Mixed Emotions

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Mai had never realised how boring her room was until now. She had absolutely nothing to do. She could practice magic but that could ruin the room. She has already had to rebuild her room several times.

Mai sits on her bed and closes her eyes. She tunes in to any sounds in the kingdom that seem good enough to listen to. "I can't die and you know I can't. There are too many risks involved and I would be resurrected quickly before I actually die" she hears Val say as he and Tai enter the castle grounds.

"What on earth are they talking about?" Mai mutters before tuning into them again. "I guess I could die. I don't have powers. There aren't any risks if I die" Tai states.

"Yeah, but do you think that Mai would kill you? She loves you too much" Val frowns.  "I don't know. For the first time in my life. I don't know what to do."

Without wasting another second, Mai orbs to the front of the castle where the boys have stopped in their tracks.
"Why are you talking about me killing you?" She asks. Val keeps staring at the ground as Tai gets the strength to look Mai in the eye as he speaks.

"We went and saw Ela. She said that the only way to get rid of Isobel, was if you would kill someone who you love" he says. "What he is basically saying is that you would need to end the life of either a relative or lover" Val looks and Mai and gives her a tight smile.
"And since you don't have any relatives left, you will have to kill either Tai or my beloved self."

"What about Natheria!? I could kill her!" Mai yells. Val chuckles softly and shakes his head. "You wouldn't let me kill her when she tried to kill you. Are you sure you could do it now?" He asks.

"I can try" she says. "You cannot try! We don't have enough time to find her just to see if you can take her life or not!" Val yells. "What do you mean we don't have time!? Do you have dinner plans or something!? What is more important then getting rid of Isobel!? And at the same time eliminating a possible threat!" Mai's eyes start to water. She turning soft. She will have to deal with that later.

"Ela said that Isobel will try to take over your body and basically kick you out. The baby is in the way of her doing just that. It works like a barrier if you must. She said that Isobel is strong to kill that child within a week" Val sniffs and Mai realises that he too is on the verge of tears.

"You don't want to lose our child" Mai gasps with realisation. Val smirks as the tears start to fall. "Could you expect any better from me? Did you think that a father would want his first child killed before it is even born, luv?" He says through gritted teeth. "I am not that heartless!"

"Do you think that I wish for this baby to die!? If I did it would be dead by now!" Mai yells. Tai watches them from a distance. This is their fight, besides he would probably get a fireball in the chest if he moved or said anything.

"What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?" Mai starts to cry and walks up to Val. She starts hitting him in the chest while saying, "What do you want me to do?"

Val sighs and embraces her. She cries into his shoulder and he tries to hold his tears back. "I'm sorry. I don't what to do. I don't know. I don't know" and then Val loses it and bursts into tears. Tai straightens his back and slowly walks back into the castle. He can't stand there any longer.

Val just stands there and holds Mai while they both cry. It feels like Mai will fall apart if Val lets her go. He has always wanted to be the one to hold her together, and she him.

"We should go go inside" Mai says and pulls away from Val as she wipes her eyes. "If you must" he tightly smiles and extends his arm. Mai looks at it then swiftly heads to the castle. Val sighs and drops his hand before following her.

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