Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke to Dylas carrying me. I blinked open my eyes and looked up at him, a questioning look on my face. Dylas looked down and smiled at me,

"Go back to sleep. We are at the hotel the members of the pack who were unable to fight stayed at. One of the doctors checked your arm while you were sleeping and said you're fine and don't need to be monitored. I figured I'd let you sleep at bit more." I smiled at him but shook my head, wriggling out of his arms and standing up.

"No, it's okay, I'm up now I won't be able to get back to sleep."

"Alright, let's get going then, I think Doug is going to call a meeting soon, after a few more pack members get checked out." Dylas said. He reached out to hold my hand but stopped, hesitating.

"Oh don't be a pussy, we're mates." I sighed and grabbed Dylas' hand.

"Whatever." Dylas huffed quietly.

"So what's the deal with this place?" I questioned looking around the parking lot. Dylas pointed to a large building to the left of us.

"That over there is the hotel." He turned and pointed across the parking lot to another building that was smaller and only about two stories high. "And that is a hospital, well a clinic. The hotel and the hospital are both run by supernatural creatures. It's a spot put together by a group of supernatural creatures who thought there needed to be safe places for us to go if something happened. It was passed as a law between all supernatural creatures that they were forbidden to attack this place or a place like this under any circumstances, if they do the council will lock them up in a special prison." The council was a large group of supernatural creatures, each supernatural creature had one representative for it, they made all the decisions about what laws were what for us supernatural creatures.

"Oh, I've heard of places like these." Dylas nodded and we walked off in the direction of the hotel. It was a tall building made of brick and was covered in large windows. It looked to be about eight stories high, definitely big enough to house the whole pack.

We got in the hotel just behind the rest of the pack. I looked around the lobby. It was large, the walls were covered in red paint and the floor in red and black carpet. Various couches and chairs lay around the floor and their was a large fireplace on the far wall. Workers wandered around in uniforms that matched the walls and floor. I spotted Doug over at the counter talking to the man behind the desk, I sniffed deeply. The man wasn't a shifter or a vampire but I could smell power radiating off him. Wizard I would guess, by the amount of power coming from him. It smelled of magic. Doug finished talking to him and walked over into the centre of the lobby.

"Alright, I want everyone to follow me this way to the ballroom for a meeting. The other pack members that were here already are going to get called down and will join us soon, the injured will stay at the hospital and be informed of the meeting once they've recovered enough. " he then walked off towards a door that led into a hall way. Dylas and I followed him and were soon joined up by Dan, Cameron, Sasha, and Nate.

"How's Amber ?" I asked.

"She's recovering. She had to stay at the hospital. I was going to wait with her but the doctor said she needed rest. He only let one person stay, mom is with her now." I nodded and put my arm around Cameron.

"She'll be okay." I smiled at him. He nodded and smiled back.

We were among some of the first to arrive at the ballroom. We gathered close to Doug who was standing on a small stage.

Once everyone else arrive Doug motioned for the the pack to sit. For the first time I realized I had not seen Pearl since before the battle. I was about to ask Dylas where she was but Doug started to speak.

"For the pack members who did not participate in the fight I would just like to inform you that we have lost the battle." Doug began. His announcement was followed by various gasps from the pack members who did not know that already. "We had lost already lost two pack members and many were injured, I could not risk the lives of my pack anymore, I gave up the territory because I could not stand to watch my people die. After this meeting we will mourn the loss of our pack members tomorrow when everyone has had some rest. Alpha Pearl was also injured very badly in the fight and could not be here with me. She is recovering well thankfully." For a second I thought Doug was going to cry but he didn't, I assume he would of if he was not in front of the whole pack. "We may have lost our home but it isn't the end. We will find a new territory and start over, we will become strong again. We just need to find a place."

My mind began to wander. I felt myself remembering a place. A small village, only five or six families living in it, the rest of the houses left vacant. It was a cold place, no trees grew there and very little vegetation, but yet somehow there was a still much prey. I remembered my house there, the place I grew up. I remembered playing as a kid in the snow outside my house and running through the village to the small shop to get a treat with my parents. I remembered looking up and to gaze at the large mansion that sat quiet and abandoned a top a large hill that over looked the village. It was smaller then the one the pack used as a pack house but there was always the other houses that stood vacant in the town. An idea began to form in my mind and before I knew it I had raised my hand.

"Alpha?" I spoke loudly. Doug looked down at me and nodded for me to speak. "I think I know a place."

To Be Continued......


That's the last chapter in this book but I will be making a sequel. I can't leave it like that obviously. I will be updating with an epilogue tomorrow or the next day along with an authors note regarding the next book.

- Polar

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