Chapter Twelve

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Dylas and I followed the outsider to the end of the territory just to make sure he wasn't lying. After he left we walked back to the house together. We'd have to tell the Alpha right away this wasn't something that could be left unsaid.

We ran back to the pack house and on the way my thoughts began to wander. An attack ? I couldn't deal with that. I wasn't a fighter, I could hunt and fish but I wasn't a fighter. Just because I'm a large carnivorous animal, it doesn't mean I am a fighter. I'm not all polar bear, I'm human too and the human part of me, that's the part that doesn't like to fight, it kind of over rides the polar bear part of me that enjoys fighting and even wrestles for fun.

We arrived at the pack house and headed straight for Alphas Pearl and Doug's office. Dylas knocked on the door when we arrived before entering.

"Mom? Dad?" He called slowly entering the room.

"Dylas?" Pearl called looking up from her desk. Doug looked up to a questioning look on his face.

"Me and Iris met an outsider on our territory today." Dylas informed them. "He delivered a message, well more of a threat actually."

"What was this threat?" Doug asked, his voice sounding a little on edge.

"That if we didn't leave the territory within a month, they're pack would start a war with us and fight us for it." Pearl closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

"Which pack was it?" She asked.

"The Dark Forest pack." I spoke up.

"Oh great not them again, we had the same problem a few years before you were born." Alpha Doug growled. "They threatened us and told us to leave, if not they wipe us out and take the territory by force. There numbers were small then and we beat them easily, but things are different now, we haven't heard from them in years. Who knows how strong they are now, if we don't leave we could be wiped out, but if we do it could be all for nothing." Doug spoke out loud but it sounded more like he was talking to himself. Maybe he was, in a way.

"We need to think about what's best for the pack. Whether that means leaving or staying and fighting I don't know." Pearl spoke up, her arms crossed over her chest.

"For now you guys go and keep training Iris. Your mother and I need to discuss this with our beta. We'll inform you and the pack when we've made our decision."  Doug ordered. Dylas and me left and walked down the hall. I didn't want to get back to training, especially not now. It was hard enough for me to join a pack in the first place, when a solitary life is the only thing you know it's hard to go through a change that big. Especially after losing my parents. Now with a threat of war looming over the packs head, I didn't know if I could handle it. I think Dylas could see that because he told me we'd pick up training in the morning. I thanked him and made my way upstairs to my room.

When I got to my room I went outside to sit on the balcony. It was my comfort spot. The lake view was beautiful and I was looking forward to seeing it in the winter. But that didn't look like it was going to happen now. I'd either leave on my own, leave with the pack, or possibly get killed trying to stay. I didn't know what to do.

I stayed outside until night fell, deep in thought over the decisions ahead.


Somewhere on the Dark Forest Pack territory.

"Alpha." A man approached a red haired woman.

"Is it done?" The woman growled turning to the man.

"Yes alpha, the threat has been received." The man informed her.

"Good. Let's hope they're smart and leave that territory. It would be really quite a hassle if we had to fight them for it. Not that it would be very difficult. Our numbers have grow considerably since the last time we fought that stupid pack."

"Yes alpha I'm sure we'll get the territory either way."

"Yes thank you Thomas, that will be all." The woman dismissed. Thomas left and the woman went and stood by her window. It over looked the gloomy forest surrounding it. She didn't really want to fight the pack. But at the dame time it would be great to crush them into dust.


Sorry the chapter is short I know but I had like two tests to study for this week and didn't have much time to write. I was basically studying all week. I hate studying it's the worst. Anyway that's all until next time


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