this right now" she groans. "I hate being the queen so much. Sometimes I wish that I died instead of Sadona so she became queen and I didn't."

"Luv, you are a wonderful queen. One of the hardest things about ruling is dealing with the pressure and surprise battles. These are all things that you do so well" Val smiles.

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