Confrontation Pt.2

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Coming to my senses, I turned around to face the girl and the squirrel. The poor girl had a ghastly look on her face and had no realization that she was gripping the abused creature tightly. Cursing myself for losing my temper, I walked up to her--still holding the brat-- and asked for the condition of the creature and herself. Stunned, she nodded slowly and vaguely pointed out that her half-brother had remained in my grasp. Setting the squirrel down gently on the ground, she fretfully tried to reach out for him but stopped her hand and apologized instead. "W-w-whoever y-you a-a-are u-u-um, p-please don't k-k-kill him. I-i-it was m-my fault originally for u-u-upsetting h-him. A-a-allow m-me to take the b-beating in his s-stead." Bowing deeply in the dogeza style, she kept her head down, braced to take the impact of whatever punishment bestowed onto her. Taken in by her courage and her unyielding will to continue on protecting the malignant child, I dropped him--rather brutally I'll admit as the sound of bones cracking resonated as his body came in contact with the terrain--and asked again if both herself and the squirrel were okay. Flinching and tilting her head up a bit she answered, "I-i am u-unsure of the extent of the squirrel's injuries, however it still has a pulse. I-i myself am fine t-thank you for the concern. I've grown accustomed to this type treatment and others m-much worse s-so this level of it does not affect as it used to."

Sensing a hint of darkness behind her words I began to feel bad her and could only imagine what she has gone through. "T-thank you for sparring the young mas-no, my younger brother's life. I am truly sorry for what he has done." She apologized once more while lifting herself off the ground. She then moved to pickup the limp body of the boy. As if on cue, the squirrel awoke and tried moving only to shriek in pain and stay still due to the severity of its injuries. Moving quickly, I tenderly picked it up and began to heal it with my self-procured abilities. 

The servant girl, who was struggling under the weight of the malevolent imp, froze amazed by what I was doing. Her expression quickly turned back to fear again as she seemed to be questioning my existence. "W-who or what are you?" she asked nervously. Letting the creature go after making sure it was completely fine, I replied, "A cursed being that self appointed himself in protecting the creatures of this land. I loathe seeing others suffer especially at the expense of someone or something, whether it be animal, plant, human, demon, insect, or even another god such as myself."

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