Aches of a Broken Heart

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The villagers all either look out their windows or stand on the street to watch as a carriage is led down the main road by two horses, both black. Mai and Val ride separate horses, side by side, behind the carriage which holds Tai's coffin.

Mai keeps her head hung low with her hood over her head. Behind them is Sadon on horseback and behind him is all of Mai's army all on foot.

"I heard the queens lover died" a heavily pregnant women mutters into her husbands ear as they watch from their front door. "It doesn't matter. She was having an affair with Valtwine. I guess she'll be happier now that her old lover is dead. I mean it's not like he is the father of her baby" a street maid says to the couple.

Mai hears this and creates a fireball in one hand and sighs before throwing it into the pregnant woman's husbands chest, killing him instantly. "No!" The woman cries and falls to her knees to try and revive him.

Mai pulls Cobalt to halt and looks the woman in the eye. "What is your name?" She asks. "Abby" she says between sobs. "Let me ask you something. Are you happy now that your dear beloved husband is dead?" Mai asks and tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

"No. Not at all. Our baby is due in four days. I need him for that! I can't be a single mother at 19 years old! I can't do it! I just can't" Abby sobs.
"Well it's a good thing that that child doesn't belong to that man isn't it?" "What do you mean? This is Gade's child!" She yells.

"No it's not! Do not lie to yourself!" Mai screams. "You had an affair with the school teacher 9 months ago! When you eventually came home to your husband you also slept with him. The next morning you found out that you were pregnant! You just assumed that it was Gade's but it isn't!"

"No! It is his!" Abby says to reassure Mai. "It has to be." "You need to proof to believe me don't you? They always need proof" Mai frowns and wipes her tears away but they continue to fall.

"Ash Fern! I queen of this realm order you to come to the main road!" she yells into the crowd. A tall man in a filthy suit comes running around the corner. "If you feel pain when I kill this man then he is the father. If you feel nothing than I am wrong."

Abby nods her head and bites her lip. Mai holds up her hand and clenches it into a fist, snapping Ash's neck. She then looks to Abby to see her smiling. "I don't feel anything. You were wr-" she begins but then all of a sudden crouches over in pain. She begins to scream.

"What have you done to my baby!?" She manages to say as blood begins to fall down her legs. "There was a trick to this. I never do things without a catch. If you told me and everyone the truth. Your child would've remained in the same state it was in before. But you lied" she begins to explain.

"So your baby is now bleeding to death." "Oh my god. How can you be so heartless!? Especially when you are going to have your own child!" Abby yells. "Now you understand how it is to lose everyone. Never underestimate a situation where someone has lost a loved one. You will never understand the pain I've been through!"

"What's worse than losing your husband and unborn child in the same day?" She asks. "You still have both of your parents you can run along to. As well as a younger sister. I do not" Mai replies. "19 years old are you?"

Abby nods stiffly. "You would've only been 7 when it happened. You probably wouldn't even know" she shakes her head slowly. "Know what?" Abby asks, confused.

"12 years ago, a massive crime was committed" Mai begins but Val grabs her shoulder. "The royal family was murdered. The King, queen, princess as well as the guests that were there at the time. The only ones to survive were the eldest princess, Maisarah, and the family servant, Sadon" Val explains for her.

"I faintly remember the funeral. Mother said it was best for us to attend" Abby says. "It was best huh? Well it isn't best to attend this one. Everyone stays in this village while the funeral is on and that is an order!" Mai yells.

She then looks Val in the eye to see his eyes filled with concern. She then signals for the carriage driver to go. He does and she, Val and her army continue to head to the funeral site.

It seemed to take forever to arrive but they did eventually. Mai dismounts her horse and freezes when she looks at the cottage that Tai had once escaped to. Sadon helps a few members of the army to build a pile of wood. They then set it on fire.

Val walks to the side of Mai and the army remove their helmets and lower their heads. "May Taidonothie have a pleasant journey into a better life" Sadon says then lifts the coffin, with the help of another, into the fire.

Mai feels the tears pour down her cheeks as she watches the burn. It isn't until she sees the outline of Tai's hand burning that she bursts into tears. "Stop! No you're hurting him!" She screams and goes to run towards the fire but Val grabs her shoulders to pull her back.

"No! Let me go! We have to help him!" Mai yells in protest but Val continues to pull her back. She quickly realises that there isn't any hope left for Tai and gives up trying to help him. She turns around into Val's arms and places her had on his chest as she cries. Part of her wants to watch the flames take him away but the fear of seeing him in pain is stronger and she just cries.

Val holds her firmly against him and cries himself as he watches his brother burn. Eventually the flames die out but not before night dawns upon them. Sadon gathers all of Tai's ashes and places them in an urn.

He then hands the urn to Mai. She takes is a walks over to the flowers in the front garden. She then spreads the ashes all over the flowerbed. Val pulls out the sword that Tai used in the great battle and stabs it in the ground in front of the garden.

Mai then uses her powers to carve, Taidontothie (Tai) beloved brother and lover. Died honourably battle. Was taken away too soon.
"It's perfect" Val compliments.

She lets out a son and falls to her knees. Val kneels beside her and embraces her again. "It's going to be okay. I know it not much comfort but I'm hurting as well" he says.

"I'm sorry. He was your brother. I wasn't even related to him" Mai sobs. "No, don't apologise. You two may as well have been related." "I miss him so much" she cries and buried her face in Val's shoulder.

Maisarah sits by the window and fiddles with her necklace which Val removed from Tai and gave to her. She knows that Val won't be able to see into her mind anymore but she doesn't think that it's that bad of a thing.

"What are you thinking about?" Val asks as he enters the room. "How you can't see my thoughts anymore" she replies. "I'm still getting used to it. I did enjoy reading you mind" he smirks and walks over to her.

"You okay?" He places a hand on her shoulder. Mai smiles then looks at him. His long hair is as clean as ever as it is tied in a low ponytail on the back of his head. There are a few loose strands that hang by the side of his eyes.

She reaches up and tucks one of them behind his ear. Val chuckles and takes Mai's hand. He examines it and kisses all of the calluses which have been there only since recently.

"I'm fine" she says. Val crouches so he's closer to Mai's level. She leans down and her lips press against his. It's starts off slow and Val caresses Mai's cheek. He pulls away after a minute and frowns.

"What?" Mai asks in concern. "You're not okay. I can tell" he responds. "What are you talking about? I'm fine, seriously." "You're not wearing your necklace. You're holding it, I can see into your mind" he sighs and opens her clenched fist to reveal the necklace

Mai rolls her eyes and quickly places the necklace around her neck.
"I'm fine" she snaps and stands up. "Stay out of my head" she orders and goes to leave the room but Val gets up and grabs her hand.

"I'm sorry. If you don't want to tell me then don't. I care about you and I'm here for you. You need to know that" he apologises. Mai smiles and pulls her hand away. "I know" she says and leaves the room.

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