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After period 5, it was recess. I almost forgot that I had recess detention in Mr.Watterson's class. At least my punishment wasn't that bad. The bookshelves were dusted like 2 days ago by my classmate John, because he was fooling around during attendance. So probably there wasn't that much dust on the bookshelves. And organizing the books was like the easiest job ever. So I knew recess detention wasn't going to be that bad.

As I arrived in his class, I immediately put down my backpack on the chair, and took off all the books on the bookshelves. I really wanted to play volleyball with my friends, but I had detention, so I wanted to be finished quickly. I grabbed the duster on the supplies table and quickly dusted
the bookshelves. While dusting, I here my classmates' conversation.

"Let's go gym after school. The hot boys from high school is going to be there." My classmate April says.
"We go then. Let's tell the others." Amanda answers back.

We should go gym after school. Not because of the hot boys from high school, well maybe, but so we can practice playing volleyball, and play for fun, since I don't even have time to play volleyball at recess.

After I finished dusting the bookshelves, I look at the time. Great, 5 minutes left of recess. Wonderful. I put the duster back on the supplies table, and put the books back on the shelves.

"Mr.Watterson, I'm done dusting the shelves. Can I go now?"
"Good. Next time, raise your hand and say here whenever I take attendance. This was your first time that you had detention in my class. What has gotten into you." He says as he erases my name on the board.
"I don't know." As I shrug my shoulders.

The bell rings, and I walk to my period 6, Social Studies.

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