Chapter Fifteen

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Dylas' Point of Veiw:

I sat down on a rock close to the edge of the lake. I'd just finished going for a walk, it was 7:25 pm, Iris was supposed to come at 7:30. I really hope this goes well and she doesn't think I'm weird for asking. I looked up at the stars, I could see so many tonight. I thought back on the story that Iris told us, about the Godess who created the shifters because she was lonely and smiled, she certainly wasn't lonely tonight.

I checked the time again. 7:35, Iris must have just been running a bit late, it does take a few minutes to walk around the lake after all. My mind started to wander, maybe she wasn't coming. No that couldn't be true, Iris isn't like that.

I sad down on the ground with my back against the rock and closed my eyes. Listening to the sounds of the night as I waited.

After about what felt like forever I checked my phone again. 8:00. Maybe she got lost? No she'd know they way. I stood up and started walking along the lake shore. Maybe I could find her on the way, or maybe she forgot and I could find her in her room. That's it, she was just in her room, reading a book on her bed and snuggling with Moondrop. I tried over and over to convince myself that, that was the case but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't quite right. 

I shifted and picked up the pace and little, sniffing the ground and the air as I walked. Suddenly I picked up her scent. She was definitely on her way, but it seemed that she veered off at some point. I followed her scent into the woods until it suddenly stopped in a small clearing. I sniffed around the perimeter, the middle, even outside it but her scent was no where to be found.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down, maybe she back tracked and decided to go back to her room. I knew it wasn't true though, I would have smelled her. I paced around the clearing sniffing as hard as I could but I couldn't find her scent any where.

Finally after about five minutes of searching for her scent I tipped my head back and howled loudly. An answering howl sounded just a few moments after. It was Sasha. I howled again to let her know I'd need help and lots of it, and within a few minutes Sasha and about ten other pack members were surrounding me in the clearing.

"Dylas, what's wrong?" My father asked as he shifter back and emerged from the crowed.

I shifted back too and swallowed hard staring at my father.

"Iris is missing."


Iris' POV.

I blinked open my eyes to a dimly lit room I didn't recognize. I was lying on a bed that wasn't my own and I had no idea where I was. I thought back to what I had been doing before this, oh that's right, I had been going to meet Dylas when I heard something and followed the sound. Then I remember being surrounded by enemy pack members and then everything went black.

I sat up and gazed around the room. It was empty except for the bed and the side table next to it. The side table was small and held nothing but a tiny glass of water. It had long thin legs and a small drawer in it. I opened the drawer and found three books. The Outsiders, Paper Towns, and The Hunger Games. I pushed the drawer shut and stood up, walking around the room. I made my way over to the door and tried the handle. Locked. Figures, I've been kidnapped, why wouldn't it be locked. I twitched my ears in frustration and sat back down on the bed.

I opened the side table drawer again and pulled out The Outsiders. I'd read this book before a while ago. It was one of my favourite books. My favourite character was Dally and always would be. Oddly enough it was short for Dallas, the same as Dylas just spelt differently. I opened the book and began reading. What else was I going to do with my time.

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