Chapter Sixteen

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My eyes focus in on the white roof above my head. I rub my eyes and sit up. I'm in my own bed again. I think back to the events the night before. I can remember Scarlet asking for my decision and I can remember saying no and being knocked out. After that it's all kind of hazy, I think Dylas found me. I vaguely remember hugging Dylas before passing out again. They must have brought me to my room after that.

I stood up and walked over to my dresser, picking out my clothes for the day. I grabbed a light blue pull-over hoodie, a blue shirt and a pair of black leggings . I really couldn't be bothered to dress nicely right now. I quickly combed my hair, brushing around my ears, then brushing them after.

After I was finished getting ready I walked out into the balcony. Man it was nice to be home. I sat down and gazed out over the lake for a few moments. I noticed that there were several groups of pack members training for the upcoming battle. It wouldn't be long now. Even with all this training I wasn't sure if we could beat the Dark Forest pack. They were strong, really strong, and i knew they wouldn't go down easy, we'd have to fight hard of we were going to pull this off.

I sat up from my chair and walked back inside my room. I assumed that Alphas Doug and Pearl were going to want to talk to me. I walked across the room and opened the door to my room, stepping out into the hallway. I walked down the hall and then down the stairs. I wonder where Dylas and the others were. I took a deep sniff of the air, trying to get a lock on his scent. Sorting through then hundreds of shifter smells I managed to locate him. He was in one of the TV rooms.

I walked down the hall and into the room looking around. Dylas, Cameron, Dan, Sasha, Nate, and Amber were all sitting around the room staring at the tv with bored expressions. I looked on the tv to see one of those reality tv shows playing.

"So this is how you spend your breaks from training?" I questioned walking into the room.

"Iris, perfect your awake." Cameron grinned standing up. He grabbed Dan by the arm and dragged him to his feet, running over to me. "Guess what?" He asked bouncing up and down. I opened my mouth to reply but he didn't give me a chance. "ME AND DAN ARE MATES!" He shouted loudly.

"Alright congratulations." I grinned  highfiving both of them.

"Okay that's enough." Dylas spoke coming over. "We need to take Iris to the alphas to explain what happened while she was gone."

"But --" Cameron tried to interrupt but Dylas just shoved him over. "Dude, not cool." He growled standing up and dusting himself off. "But you're right come on." Cameron hooked arms with me. "Let me tell you all about my date along the way."

A few minutes later I was sitting in front of Doug and pearl explaining what had happened. I told them how I'd been going to meet Dylas when I heard a noise and gotten ambushed. I also told them about how Scarlet had offered me to stay and join the pack, but I had refused.

Once I was done Doug sighed and rubbed the back of his head while Pearl rubbed her face.

"Thank you for not taking such an offer. It shows true loyalty." Doug thanked me.

"I couldn't abandon you guys, you're my pack now, my family." I smiled at everyone. "There is one thing though, Scarlet said that they out numbered us by a lot, I suggest we train harder, as much as I wouldn't like to its gotta be done."

"Yes." Pearl nodded. "We also are going to have to plan for somewhere safe and off territory for the elders, children, mothers with young children, and anyone else who can't fight to go." Doug nodded in agreement.

"I will get the Beta to do that. For now I want you kids to go back to training. Thanks for explaining what happened Iris. At least know we know what at least one of their strengths are."

We all exited the office and headed for the yard. It was time to get back to training I guess. What's worse, I decided to ask for training to be stepped up. I don't know what made me think that was a good idea.

We headed out into the yard and Cameron told me the story of his date.

"It was great, we started at the movies like we were supposed too, it was a great movie by the way, gotta love action. Then after the movie was over we were a bit hungry so we managed to find a restaurant that was open late and we had a great meal. And finally, this is the big moment here, we were walking back to the truck and looked at each other and I don't know why but I just kissed him, and I knew right away that he was my mate. It was like we were the only two people left in the world for that moment, it was great." He finished explaining.

"Wow." I smiled. "Once again I say congratulations." Cameron grinned and ran to catch up with Dan. Amber walked up to me and stared at Cameron and Dan.

"Man, everyone's coupling up, I'm starting to feel a little seventh wheelish." She sighed. I turned my head and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Seventh wheel? Me and Dylas don't have mates either." I questioned. Amber just sighed and patted me on the back.

"I bet that won't last long." She said before shoving her hands in her pockets and walking away.

We got out to the field and I readied myself in front in Dylas. I sighed, I guess training begins again now.

"Ready?" Dylas asked. I nodded and before I knew it he was running at me. I dodged out of the way and he stumbled trying to flip around. Before he could I leapt on his back and he collapsed to the ground. I laughed as he raised his head spitting out a mouth full of mud. I guess training could be fun after all.


Sorry that chapter took so long lol, I had really bad writers block, which also means it's not a very good or exciting chapter. But hopefully the next one will be better though.

Also I do not own the drawing on the new cover. It found it on google and all rights to it belong to the person who drew it. Whoever that is did a lovely job.


Until next time


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