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The god promising on his word began to transform into some sort of strange yet mystical stallion. A bit terrified due to his size and how the god could easily transform, I stood there gawking as he gingerly picked up the young master between his teeth. "Where is your home located?" My mind failed to register a comprehensible answer as I still remained there staring at him. "Um I understand its shocking to see a man easily shape shift into another living being, but it's a little rude to leave him without an answer." He said pawing the ground uncomfortably.

"Ah. Sorry. My home is that village down near the base of the mountain." I blurted recovering from my daze. Hesitantly, I drew closer to him and clumsily mounted him. "You may grip my hair or rather mane. Trust me you will want to as I am much more agile than most steeds." With another small bout of hesitation, I gripped his mane tightly and hugged my legs along his flank. And with that we were off.

"Kyyaaaaaa!!!!" I screamed terrified at the pace the god was moving in. Everything was but a blur of color and the wind endlessly cut through my hair and the sides of my face. "What type of horse or animal even goes this fast?" I voiced out my thoughts clinging for dear life on the god's neck. "You can't say that I didn't warn you." He replied chuckling. Embarrassed by my outburst I unabashedly buried my face into his mane, "I'm sorry. It's just I've never been treated by such kindness before by anyone other than my father and a few of the other servants at the household that I serve for. Arigatou gozaimashita, from the depths of my heart thank you." "As I said a little earlier, it is not rin my nature to make or see anyone suffer. I only desire peace and tranquility." He said in an attempt to lift my spirits up. "If only more people had that mentality the world would be much more agreeable to live in." I sighed sadly. With that last comment the rest of the trip remained silent. As we neared the village the god spoke again, "Ah. Before I forget, what is your name?"

"Isunaryi. Morishige Isunaryi." I answered, "Again thank you greatly for carrying the young master and I all the way here." I dismounted quickly nearly landing on the ground with my face. Once reassured that I had dismounted him he laid the young master gently and reverted to his human form. "You are most welcome." He then turned back around facing the forest. "Wait. You ask my name yet you have not told me yours." I called out as I grabbed the back of his haori. "Are you sure you want to involve yourself with me?" He asked back in a bone-chilling voice. I pouted, and reached out to flick his forehead on the tip of my toes. "I only asked for your name baka. I'm pretty sure its common courtesy to ask for a person's name once you have given yours." 'What the hell is wrong with me?' I chided myself on the inside. 'HE'S A GOD! What are you doing playing around as if you are his lover?'

The god raised his eyebrows in surprise before giving out his response. "Hiboku. Yoshikawa Hiboku." Before I could even apologize or say another word he dissipated into nothingness making it seem as if the entire encounter had not existed in the first place.

A/N: Sorry guys. I am currently in the middle of mid-terms and I haven't been able to even think about this story as of late. Hopefully you all enjoyed this one because it is the last of the repetitions. Now begins the real story between the two. Please comment and continue reading. Thank you all so far for reading. Soon I will put a glossary to define all of the terms as well as some of actions done. So I hope you all look forward to it.

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