Chapter Seventeen

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Three days. That's all we had left till The Dark Forest pack attacked. At least when we estimated they were going to attack anyway. I might die in three days, that hasn't quite sunken in yet. Since we possibly only have three days left to life Dylas suggested we all go hang out together, so we are going to see a movie.

"Come on come on everyone get in the truck we've got to have some fun before the inevitable and possibly deadly battle occurs." Cameron shouted honking the horn and staring out the window of the truck. I jogged over to the truck and pulled myself up into the front seat.

"My turn for the front." I grinned as I slammed the door in Dylas' face. He narrowed his eyes at me in mock anger and I stuck my tongue out at him. He opened the door to the back seat and climbed in, followed by Dan and Amber. Sasha and Nate were taking a separate car because there wasn't enough room in Cameron's truck.

"Finally" Cameron growled. I rolled my eyes and him and buckled up.

"Just drive."

We pulled into the movie theatre about an hour before the movie started, we wanted to get in, get out snacks, and get good seats before the lines got to long. We were seeing a scary movie, I loved scary movies, well actually I loved trying to be scared, scary movies are never scary though so it's usually disappointing. The movie was more about having a good time with my friends though and who knows, maybe this one would be scary.

We got our tickets and went inside to pick up our snacks, I got a medium popcorn, an Areo bar, and some pop. I handed my money to the lady at the cash and headed over to the butter, adding three sprays to my popcorn. Buttery popcorn was my weakness.

I waited till Dylas got his stuff and then followed him into the theatre.

"We are going to find out seats." I called to the others. We handed our tickets to the ticket guy and walked into the theatre. "Somewhere in the middle?" I suggested. "The middle of the middle." Dylas nodded and laughed. We picked our seats and sat down to wait for the others to get here.

They filed in slowly and sat down next to Dylas and I. Amber sat next to me and then leaned forward, examining everyone who was here.

"Yup seventh wheel." She muttered and sat back in her seat.

"What?" Dylas questioned a confused look on his face.

"Oh nothing." Amber shrugged and popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. I heard Sasha giggle a little so I threw a piece of popcorn at her. Dylas and I were just friends nothing else.

The theatre began to fill up quickly after that. A group of people entered the theatre and sat a few rows up from us. Their scent washed over my noes and I frowned. They weren't human, but they weren't shifter either. There are other supernatural beings in the world besides shifters, and my father had taught me some of their scents but I was not as good at detecting them as I was at shifters. I looked over at everyone and saw them sniffing the air too. I tried to pin point the scent, I'd smelled it before.

Then it hit me.

"Vampires." I whispered. Everyone turned to look at me, concern showing on their face. Vampires aren't like a lot of people assume. They don't all drink human blood, and they aren't all evil. Like shifters and even humans some are good and some not so much. I shivered slightly as I thought about Scarlet. They also aren't the natural enemy's of werewolves like a lot of people seem to assume. 'Werewolves.' Why doesn't anyone think of the other types of shifters there are.

"Do you think they're bad?" Nate asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. They aren't all bad, I've met some before, one of my fathers oldest friends was a vampire."

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