Chapter Ten

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I was out on the ice. Rolling in the snow and running free for miles with nothing but the ice beneath my feet and the icy Arctic wind in my face. There was no other feeling like it. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

I skittered to a stop when the ice in front of me suddenly broke apart, creating a huge gap between me and the ice ahead. I looked down into the foaming ocean below me. I would have to swim across. When I looked up again I noticed the ice was breaking apart again on the other side. One side was still ice, cold yet inviting. The other side however began to change. It changed from a pan of ice into a grass and dirt and trees. Suddenly a wolf walked out of the trees. Followed by another wolf, and two foxes. Next came a Lynx, and another wolf, a coyote, and more and more animals. Soon the whole grassy side was full of animals. Then they began to shift, one by one into humans. Into my pack. My friends stood at the front.

"Come to us." Dylas called out, "come back to us Iris. We miss you."

"We need you Iris." Cameron called

"You are our friend" Amber called too.

"Please, don't leave us." This time it was Sasha. Soon the whole pack was calling. I took a step towards the sea, facing their direction but stopped myself. I turned and looked at the other side of the ice, it had changed too. A small house now stood, covered in snow. A small trail of smoke billowed out the chimney and inviting yellow light shone through the window. It was home. Home before my parents death, when we were all happy together, living in our small house in our small town. I turned back to my friends, them back to my home. I needed to choose one but I couldn't.

"How do I choose!" I shouted into the wind.

I heard a loud crack and looked down. The ice was cracking beneath my feet. I tried to move but I couldn't, I was frozen in place. The ice broke beneath my paws and I was plunged into the icy cold depths of the ocean.

I woke up gasping in a bed that wasn't mine. I sat up and looked around, I was in a hospital bed by the looks of it. The bed sat in a small room with barely anything in it besides and TV and a tiny book case. What had happened? I don't remember coming to a hospital.

The room door slammed open and before I new it Dylas had me in a bear hug, well, wolf hug I guess.

"Great to see you too Dylas." I managed to squeak out.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." Dylas let go and stepped back, blushing a little. "It's just, none of us knew if you were going to be alright, I mean i put the hat on your head and you just crumpled to the ground."

"Yeah the dumb ass thought he'd killed you" Sasha laughed coming into the room. "I'm glad your awake" she smiled at me and gave me a quick hug.

"IRIS YOU'RE OKAY" two voices shouted in unison making me jump. Amber and Cameron came flying in the room and jumped at my bed almost knocking it over. Dylas and Sasha grabbed them before they could perform their crash landing.

"How about we don't knock her out again for another three days ?" Dylas growled.

"Wait three days?" I asked shocked. I'd been out for three days ?

"Yeah you were out for three whole days we were afraid you'd never wake up" Cameron explained. "But at least the good thing is Valerie and her crew won't be bothering you for a while. After what happened after you fainted."

"Give me the details right now."

"Well basically," Dylas began "when you started being walked to the car I told Valerie to stop being such a bitch and that she was completely crazy and could of killed you because of your 'disease'. Of course she didn't believe me and started trying to flirt with me, which I promptly told her in her dreams. Then I grabbed the hat and came over, that's when you fainted, I could see the look of shock on Valerie's face from across the parking lot when it happened, she never expected anything to actually happen to you. And in the days following she kept trying to ask me out, I don't understand why because I told her no a million times and she hurt one of my friends. So eventually she went and asked out Cameron because she figured she could steal my best friend from me, as she put it-" Cameron interrupted

"And of course then in said, 'yeah right bitch, I'm gay and everyone fucking knows it, I came out in like grade 5.' And she said 'gay is a choice, you could be with me if you wanted, that's how the worlds supposed to work, hot guys date hot girls.' And I told her that even if gay was a choice, which it clearly isn't, why the hell would I ever choose someone with such an ugly personality to date anyway. Oh and then someone else who was in the class room came over and called her a stupid homophobic bitch and pretty much everyone in the whole class shouted out agreed, and now no one but her bitch crew will speak to her."

"Wow" I breathed, "that's great." I couldn't believe it, I knew Valerie was a bitch but homophobic? Disgusting. I sat up and got out of bed. "So can we go get something to eat? I'm starving"

"Of course, we will just let you get dressed." Amber smiled and everyone began to leave.

"Oh yeah Iris?" Dylas stopped before leaving, "The Alphas have ordered that you need to learn to put you ears in without getting severe headaches, training starts tomorrow." He grinned and walked out the door.

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