The Fire Realm •|Part One|•

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"Deep in the realm of fire, lives a creature so bright that you cannot look at it. If you manage to make contact with it your powers would strengthen so much that you would almost be invincible. However the creature is extremely timid and does not like humans. It lives on the other side of the flames that protect Loki's castle."

Val gets up and looks out the window. His mother told him a legend as a child about a creature that could make you stronger. If Maisarah could find it, then she may gain enough strength to defeat Hansen, Val thinks.

He brushes his hair and ties it up into a ponytail, leaving a few loose strands. He then heads to Mai's room and knocks on her door. Maisarah opens the door and frowns. "I do not want to talk to you right now" she says and goes to shut the door when Val puts his foot in the way.

"Please just listen" he pleads. She sighs vexingly and steps to the side, "Bring your magical self inside my room." He walks in and she shuts the door.

"What is so important that you had to talk to me now?" Mai asks. "Look I know a way that you could become stronger so you can defeat Hansen. All you have to do is go to the fire realm and touch this creature, then you would become really powerful" Val says.

"How do know that this will work? That this creature actually exists?" Mai asks and gestures with her hand. "My mother told me the legend when I was a child" Val mumbles.

"Oh, so you are telling me to chase a legend!?" She yells. "It is true! I would not be wasting my breath otherwise" Val says. "How do you know that it's true? Like you said it is a legend! Legends are never true!" Mai frowns.

"You just have to believe me!" Val starts to raise his voice. "Why should I?" Mai asks. "Because I care about you Maisarah! I want you to defeat Hansen without defeating yourself!" He yells.

Mai takes a step back, her jaw drops. "How do we get to this fire realm anyway?" She asks calmly. "I can take you there" Val says. "Tai is coming" Mai snaps. "Not you."

"Do you think that he can protect you in the fire realm!? He can barely protect himself! Only I can bring you back and only I know what the creature looks like! I care for Tai as well Mai, in case you haven't noticed he is my brother!" Val yells.

Mai knows that he is right, she just doesn't want to admit it. "Fine. You and I shall go" she gives in. "We have to tell him though, before we leave."

Val nods and leaves the room with Mai. They go to Tai's room and knock on his door. "It's open" he says and they walk in. He lays on the bed and looks at them.

"What's going on?" He asks. Mai sits at the foot of the bed and places a hand onto Tai's leg. "Val is taking me to the fire realm. He is going to help me find this creature that will make me more powerful" she says.

"When are we leaving?" Tai smiles and sits up. "Tai" Mai looks him in the eye and he frowns. "I am coming right?" He asks. "No. You're not" Mai says. "Val is going to protect me and help me find the creature. You would not be safe if you came."

"I cannot believe that I am letting you go but I trust Val to protect you. As much as it kills me to see you leave. Just promise me one thing" Tai caresses Mai's cheek.

"Come back to me" he says and kisses her. Val watches with pain. "We should go" he mutters and Mai and Tai pull apart. She gets up and stands next to Val.

Val waves his hand over the wall, revealing a portal. "I shall go in first. Wait a few seconds then follow" he says to Maisarah. He goes to walk through when Tai yells, "Be careful."

Val smiles and walks through the portal. After a few seconds, just as she was told, walks through the shimmering wall. She closes her eyes and feels resell getting thrown around.

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