The Fire Realm •|Part Two|•

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"Loki" Mai gasps. "That's me" Loki smiles. "I hear that you are here to get that creature over there." Mai looks behind her to see that the creature still stands in the same spot.

"Why would it bother you?" She snaps. "It doesn't. I just want to give you a choice and I suggest that you think hard about it" Loki says with a grin on his face.

Mai looks at him like he was brought in with the rubbish. "I will hold the creature for you while you make use of its abilities, but I shall kill Valtwine as payment. Or I just kill both of you and let Tai know that you're dead" he says.

"Take the first one" Val mutters. "No! I am not leaving you! Especially when you can't fend for yourself" Mai tries to smile. Val leans up and whispers into Mai's ear. She nods and closes her eyes as another tear falls down her cheek.

"Option one, I will take your stupid option one" she spits. "Are you sure?" Loki opens his hand and a small red rope appears. Mai bites her lip and nods. She kisses Val before gently placing his head back on the ground and getting up.

Loki sighs and throws the rope towards the creature. It tightens around the creature's neck and Loki pulls it towards Mai. "It's name is Bright" he grins.

Mai extends her arm out towards Bright. She hesitates before gently touching it's head. She pulls away and looks Loki in the eye. "Is that all that happens? Am I now super powerful?" Mai asks.

"Wait, just wait" Loki murmurs. Mai goes to say something when something lifts her into the air. "What is happening?" She yells. "You are getting your new powers" Loki says.

Her dress starts to rip and her shoes disintegrate. Long claw like nails shoot out of her fingertips. "Help me!" She screams. "Maisarah!" Val tries to sit up but falls back down again.

"I thought you were dead" Loki snickers. "I am more powerful then you think" Val frowns. "What on earth is happening to her?" "Oh, umm. You see, Bright possesses two spirits. A spirit of a death mini God and a spirit of a life mini God. Depending on the type of magic one possesses, depends on which spirit inhabits their body. Since Maisarah has dark magic then she gets the mini God of darkness, Isobelle" Loki grins.

Mai screams as her head snaps back and her eyes roll into the back of her head. "What is a mini God?" Val asks. "Basically a real gods half sister or half brother. They possess half of the power that the real God does. If the person already has a lot of power and gets a mini God spirit on top of it hen they are a force to be reckoned with" Loki chuckles and looks back at Mai.

She shuts her eyes. A black vines wraps around her arm. Her nails turn black. She opens her eyes to reveal charcoal black holes. "Looks like Isobelle is getting comfortable" Loki says.

Mai falls into the ground and after a minute, stands up again. "Maisarah?" Val asks hesitantly. "That's not Maisarah. That is Isobelle" Loki opens his hand to reveal a small fireball.

"Hello Isobelle" he smiles. "Long time no see" she says bitterly. "I never liked you, you know. But in this body and with this power, I think that I might be able to finally extinguish this flame." She combines her hands together and disconnects them to reveal a massive water ball.

She lifts it over her head and throws it at Loki. He goes to dodge it but it hits him. "No!" He yells and falls to the ground, vanishing into thin air. "Now as for you" she smiles icily and walks over to Val.

"I can tell that Maisarah likes you, just from the vibes that she's giving me. She doesn't want me to harm you" Isobelle laughs. "But I am afraid that I just may have to kill you." "Mai I know that you are in their luv. Take control! You can do it!" Val yells.

Isobelle grins and creates a fireball. Val bites his lip and looks at the ground. "Maisarah cone back to us" he mumbles. "Come back to me." Isobelle throws the fire ball and it just misses Val's heart, hitting his stomach instead.

"Goodbye Valtwine" Isobelle cackles and then falls to the ground. Val's eyes roll back into his head and he passes out. "No" Mai gasps and rushes over to him.

"What have I done?" She checks his pulse. "I killed you. This is all my fault" she sobs and places her head on his chest. Her tears fall on to Cal's chest and start glowing. All of a sudden Mai feels a hand on the back of her head.

"It isn't your fault. That was Isobelle" Val says. Mai sits up and looks at him. "Your alive!" She gasps and embraces him. "I am so, so sorry" she cries. "Maisarah, it is not your fault. I am alive and so are you and we are both okay" Val says.

Mai pulls away from him and looks him in the eye. "Did you completely miss the past hour? I tried to kill, no I actually killed you Valtwine! And I can't even control my new powers! I am not okay! I don't want to hurt anyone that I care about" she frowns.

"Hey, you may have killed me but you brought me back did you not?" He grabs her hand. "Yeah, but I have no idea how I healed you. I just cried on to your chest and boom, you were alive again. I can't control any of my other powers except for the ones I already have" she exclaims.

"Mai we will figure this out. We should head back, Tai is probably getting worried" Val says. "Stop trying to dodge the subject!" Mai yanks her hand from Val's grip and stands up. "I have been possessed by some evil spirit and I cannot control what she does or who she harms! I even killed a god! I killed Loki Val and I didn't even blink to do it! I am turning into a monster!"

"No you are not. You are not a monster, Isobelle is. As you said, you cannot control it when she takes over. You do not do this when you are yourself luv" Val stands up and grabs her shoulders. "We love you Mai, I love you and I am not going to let you go just because somebody is possessing you. We will work something out. I promise."

"When I-she was about to kill you, why didn't you try to stop me with your powers?" Mai asks. "I was using all of my magic to keep me alive. If I used some on you then I would have died instantly. I also didn't want to risk hurting you" Val says.

"Well, are you going to make a portal?" Mai smiles. Val waves his hand over the fire wall but nothing happens. He does it several more times but nothing happens. "What's wrong? Why isn't it working?" Mai asks, alarmed.

"Something is happening at the castle. It won't let me go there" Val sighs and looks at Mai. "I shall take us to just outside the gates. We will figure out the rest later" he says and waves his hand over the fire wall again revealing a portal.

"After you" Mai says. Val nods and walks through, shortly followed by Mai. This time when Mai opens her eyes, she sees Tai standing beneath her. She smiles as she lands on top of him, knocking him off his feet.

"Maisarah! Your back!" He exclaims and she kisses him. "I promised that I would come back did I not?" She smiles and gets off of him. "What happened to you? Your clothes, they are ruined" Tai says as he gets up.

"I will explain later" Mai flicks a hand in the air, making her clothes brand new again. "You look better in filth, luv" Val smirks. Mai grins and goes and embraces him. "We made it" she laughs.

"That we did. Did you ask Taidonothie about the castle or is that still unknown?" Val asks as he pulls away. "Well, what happened?" Mai turns and faces Tai again.

"I went out to buy a real sword to practice with. I was just about to go back inside" Tai says simply. "I should have known. You cannot go back to the same spot unless the person that watched you go through is there" Val says.

He holds his hand out and a massive sword appears. "The sword, brother" he hands it to Tai. "Look it is great that you can summon swords out of thin air but, we have a lot of talking to do. Should we go inside?" Mai asks.

"Sure" Tai says and places a hand on her lower back. She sighs and flicks her wrist at the gates, causing them to open. They then enter, Mai closing the gates behind them.

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