Truth Shadows Reality

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"Please don't tell Tai about tonight" Mai pleads as she and Val walk towards her chambers. "He has a right to know Maisarah. You have nothing to be ashamed of" Val says.

"Please Valtwine" she stops and looks her in the eye. He sighs heavily and frowns. "Call me if you need anything" he says and walks off. Mai lowers her head as she enters her room. She sits on the bed and looks at her family portrait.

She waves her hand over it and another young girl with long blonde hair appears next to Mai. "Natheria, I thought you were dead. Father said that you fell into a lake and drowned, after the incident between us" she talks to herself.
"I think he then erased my memory so that I would remember as though you left us. And that you hit me..but you did far worse. I just can't remember what. Wait, how did I just remember that? What just came out of my mouth?"

"You'd probably call it remembering lost memories but I'm going to take it as a love confession" Mai hears Natheria say matter of factly. She looks up and sees her sister standing in front of her wearing a navy blue jumpsuit. "What are you doing here?" Mai asks.

"I thought that it would take you longer to remember what was erased. I may as well give you the rest of the information now" she sighs before locking gazes with her younger sister.

"We had a fight over Sadona. You were paying so much attention to her and you would hardly speak with me. It angered me so much. I didn't know how much longer I could take it. We had the best relationship two sisters could have until she was born. So one night when you were reading her a bedtime story, just like I did to you, I came in and snatched the book out of your hands. Here just give me your hand. I'll show you what happened."
Mai grabs Nat's hand and closes her eyes.

"Natheria! What are you doing!" Mai yells. "That's our story! I wrote that take for you! How could you read it to her! She can't even understand you!" tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

"Is this all over our new sister? She is just a baby. She will never replace you" Mai tries to console Nat but it just makes her even more vexed. "You're lying!" She screams and pushes her hand out sending Mai flying into the wall. As she hits the wall her head snaps back and makes a sickening couch as hits the wall. She then falls to the ground, limp.

Blood starts to pool around her body. "Maisarah?" Natheria rushes over to her. She shakes Mai's shoulder to try and wake her up. "Mai wake up! Please Mai! I'm sorry! Please wake up!" She cries.

"What on earth is going on?" Sacleria asks as she enters the room. "You've made Sadona cry. What happened?" She asks but then freezes where she is as she sees Natheria crouched down by Mai's limp body.

"Madwin!" She screams and picks up Sadona. Made in comes rushing in and a look of pure horror creeps into his face. He immediately goes to Mai and checks her pulse.

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to" Natheria sobs. "She isn't breathing" he says. "You killed her" Sacleria accuses Nat. "Mum I didn't mean to-" "I don't want to hear it" she cuts her daughter off. "Monsters like you don't deserve to breathe let alone speak."

She then storms off taking Sadona with her. Natheria gulps and looks to her father for help. He avoids eye contact and places two hands on Mai's head. After a while she starts breathing again.

"You will be leaving this family. I don't care where you go. Just leave, please" Madwin says. "Father! I have no where to go!" Nat whispers in shock. "You will only cause more trouble if you stay here so please just leave" he says and leaves the room taking Mai in his arms.

"I then ran away and tried to drown in a lake. I should've drowned but he saved me" Natheria sighs. "Who did?" Mai asks. "You don't need to know just yet. I should go, I have revealed the truth to you now so maybe you'll have a better understanding" she smiles.

"There's something that I want you to think about though. Mother's strength was premonitions. She would've known what was going to happen yet she didn't stop me. She would've known that you would survive yet she still called me a monster and wished for my death" she says and disappears into the thin air.

Before Mai has time to think her door flies open and Tai rushes in.
"Where have you been? I woke up and you weren't there. I've been looking everywhere for you" he exclaims.

"I went for a ride to clear my head" she says simply. She decides to leave out the part about Val being with her. Some things are better left unsaid.
"Are you okay? You look as though you've been crying" he asks and he takes a seat besides Mai.

"Absolutely fine" she replies quietly. "Can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
"If you can see the future then you would've been able to see what would happen when you touched the creature. You would've been able to see that an evil spirit, who could control you, would inhabit your body and be almost impossible to get rid of. Why didn't you just leave the creature alone and not intercept Isobel at all?" He enquirers.

Mai laughs but there is no humour in it. "It doesn't work that way. You have to want to see the future and half the time it doesn't work. You can't just look ahead to see if your broken toe will heal. Something that could affect your life has to happen for you to be able to foresee it. Unless premonitions are your strength. Then you see everything whether you want to or not" she explains.

Tai places an arm around Mai's back and gently grabs her opposite shoulder. He then pulls her into him and kisses the top of her head. "You're tense" his face fills with concern.

"Hansen is coming today. It wouldn't surprise me if he came at any moment" she sighs heavily. "We will kill him. You will kill him" Tai encourages. Mai smiles sadly and looks Tai in the eye.
"You are not going to die on me. You will help but you will not die. You are not even aloud to receive a scratch" she orders.

"I'll do my best" he says it like its a question. "You will not do your best. You will not receive any scratches or die or I will kill you myself" Mai playfully elbows Tai in the ribs. "What's the point of not dying in battle of your just going to kill me anyway? I want to die with at least a bit of honour" he smiles as he fiddled with a lock of her hair.

"Please, you already have heaps of honour by still being alive. Most people who come to see me always leave either in a coffin or a jar" she laughs.
"I'm glad that I'm the first to survive."

They get interrupted by the sound of hooves trampling the ground and the sound of horses neighing. Mai rushes to the window and sees Hansen and his men riding horses through her castle gates.

"Val!" She yells. Within moments Val appears. "I hope your ready" she tells Val and Tai before leaving the room.

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