Chapter Four

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Dylas sighed in relief, letting go of his breath. He grinned at me, the biggest smile I've ever seen on anyone.

"WOOOOOOOOOOO" Sasha, Cameron, and Amber shouted simultaneously and leapt at me arms out stretched. Quickly as possible I moved out of the way and the three of them slammed into the couch I was on knocking it to the ground. They struggled in a pile of arms and legs for a moment before managing to haul themselves apart.

"Let's try not to crush the newest pack member." Jason laughed. "Now why don't you guys--" Dylas cut him off.
"GIVE HER A TOUR OF THE TERRITORY!" He shouted and leapt to his feet.

"I think Jason was going to say why don't you take Iris up to find her new bedroom." Pearl began "especially since it's almost 11:30 pm."

"Oh, yeah good point." Dylas admitted rubbing the back of his head. Doug stood up and straightened his shirt.

"Tomorrow we will introduce you as the packs newest member and also stop by your apartment to get your things." He began walking towards the door, right before he left he turned around and looked at me. "Oh an Iris? Welcome to the pack." He walked out of the room, soon followed by Pearl, Jason, and Angel.

"I know the perfect bedroom for you!" Amber suddenly gasped.

"Oh my god me too, I like your thinking Sis" Cameron grinned. The two of them ran out of the conference room shouting for us to follow. We raced down the hall and up the stairs, and then up the stairs, and up the stairs, until we finally stopped on the fourth floor.

"I know what room you're going to!" Dylas suddenly shouted "come on!" He took off down the hall. We chased after him through the maze of rooms until we finally stopped at a door. Dylas pushed open the door and I walked inside looking around curiously. The room was large, it had mint green walls and hardwood flooring, a tv and a small couch stood in the corner of the room. A double bed stood off to the side with a bedspread that matched the walls. Other then that the room was pretty empty.

"This is your bathroom." Cameron said pointing to a door to the left. "And over there is your closet." He pointed to the door on the right.

"And now the reason we thought you should have this room." Dylas announced walking farther into the room. He stopped at a set of large curtains that I hadn't noticed until now. He swung them opened and revealed a large glass window with a balcony beyond it. "Take a look" he said gesturing to the balcony. I stepped out onto the balcony and looked out into the night. I gasped, the moon was half full and hung brightly over a large lake that lay in the middle of a field. It was beautiful.

"We figured this was the best room for you, especially with this view." Amber grinned walking up behind me.

"Yeah, when it freezes over in the winter we figured it might remind you of home." Dylas said excitedly.

"I love it." I smiled and gestured everyone to come in for a group hug. "I think I'm going to like being in a pack." I whispered.

"Good" Cameron announced loudly "you can help me find a boyfriend." I laughed and nodded. "Anyway I guess we'd better leave you for the night. See you in the morning newbie, after we get your things tomorrow I need to challenge you to a hunting competition since I'm the current best hunter around."

"Night Iris" Dylas said coming up behind me "I'm glad you're here." He smiled and left the room followed by everyone else. I waited till they closed the door before walking over and flopping onto the bed. I sat up and looked around, and noticed a lamp on my bedside table. I quickly flicked it on and then jumped up to turn off the lights. I just got to the switch when their was a knock on my door. I walked over and grabbed the handle twisting it until the door swung open. It was Sasha.

"I brought you some pjs" she said handing me a pair of summer pjs. They were blue and had flip flops on them. They also happened to be shorts and a tank top, and it was almost winter. "Sorry" Sasha said rubbing the back of her head "it's all I could find." I smiled and thanked her for them anyway and said goodnight.

After she left I changed into the pjs and walked out onto the balcony. There was a small plastic chair over in the corner of the balcony so I went over and sat in it. I looked at the side of the house and noticed that on the back of the house every room had a balcony, unlike on the front. But only mine had a direct view of the lake.

I sat in the chair staring out at the lake for I don't know how long but the next thing I know I was being shook awake. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to focus. I looked up to see Dylas leaning over me a worried expression on his face. I looked around and noticed the sun was up, it sparkled off the lake beautifully, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Iris are you okay?" Dylas voice snapped me back to reality. He was looking at me with his head tilted to one side. Sasha, Amber, and Cameron stood behind him. "Your skin is ice cold, we thought you were dead or something, have you been out hear all night?"

"Yes" I yawned and stood up stretching. "I came out to look at the lake and must have fallen asleep, oops."

"What do you mean oops??, you feel asleep, outside, when it's almost winter with only shorts and a tank top on" Dylas growled angrily.

"Dude calm down, I'm a polar bear shifter, I don't get cold easily." I laughed and walked into my room.

"Still though" Amber said coming up behind me "you probably shouldn't make a habit of it."

"Sorry for scaring you guys." I said quietly and grabbed my clothes from the previous day. I walked into the bathroom and changed quickly, handing Sasha's pjs back to her when I came out. "I really didn't mean too."

"It's okay" Dylas assured me "just be careful, we can't lose our newest member on the night she got here." I smiled and grabbed my hat, which was now covered in dirt and put it on over my ears.

"So, can we go get my stuff now?" I said "I think I'm going to need to find a new hat."

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