Chapter Twenty-One

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Cameron's Point of View:

Trees rushed past me as I ran for the pack house. I held Amber against my chest. She had shifted back in her unconsciousness, she probably lost the strength to hold her form. I had to hurry or she wasn't going to make it.

I sped up, pushing myself to go faster, there was no way I was letting my sister die. Dan kept pace at my side, veering off only when he heard a sound that could mean danger. I whispered quietly to Amber as I ran, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

"It's going to be okay sis. You're going to be fine. I'm going to get you back to the house and the doctors are going to save you, and then we'll win this battle and we'll go back to living peacefully as a pack. Just you wait. Just you wait sis." Tears fell from my eyes and splashed to the dry forest floor but I still did not stop. "Once you get better you're going to find your mate Amber. He's out there waiting for you, you just need to make it through this. Once you find him it'll be just like we talked about when we were kids remember? We'll have our weddings at the same time, in the same place, like we always used to say we would. It'll be me, and Dan, and you, and whoever your mate is, with all our friends and all our family at our side." I smiled and the tears continued to fall. "And then you'll have your kids, and I will adopt mine, and they'll all be best friends, they'll create their own unstoppable teams like Camber." Amber began to shutter a bit and her breathing came in short gasps. "COME ON AMBER." I shouted "YOU HAVE TO LIVE." I pushed myself to go faster.

"Cameron." Dan whispered softly in my ear. I looked to see him in human form keeping pace with me. "There's one way we can get there faster." He ran ahead and shifted nodding to his back. I smiled and climbed on holding Amber close to me with one arm and wrapping my fingers around Dan's mane with my other hand.

"Thank you Dan." I whispered to him. "I'm sorry if I hurt you." Dan just snorted, I took it as an "it's fine."

Dan ran at top speed through the forest, leaping over logs and dodging trees and roots.

As we approached the border of trees that came just before house Dan let out a humongous roar to let the few guards that stayed behind know us coming. I leapt off Dan as one of them approached us, I ran over and handed them Amber shouting for them to get her to the infirmary.

"Aren't you going with her?" Dan asked, shifting back. I shook my head and wiped a tear from my eye.

"No." I sniffed. "Not until we relieve the  other two guards." There were three guards left behind, besides the doctors. And if anyone came back to the house for any reason and weren't harmed they were to take over and send the guards to battle.

"Cameron? Dan?" One of the guards asked as we approached. Her name was Sam. "Is something wrong?" She asked

"Amber was injured and I'm here to take your place. I can't leave here and leave her and go back to the battle." Sam nodded in understanding and smiled at me. Then she motioned to the guard next to her.

"Wish us luck," she smiled but I could see the fear behind her smile. "I hope that Amber makes it through." with that they both shifted and ran into the woods.

I glanced towards the house.

"Go." Dan said pushing me forward. I smiled and left. I had to see my sister, even if it was just to say goodbye.


Iris' Point Of View:

I panted heavily and attacked again at the shifter in front of me. It's been three hours since Cameron and Dan left with Amber, and four and a half since the battle began. Everyone was tired, it seem like there was no end to the shifters of The Dark Forest Pack. As quick as we'd chase them away more would come. My fur was in blood both my own and from others. I had a deep gash in my shoulder and bites and scratches everywhere.

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