Chapter Three

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"So, I guess that answers our question on what type of shifter you are." Dylas grinned rubbing the back of his head. I smiled and nodded, then looked around for my CN Tower hat, I know they had it. I spotted it a few feet away and picked it up off the ground.

"Ew it has wolf slobber on it" I gagged jokingly. brushing it off I placed it back on my head. "There, that's better, it's a real pain things like hats and such don't stay when we shift." Suddenly I felt the hat being lifted off my head. I looked up to see Sasha there holding it.

"You don't need to wear it around us Iris"

"Thanks" I said taking it from her.

"Come back to the pack house, we've got a lot to talk about" Dylas said shifting into a large black wolf with a navy streak running from his nose to his tail tip. Everyone else shifted too, including me. We all ran together, three foxes, two tigers, two wolves, and a polar bear.

I stopped outside the pack house door and watched as the pack members went in. Taking a few deep breaths I began to walk towards the house. Suddenly I felt a someone come up beside me, it was Dylas.

"You've never lived in a pack before have you? That's why you ran away, the scents were too much?" He whispered to me. I nodded. "Take my hand, you can do this." I took his hand and began to walk forwards. I closed my eyes as we neared the door and felt the scents begin to surround me. This time I tried to think of them more as a protective armour then a threat. It worked, my heart rate began to slow to normal and I opened my eyes. Dylas let go of my hand and walked ahead, I followed quickly behind looking at the large walls of the the house. Pictures and paintings hung from the walls one was a large portrait with at least a hundred people in it.

"That's the pack a couple of years ago." Amber came up beside me, nodding to the picture on the wall. "We've grown since then, now we're around 300."

"We're actually a small pack." Cameron said, coming to stand with me and Amber. "Well, we're pretty big for a mixed pack, but for packs altogether we're tiny."

Amber nodded in agreement "the smallest packs are the mixed packs, then it's the packs that contain only their own species, the smallest branch of these being the Bears and the largest the wolves, and then the largest packs are the ones who are like all canines and all felines. Those usually have at least 3000 members."

"Wow" I whispered gazing in awe at the picture. After that we kept moving, apparently we were going to the Alphas conference room. As we walked through the house the twins pointed out to me the different essential rooms in the house. Aka the kitchen, theatre, and games room. Finally, in the very back of this huge ass mansion we got to the Alphas conference room. Dylas walked up and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a voice called from inside the room. The voice sent shivers down my spine, it was loud, and scary. Dylas opened the door and motioned for us to come in.

"Don't worry" Sasha whispered. "Dads gotta sound like that to sound powerful, once he knows who it is he won't sound so terrifying." Wait? I thought to myself, the alpha is Sasha and Dylas's father?

"Hey dad" Dylas announced raising a hand in greeting "it's me." I hid behind Sasha and the twins as we entered the room.

"Dylas," the Alphas voice softened, sounding way more normal and casual. "I see you found the girl?"

"Yup" he grinned at the Alpha. The twins and Sasha stepped to the side revealing me to the Alpha. I looked around, finally able to get a full view to the room. It large and round with a round desk in the centre and several couches off to the side. It had a tall roof and whole walls were surrounded in dusty old book shelfs reaching up to the ceiling. The Alpha sat at his desk, behind him sat three others, two women and a man. One woman had blonde hair and smelled a lot like Sasha and Dylas, she must be their mother and alpha female. I could also tell she was a coyote shifter. Sasha and Dylas must turn after their father. The other two smelled liked Amber and Cameron, it must be their parents, both were fox shifters like Amber and Cameron.

"Nice to meet you." The Alpha said coming over to me. "I'm Alpha of this pack, but you can call me Doug." He smiled extending his hand. I shook it and he gestured to the couches. "Why don't we sit so you can tell us about yourself." We all sat down and Doug began to explain a little about his pack. "Our pack is called The White Valley Pack because we originated from a place with a large valley filled with a white flower. We are a mixed pack, obviously, I am alpha, again obviously. This is my wife and mate," he said gesturing to the blonde woman "and mother to my children, her name is Pearl." A shifters mate was the person they were destined to be with, you'll feel an attraction to them that's slightly stronger then normal but you won't actually know if you are mates until you kiss. Doug continued "this is my beta, her name is Angel and this is her mate and husband Jason. They're Cameron and Amber's parents" I nodded listening closely. "and finally Dylas is next in line to be Alpha since he was born first, while Cameron and Amber will both be Beta since they're twins."

"Yeah! High five sis!" Shouted Cameron lifting up his hand. Amber laughed and reached up to accept his high five but they both totally missed.

"Oops" Amber laughed. Doug laughed and shook his head at them.

"So, tell us about yourself." Doug encouraged turning his attention back to me. I took a deep breath and began my story.

"Well, I am a bear shifter, polar bear to exact, though you could probably tell by the ears." I began twitching my polar bear ears.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, why do you have animal ears all the time?" Dylas asked "I mean I know we can all do that but usually we just keep them in human form."

"I'll get to that" I glared at him. "So for most of my life, until now, I lived in a small town up north in the Arctic. Both my parents were polar bear shifters and they were raised in the old ways, where you are more in touch with your roots, relying a lot on your animal power and living by it. Because of this they kept there animal ears out in human form just like their parents did and like me they never learned how to properly pull them back. I can only maintain them in human form for a few minutes before it gives me a headache." I heard Dylas quietly say 'oh'. I continued "my parents would often take me out hunting on the ice for fish, seals, and the occasional whale. A couple of months ago we were out hunting and swimming across a channel of water when we were attacked by orca. I managed to escape with the help of my mom but she and my father didn't make it. Before she died she told me to look for a pack, and that's how I ended up here." I finished.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your parents." Angel said softly to me. I smiled at her sadly.

"Thank you" I said quietly. After a few moments of silence Doug spoke up.

"So Iris.... How'd you like to join The White Valley Pack?" I thought for a moment, I noticed Amber looked excited while Sasha and Cameron crossed their fingers. I looked at them and then at Dylas, I could see him holding his breath. I thought a moment longer.

"I would love to join The White Valley Pack" I announced with a grin.

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