C h a p t e r 1 8

644 26 21

I hate school.

Especially on rainy days. Everyone acts like they've lost all common sense and all I can think about is sleeping.

Jesse's making the best of it though.

This morning I woke up to find him staring out of my window smiling at the rain. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy.

He even made me breakfast. Hot chocolate, chocolate chip cookies and an omelette.

He's been singing to me all day too. This morning as I was getting dressed for school he came and sat in front of me and started tying my shoes as he sang.

"Stop and wait a sec when you look at me like that my darling. What did you expect? I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck. Or I did last time I checked. Not shy of a spark, a knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark. Frightened by the bite though it's no harsher than the bite. Middle of the adventure, such a perfect place to start."

Then he looked up at me with this big beautiful smile that melted my insides.

"Sing with me."

I was going to politely decline but I didn't want to shine on his already raining parade. So I grabbed the imaginary mic and sang the next verse.

Before I knew it we were both singing our hearts out while looking each other deep in the eyes. When the song ended we both laughed so hard that we fell on the floor.

So yeah, that was that.

As you can tell, I've been having an amazing morning.

"Hello class, sorry for my tardiness." Mrs. Pink greeted as she walked in the class sitting her cup of coffee on her desk. "Good morning!"

She got back an unsynchronized chorus of lifeless good mornings.

"You guys sound like you could use a good stretch. Stand up please darlings." She instructed and we did. "Now reeeeaaacch all the way up to the high heavens."

I lifted my arms up and felt the much needed stretch along with a hand being slapped across my backside.

I quickly snapped my head towards the hand that touched my nethercheeks and saw Jesse smirking at me.

"Are we feeling better?" Mrs. Pink asked before carrying on with her lesson. "Now you all know how I love to praise my overachievers so let's give it up for the Jesse who has already turned in his personal portrait!"

The whole class started to applaud, along with myself, and Jesse did a couple of bows like he was accepting an Oscar or something.

Then I looked at the portrait.

My jaw dropped.

"You drew me?" I asked, awestruck.

"I started to draw my celebrity crush, Angelina Jolie, but then it started to look like you so I thought it would be better if I just finished. And it came out better then the Angelina picture in my head just like I knew it would."

He is so going to be the death of me.


"Why is your picture hanging up on Mrs. Pink's wall of excellence?" Noah asked.

Those were definitely not the words I expected to come out of his mouth.

"I didn't know you had art class." I stated.

"I don't. A couple of my buddies do and they told me, simultaneously laughing at me like I was some type of joke, that there was a drawing of my girlfriend hanging up in the classroom."

"Jesse drew it." I said simply.


"Yeah he turned it in early and Mrs. Pink really loved it so she presented it to the class and hung it up on the wall."

"Why would he draw a picture of you?"

"I don't know, ask him."

"Okay." He said before standing up from the bench.

I quickly pushed him back down to his seat before he could actually follow through with it.

"No! I was kidding, I don't want any problems between you two." I said before catching my breath from all that hard work that was pushing Noah back down. "What I happened to you Noah?" I asked in all seriousness.

"What do you mean?" (A\N- Sorry guys I had to, I love that song. Shoot me ;))

"You used to be the nicest, sweetest guy but lately you've kind of been acting like a jerk. Why?"



He sighed deeply. "Because I feel like I'm losing you Jasmine. We never see each other anymore. We don't talk, we don't text, nothing. It's like you don't even want to be with me anymore." He said sadly. "I get tired of people asking me why I don't hang out with my own girlfriend. Everyone is laughing in my face every chance they get. It hurts."

"I am so sorry for making you feel that way. I really do understand if you hate me, I'm seriously the worst."

"No you're not babe, and I definitely don't hate you. I've just been needing you lately. My mom's on my back 24/7 about my grades. My dad's always riding me about football. I don't even want to go pro."

"So don't."

"It's not that easy to tell my dad that. Telling him would destroy the bond that we barely even have. It's always been his dream."

Words couldn't describe how horrible I felt.

I leaned in and hugged his head against my chest and softly ran my fingers through his hair.

"Everything is going to be fine, okay?"

"It doesn't feel like it. You know? It's like everyone is always telling me what to do. Noah do this. Noah be here. Noah don't do that, go to practice, work harder, that was great but not great enough, do it again. I can't even live my own life because I'm always being told what to do. I'm stressed 24/7, I hardly get any sleep. It's just too much to deal with. I need a break."

"I agree. You sound like your centimeters away from your breaking point."

Then I suddenly felt something wet on my skin.

"I feel like a pansy. I can't believe I just cried, in front of my girlfriend. You probably think I'm some kind of wimp." He said embarrassedly.

"I don't Noah." I said honestly as I bent over to look him in the eyes. "I admire the fact that you trust me enough to cry in front of me."

"I really care about you Jasmine, and I don't want to lose you. Promise me you'll tell me if you're ever unhappy in our relationship or if you're having second thoughts."

"I will."


I am so sorry guys, I know this is a really shitty chapter but I just wanted to publish something. I've been having the worst writers block and I'm not even sure where I want this story to go anymore. 😕 I'm trying hard because I really want to finish this book. Love you guys, don't forget to vote and comment with your feedback and opinions and or ideas. Also it would help if you guys could comment what you want to see happen in the story so I can start from there. Thanks 💘

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