Chapter Eleven

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We headed out side to the field so I could start practice. I don't know the alphas had to make me do this. I mean surely one of them would of them at least would have been on my side. Apparently not though, no instead I got headaches and had to get rid of another thing that kept me connect to my parents, to my home. I'd already had to leave my home behind, along with most of my family things, I didn't want to have to lose another.

We continued on out past the field and into the woods a little ways. After a few minutes we came to a clearing and Dylas stopped.

"Alright" Dylas announced loudly. "It's time to start training you to put your ears in, something we all learned as kids."

"I don't want to do this." I growled. Crossing my arms I sat down and crossed my legs. "I'm not going to do this, I'm not."

"You have to" Cameron spoke up. "Alphas orders, and not just one but both, which means it's absolute law." I shook my head and continued to sit down.

"Don't care, not doing it."

"Come one now Iris, you know you have to." Amber pleaded.

"I don't have to do anything" I growled glaring at her. "You can't make me."

"Uggggggh!" Dylas suddenly growled making me turn towards him. "You have to Iris, I know you don't want to and I know you're new to this whole pack thing but an alphas word is law, especially when both agree. If you don't realize that you won't be allowed to stay in the pack, you have to obey your alpha.

I shot to my feet and stalked towards Dylas. He looked shocked at my sudden movement, same with the rest of my friends.

"No, I said no, I will not do this, it is my freedom, my right, to be able to do this.
I don't care if the alpha said I had to do this, I don't care if both did, I don't care if the whole pack told me to do this, it is my choice, no one else's, and no one I mean no one is ever going to take that choice away from me, even if that means I have to quit being a member of the pack I will not do this, do you understand." I growled lowly to Dylas. Everyone stood shocked, to much so to even move.

"Iris I-" Dylas began but I didn't wait around for him to finish. I turned around and stalked off into the forest, I wasn't interested in what he had to say right now. I could hear everyone calling out to me. I couldn't go back to them, not right now anyway. They just didn't understand that it was one of my only ties to my old life, and I just wasn't ready to give that up yet. And plus anyway it might never work, it could just end up being a pointless amount of pain for nothing. My mother had always told me to keep my ears out because it kept us closer to our roots, not only that but I was born in my animal form, so it would be harder for me to do it anyway. I sighed and kept walking, I'd go back to the, when I was good and ready.

Dylas' point of view:

"Great, just great." I muttered under my breath. I just didn't understand what she was so pissed off about, we were only trying to help her. And what did she mean by 'quit being a member of the pack.' She wasn't serious was she? We only just met but I really liked having Iris around, there was just something about her that made me happy. I needed to apologize, maybe I shouldn't have been so forceful about it, I mean it does hurt her after all.

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Sasha suggested, breaking me from my thoughts. I shook my head. This was something I needed to do by myself. I didn't know why, but I had to.

"No, I will, you guys stay here, or head back to the house if you want, I need to go after her myself." I replied quietly and shifted into my wolf form. It would be easier to find her this way. I sniffed the ground as I walked. I didn't want to run yet, h might lose her scent. I paused for a minute, there it was, her scent, it smelled like the air did by the sea, and of the sea itself. I followed Iris's scent trail picking up speed as i became more sure of myself. She was close I could tell.

Another scent wafted across my nose. That wasn't Iris. By the smell of it, it was a cat shifter, I wasn't sure what kind because I wasn't great at telling the difference between what types of shifters where what. Normally a shifter on our territory wouldn't alarm me, we are a pack after all, the only problem was is it wasn't a member of our pack, it was an outsider, maybe even a rouge.

Iris' point of view:

I kicked rocks across the forest floor as walked. I guess I should probably go back. If I explained they might understand and tell the alphas. If not i wasn't sure what I'd do. I turned on my heels and started to walk back the other way.

That scent, I stopped suddenly. That wasn't a back scent. It was a serval shifter and it was as close by.

A low growl sounded from the bushes behind me. Whipping around I stared at the bush. A thin serval crawled from the bushes growling at me. I backed up slightly and it flicked it's large ears. Servals could jump really high, if it jumped and I didn't act fast I was in trouble. It advanced towards me again, continuing to growl.

Before I knew it, it leapt towards me, I narrowly dodged and it landed behind me, skidding across the ground and whipping back around towards me. It let out a large threatening hiss. I quickly shifters and charged forward
A bit roaring loudly. The serval looked stunned for a minute and backed up a little. I charged forward again backing it into a tree. Standing in my hind legs I took a large swipe above the tree, scoring large claw marks into it. The serval cowered against the tree. without realizing, I'd left an opening between myself and the tree. Quickly the serval slipped through and made a break for it.

It was about to get away when a wolf leapt from the trees snarling at the serval. It was Dylas. He advanced on the serval backing it towards me. I advanced to and roared loudly. Suddenly the serval shifted into a man. He was tall with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Wait!" He shouted. "Don't kill me, I'm here to deliver a message." We both stopped and Dylas shifted back into his human form. He flicked his gaze to me
And I gave a slight nod in understanding. I needed to stay in my form in case he tried to escape. "I bring a message from my alphas. The Dark Forest pack wants the White Valley pack off this territory in a month, or else." The man threatened.

"Or else what?" Dylas growled

"Or else, we attack." The man replied simply.


Hi, Polar here, Just saying that I will no longer be updating a chapter a day because school is starting to get busy and I don't have a lot of time to write because of homework. But I will try to update once or twice a week.

Sincerely :

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