Chapter Eighteen

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I sat up in my bed. Today's the day. The day of the battle. I got up and and got dressed. Pulling in a pair of black leggings and a tank top. I grabbed my white zip up hoodie that had a polar bear on the front and put it on.

There was a knock at my door, followed by a voice.

"Can I come in?" It was Dylas

"Yes" I called and he opened the door stepping into my room.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I could tell by the look on his face that he was nervous.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I started to brush my hair but stopped, tossing my hair brush onto my bed. I looked in the mirror and sighed at my messy hair. "It all seems so pointless all of a sudden." I whispered.

"What does?" Dylas asked tilting his head to the side.

"Everything" I sighed, "beauty, reading, learning, laughing, crying, anger, even life itself. No matter what you do in life you're going to die and all the things you did aren't going to matter anymore. You're going to disappear and that's it. Even if you're famous and remembered by people, it doesn't matter if you're not their yourself because it was your life, not theirs, and you're the one who lived it. No matter who knows who you are, they didn't live your life they just know about it. It all just seems pointless now."

"I know what you mean." Dylas started up. "Life is pointless, everyone dies in the end, and everything you did just becomes pointless, but that's why you need to try and give it we much point for as long as you can. Life is short so you might as well do what you can while you live to live the best life possible."

I turned to Dylas and smiled.

"You're absolutely right, and I'm not done making the most of my life, so how about you and I make the most out of what's left to our lives." I held my hand out to Dylas. He smiled and nodded at me taking my hand.

"TO WAR!" He shouted and took off half dragging me at first until I managed to get my balance and run along side of him as we made our way outside.

As we past the kitchen a voice called out to us.

"And where do you think you two are running off too?" We skittered to a halt almost falling over in the process. We looked into the kitchen to see Alpha Pearl standing with her arms crossed. "Everyone's to eat a good breakfast before the battle. My orders." She ordered. "You can't fight on an empty stomach, you need to eat to keep your strength." Dylas and I sighed and went to look for something to eat.

After a good breakfast we ran out to meet the others on the field. I checked the time, 10:30, The Dark Forest pack were going to attack at noon. Scarlet had contacted The alphas last night, saying she did not wish this to be a unfair ambush and that they would attack at noon on a large field that was neutral territory between our packs. Thankfully it wasn't a random ambush because if so we'd have no chance at all.

"Not long now." Sasha murmured so softly that I almost didn't hear her, it was only thanks to my advanced hearing I heard it at all.

"Do you think we'll win?" Nate asked quietly, glancing quickly at Sasha. It was obvious he was worried for her life, probably even more then his own.

"OF COURSE WE WILL, CAMBER NEVER LOSES!" Cameron shouted. "AND NOW WE'VE ADDED DAN TO THE TEAM WE'LL BE UNSTOPPABLE!" I could tell that Cameron wasn't as confident as usual though, I could read it all over his face, he was scared, scared for himself, and his family and friends.

"Yeah we will." Amber smiled and placed her hand on her brothers shoulder.

We all sat down on the grass, waiting for the Alphas signal to start the battle.

"Hey uh, Iris ?, would you mind telling us another story ?" Dylas asked. "Do you know any about battle?" I thought back to the times my parents would tell me bedtime stories.

"I think I have one." I started. Pausing to remember how it went. "A long time ago, when the world of supernatural creatures were just beginning to be created, dragons roamed the earth in their dragon forms as often as they wanted. The dragons thought they were better then all the other creatures because they were amongst the first to be created. They considered themselves the strongest of the supernatural creatures and anyone who stood up against them and claimed they were better, were killed by the dragons. One day the other creatures had enough of the dragons arrogance so they banded together in order to take down the dragons. The dragons and the other creatures began to battle. The battle was long and bloody, and many creatures lost their lives, both dragons and others. Finally, The Creator could take no more of it's beloved creatures fighting and came to earth to stop them. The Creator entered the battle field in an explosion of lightening, stopping both sides of the war in their tracks. The Creator told the dragons they were too arrogant and should not believe they were better then anyone else. For punishment for the things the dragons had done the creator made it so they could only turn to dragons on eclipses, they would be able summon their wings and breath their element, but they, would not be able to harness the full strength and power of the their dragon form. The Creator then told the other creatures that they were not to fight again, and in the event that they had no choice, they were not permitted to kill. They were told that if the next time they had such a large battle, they too would end up like dragons. With that the creator left. That is why the supernatural creatures do not kill without reason." I finished the story.

"Do you think a God will come and stop our battle before someone dies ?" Dan asked.

"I don't think it works like that sadly." Dylas sighed. I laughed.

"If only it did, but sadly that's just a dusty old legend."

"Dusty old legends are based on some sort of fact a lot of times." Amber whispered. We all sat quietly for a few minutes, the situation we were in slowly starting to sink in more and more.

A loud wolf howl sounded from the house, closely followed by the howl of a coyote. Everyone stood up.

"It's time." I spoke and we all took off running, towards the biggest battle of our lives so far.

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