Him v.s. School

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5:30AM : **Alarm goes off.** Ugh school again . But at least it's Friday . I wake up tired, as usual . I had to stay up all night just to finish my algebra homework . Which, as a matter of fact, I hate algebra because it's really hard . And the teacher doesn't even know how to explain it well . Anyways, I get up from bed to take a nice warm shower . Then I brush my teeth . I get out of the bathroom and put on my school uniform, black jeans, and my black/white Nikes . I go outside to play with my dogs and my little kitty . I then feed them and head inside the house to pack up my backpack and head to the school bus stop . I usually don't eat breakfast in the morning because I'm not really hungry in the morning .

6:35AM : As I walk to the school bus stop, I see a group of guys surrounding it .

Omg it's the boys from high school why.

As I approach to my destination, I just put on my earphones and listen to some rap music . Some Fetty Wap and some Tyga . As I continued to listen to my music, I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder . Looking back, startled, I see one of the boys from high school . As I observed his face, his face was beautiful . He was so cute . A boy this cute has never talked to me before . Then I take out one of my earphones to listen to him .
"Hi." He says .
"Hi." I then say back .
"What time is it?" He asks .

Omfg you have a watch on your wrist . Why ask me.

I then grab his wrist and read the time .
"It's 6:42AM." I say
He then smiles .
"Why are you smiling?" I ask him .
But that's when the city bus comes . The boy then walks into the city bus . I continued to look at him, confused at the same time . And right before he walked in the city bus, he looked back at me, and smiled again . I then smiled back . I was so confused . Why did he keep on smiling? Is this some type of prank? Why does he keep smiling? Was it because I grabbed his wrist? No that can't be . What's so good about grabbing his wrist? Nothing right? But I loved the way he smiled . At me? Or?

6:45AM : The school bus comes . As I walk into the school bus, I imagined that boy . The way he smiled . He was so beautiful and his smile made him more beautiful . As I took my seat, I couldn't stop thinking about him . I kept playing that scene over and over again . When he tapped my shoulder and the conversation we had . The way he smiled, ugh I just can't right now .

7:03 AM : The bus arrives at school . I walk to the school field with my friend . As we both arrived to the field, my other friends are there too, playing volleyball . As I put down my backpack on the grass, I join the game . We love to play volleyball . Like volleyball is our sport . Without volleyball, our life would be so boring and we wouldn't even be friends with each other and make new friends and stuff like that . Through out that whole volleyball game, I couldn't stop smiling . Like the way that boy smiled, it's just ugh . It's hard to explain it . That's when my friend Julie noticed me smiling . I didn't want to tell them what happened because why would they care .
"Ariana, are you okay? Why do you keep smiling?" Julie asks .

Omfg what should I say omfg think think.

I then come up with a "Good" response.
"Because today is Friday."
Julie then says,  "Okay," suspiciously .

7:55AM : The bell rings . All of us walk back to our homerooms . "Great, school started," I say in my head . As I walked to my home room, with my friends, I started thinking about the boy again, as always. It's just that I had never experienced this type of thing ever, in my life . And I thought to myself, "I know I'm not going to be paying attention in all my classes, because of that boy and his smile and his face . School is going to be a real struggle for me today ."

8:15AM : Bell rings . Yayyyy, Period 4 first, English .

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