Chapter Five

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We were in a van on the way to my apartment, well former now I guess. I would call the landlord later and let him know I was moving out.

"So.." Dylas spoke up jarring me from my thoughts. "I thought you should get a tour of the territory when we get back, but Sasha said you should meet the pack first, and then Cameron suggested we have a hunting competition so you could do both, and Amber made it even better-" he was cut off by a sudden shout from Amber.

"We're having a full on competition! That way you can have fun and learn the territory and get to know the pack all at the same time!" She finished shouting. I smiled and stared at the floor for a few moments, I couldn't even get into the pack house first, how was I supposed to do this? "You don't like it?" Amber asked crestfallen

"No no, that's not it, I'm just nervous that's all" I said quickly. "I'm sure it will be great" I smiled and looked out the window. We were out of the trees now and zipping down the street past buildings, and people, and animals. I noticed people wearing all sorts of different things and doing all sorts of different things. I've always found it interesting, going past people, because each one hand their own story and each one is different, I just find it fascinating.

A few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building. I got out of the car and walked around to the front to wait for everyone else.

"Come on its this way" I motioned walking towards the small apartment complex. The others followed me to the door carrying a few boxes with them. I don't know why they brought so many, I don't own a lot of things. We got to the door of the apartment building and walked in. I followed the familiar carpet flooring down the hall and too the left and then up the stairs at the end of the hallway. I quickly climbed the stairs and opened my door that was the first door on the right. Taking of my shoes I walked into the small apartment, it consisted of a living room and kitchen together, a small hallway with one bedroom and a bathroom.

the others walked in behind me and placed the boxes on the floor. They looked around the barren apartment, clearly shocked by the lack of things in it. The only thing in the first room was the stove, fridge , cupboards, and sofa that had come with it, along with a small bookshelf over in the corner that was full of books. Books were mainly what I owned. When I left my family home I couldn't take a lot with me but I made sure I took my favourite books. I loved to read.

"Maybe we didn't need to many boxes" Dylas said quietly looking around.

"Yeah, I uh, I left most of my stuff back home, I couldn't really take it with me ya know ?" I whispered quietly and walked farther into the apartment. "Come on let's get my stuff." I said picking up a box and going over to the book case. The others followed wordlessly and began pack the books into boxes one by one.

"You like to read?" Asked Dylas, setting books into the box. I nodded and continued taking books from the shelf. After about five minutes all the books were packed except one. I picked it up off the shelf and turned it over in my hand. 'the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.' It was the first book I ever had, my mom gave it to me and I used to read the stories over and over as a kid. It was my favourite book and always would be. I placed it carefully in the box and closed it up, running tape over the top to keep it shut.

"Alright, I guess it's my bedroom next." I spoke up, gathering my legs together so I could stand up. I walked down the small hallway and turned into my bedroom. It held a small bed, a tiny side table with a glass of left over water and a small lamp. There was also a picture of a me and my parents standing on a large snow drift. I was on my dads shoulders and my mom was laughing hysterically. Even though I was young I loved that day, it was one of the best memories I had.

"Hey Iris? Me and Sasha are going to go get the stuff in the bathroom to speed up the process." Amber said pointing down the hall. I nodded and her and Sasha moved off towards the bathroom. Dylas, Cameron, and I began gathering the stuff in my room.

"What's this ?" Cameron asked holding something up. It was a yellowish white polar bear and was missing an eye, but I loved it anyway.

"Hey, don't touch Moondrop" I say snatching the stuffed polar bear from his hands.

"Moondrop?" Cameron asked holding back his laughter. "Is that what you call that thing?"

"Yes, and she happens to be very important to me thank you very much." I reply glaring at him. I held onto Moondrop for the rest of the time while we packed up my stuff. I packed my clothes, which is mainly what I had in my room, besides the picture of me and my parents and of course the only electronics I had kept, my Gameboy and my 3DS. Once we had down packing up my room we carried the boxes out into the living room with the books. The girls had already packed up the things in my bathroom and kitchen so we were just about done, the only thing left to do was bring the boxes down to the truck. There were only four boxes so Cameron, Sasha, Amber, and me carried those while Dylas flattened and carried the unused boxes.

When we got to the truck we loaded the boxes into the pan of the truck and headed back towards the pack. It was time for me to finally meet them.

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