Chapter Nine

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The alarm clock crumpled to bits as I smashed it with my fist. I was so not in the mood for school this morning. Why the hell did it have to start so early. It was especially bad since we lived so far away.

It's been about two months since I joined the pack. It's November now and it's starting to get colder out. At first I was just going to continue wearing just a hoodie to school but Dylas and the others kicked up enough fuss saying that it would look odd with me not wearing a coat in weather like this and it was enough to convince both the alphas that I should wear one. I hated it though, it was big and bulky and just overly too warm.

I rolled out of bed and crumpled to the floor in a heap of blankets and sheets. I opened my eyes and groaned. This was so not my morning. Getting up off the floor I went a took a quick shower and quickly dried my hair. I ran a comb through it and stared in the mirror adjusting it until I was satisfied. After that I got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to find that Dylas and Cameron were already there.

"Morning Iris." Dylas mumbled around a mouth full of toast.

"Gross Dylas close your mouth when you eat"  I scolded him and grabbed a piece of toast for myself.

"You tell him Iris." Pearl spoke, surprising me. She had just come in the kitchen and I hadn't heard. "I've been trying to teach him that for years." Dylas swallowed his last piece of toast and spoke up.

"Whatever mom, I'm perfectly mannerly." He pushed his chair out from the table and stood up. "Anyway we'd better get going. Amber and and Sasha are already outside. I followed the two boys outside and towards the truck. Amber and Sasha were both waiting by the truck drinking their morning coffee.

"Took you guys long enough. I wanna leave already so I can get out of hell and back home." Sasha muttered grumpily and took a sip of her coffee. We all piled into the truck and Cameron pulled out of the driveway.

After we got to school we all split up. I had science first, while Amber and Sasha had math and Dylas and Cameron had art.

I got to science and sat in a desk. The one in the back corner. It was the most comfortable desk and usually the people who sat in the back sat on the other side of the classroom. I adjusted my new hat and pulled out my science binder. My new hat was black and said fisher girl on it in pink lettering. Dylas had bought if for me while him and Cameron were out getting hockey supplies. Cameron and Dylas were both in hockey but I think Dylas was just in it because he knew Cameron didn't want to be alone. Dylas had thought that the hat would suit me and I actually kinda liked it.

"Good morning class." A voice broke me from my thoughts. I looked up to see the teacher Mr. Andrews come into class.

"Oh great," I sighed to myself "it's starting." I hated school. It was like someone took the most rotten things they could think of and made you eat them, and you had to feel every slimy, smelly, bit slide slowly down your throat. That's how bad school was for me. At least when I was home schooled it was interesting to learn, but in public school? Man did they need a better school system. I mean really, people shouldn't have to dread getting up every morning. I sighed and laid my head on my desk and listened to Mr. Andrews drone on about plant material. After a few minutes I felt my eyes start to droop and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke suddenly to someone jabbing me with a ruler. I looked up to see Mr. Andrews staring down at me with an unreadable look on his face.

"In the future Iris I would appreciate it if you didn't fall asleep in my class" I sat up quickly.

"Sorry Mr. Andrews, it won't happen again."

"You shouldn't make promises you cannot keep Ms. Smith." Mr. Andrews said and walked out of the classroom. I stood up and packed up my books, I left the classroom and headed for English. I wonder why he didn't wake me up, I thought to myself along the way. After all I had fallen asleep around the beginning of class.

When I got to English I went over and sat in my usual seat next to Dylas, Cameron, Amber, and Sasha.

"Hey Iris" Cameron waved as I sat down next to everyone.

"Hi" I greeted him

"So how was science class ?" Dylas asked. I laughed awkwardly and then sighed.

"I fell asleep." I said embarrassed. "Yet the weird thing is Mr. Andrews never woke me up until the end of class."

"Yeah" Sasha laughed. "Mr. Andrews never does, he thinks it's because you didn't get enough sleep, he just pretends to be angry so he doesn't look to slack."

"Never thought I'd hear about a teacher who actually cares if a student gets enough sleep" I snorted.

"Me either" laughed Sasha.

I sat back in my chair and looked up at the white board as the teacher started talking. Man, didn't I hate English. Instead of paying attention I continued to whisper back and forth with my friends.

About a half hour into class I noticed that Valerie and her bitch crew were watching me through narrowed eyes.  What the hell did she want. If I had to guess she was angry at me for becoming friends with Dylas, everyone knew she liked him, even Dylas knew but he would never date her. Dylas wasn't the kind of guy who'd date a girl who's a total bitch to everyone even her friends sometimes just because she was attractive. They were still watching me and making it extremely obvious too. I turned my head in their direction and started watching her back. Eventually she looked away and I laughed to myself. Dumb ass.

The rest of the day went by pretty slow but I managed to suffer through it. When the last bell rang I began to make my way across the parking lot towards Cam's truck. I could see that everyone was already hanging aroundand waiting for me to come so we could go home. I picked up my walking speed a little and headed for the truck.

"Hey bitch!" A voice made me stop and turn around. It was Valerie. "What are you doing with my future boyfriend?" She asked. Rage boiling in her eyes.

"You're future boyfriend?" I snorted, "like Dylas would ever give you the time of day."

"Oh and I suppose you think he would for you?" Valerie sneered. "I've got way more of a chance with him then you do."

"Listen here honey." I spoke slowly so she would understand. "I'm friends with Dylas, you aren't, at least he likes me enough to actually talk to me."

"You ugly little bitch, the only reason Dylas is even being your friend is because he took pity on the new girl. He knows just as well as I do that you're an ugly little weirdo who makes up fake diseases just so she can wear a hat to cover her stupid ugly hair." I was about to shoot something back at her when I felt my hat begin to lift from my head. Quickly I concentrated on pulling my ears back and switching them to human ears. I did it just in time. One of Valerie's friends tossed the hat to Valerie and then stood next to her. "Wow your hairs hideous, no wonder you wear this all the time." I was too busy concentrating to answer. I could already feel my head start to hurt.

"Hey Valerie!" I heard a voice behind me. It was Dylas. "Why do you have to be such a bitch." My friends came up behind me and Sasha, Cameron, and Amber began to lead me towards the truck. I couldn't speak. My head had begun to throb extremely bad. But I had to keep concentrating.

"Don't worry Iris." Cameron spoke softly. "Just get to the truck and you can let your ears back out, Dylas will get your hat." I tried to nod but it just sent a shooting pain through my skull. I grabbed my head and doubled over in pain.

"Come on Iris, we are almost there." Amber whispered in my ear. "Just stand up" I tried but couldn't stand. The pain was too much. I felt Sasha and Amber hook their arms in mine as they slowly pulled me to my feet. Cameron ran ahead and opened the back door as they half carried, half dragged me to the truck. They managed to get me there just as Dylas ran up behind us with my hat.

"They won't be doing that again." I heard Dylas speak as he ran up behind me. "You should have seen the look on their faces when I told Valerie off."

"No time for that now. Give us the hat." Cameron growled. His voice sounded like it was very far away. The world around my was sliding in and out of focus. I could barely stand the pain, it felt like my head was going to explode. I faintly felt Dylas out the hat in my head before the world went black and I collapsed on the pavement.

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