8.) Well.. This Complicates Things!

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Chapter 8


I woke up, from a dream that I wish I remembered. All I can remember is Dan was in it, and we were together.

I opened my eyes from a blinding light. All of the curtains in the room were open wide, the windows were open letting in a cool breeze which was rather refreshing.  

I turned my head to find that Dan wasn't there any longer.

Where on earth could he have gone?

I grabbed my phone which happened to be on the unit next to my bed. The nurses must have put it there, it's great that we can send texts now in the hospitals! I remember when you weren't even allowed your phones on!

Inbox - 4 messages.

I wonder who that might be..

§ Hey Babe!!

I hope you're feeling better today. It was fantastic seeing you, you know, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be out of Juvie right now. I've missed you so much, and to hold you in my arms yesterday, at least just for a second, was amazing.

I might pop over again tonight in visiting hours.

Ily! Liam. xXxXx §

Oh dear, he really doesn't remember that talk we had all that time ago.. I really hope he understands this time, I mean, he took it hard the last time, so how he kind of forgot I really don't know!  

I'll have to deal with this later.

§ Hey hunny! So, what you think of that surprise ay? I knew you'd be happy to see Liam and Micky again. Our little group are back together! Just wait 'til we go back to school! It's going to be great, how about, we 4 knock them jocks on their asses' ay?

I ran into one yesterday at school, I was with Liam, Micky and Marcus, and he started on me! He called me the C word.. I mean come on? The C word? That was just low right? Anyways, Liam and Marcus heard it, and jeeze, you didn't want to see it.

Let's just say that jock won't be showing up at school that much anymore.. He'll be getting plastic surgery on that perfect little nose of his ha-ha!!

Great right?

Miss ya!

Rochelle xx §

Oh Jesus! Now I'm going to have to deal with that too! Don't they understand I've got to be careful, if the principal gets word that they're my friends, he'll blame me! Considering they're new and everything, the principal would expect me to teach them how things happen.  

I mean, I haven't been there long, but I've been there long enough to know the rules, and like any other school. Bullying isn't tolerated. Even if it is the bullies being bullied.


Here we go, number 3.. *please be good please be good please be good* I silently begged.

§ Ello Sara, I can't believe what happened to you. It was that damn teachers fault wasn't it? Just tell me. Then me and Liam can sort him out. Honest to god Sara I don't like the way he looks at you.. He looks at you as if you're a piece of meat or something..

He's really protective as well! I mean, how he pulled me and Liam off of you? Come on! We're your damn friends, he has no right to touch us! He's lucky the girls were there, and you of-course, otherwise I would have battered him.

Well.. This Complicates Things! (Werewolf/Romance)Where stories live. Discover now