16.) Well.. This Complicates Things!

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Chapter 16


I walked back to the house slowly, trying to think of the past hour.. Everything has fallen apart in 1 hour and all I can ask myself is how on earth that happened?  

We arrived, we met my dad, we met Charlotte, Charlotte took Sara to the kitchen, Dad took me to his office to chat, we chat, I leave to tell Sara, I get to the kitchen, and Sara walks out on me..

This is all Charlotte's fault...

And mine..

As I arrived to the front of the house, Ana and Xander were there sat on the porch, looking at me strangely.. Once I got within distance with them, I stopped.

Ana was the first one to say something after a few minutes..

"So, your eyes are red raw, they are puffy as hell, your hair is a mess... There's only one way that could have happened. Sara's left you?" Ana asked sympathetically walking over to me and opening her arms.

"How could you guess?" I asked questioningly.

"Oh, I didn't guess" She smiled. "I asked your dad" She said as she grabbed hold of me tighter and rubbed my back.

"What can I do Ana? I've messed everything up, and that little skank in there hasn't helped anything!" I shouted whilst looking at a window in my direction where Charlotte was stood.

"I've only been back a few hours! Not even that! And EVERYTHING has fallen apart already!" I cried.

Ana let go of me and took a step back, gazing into my eyes.

"Dan, it's not over just yet.. Let me go out and find her okay? I'll explain it, I'll get her back ok? Please don't worry, I can't bear to see you like this" She said, it reassured me a little bit to know that Ana would find her, but would Sara listen to her?

I've not known her long.. But I'm already falling apart without her..

"Right, I'll get going now then, I should find her just after nightfall I think" Ana stated.  

As Ana started to walk in the forest direction, Xander immediately rose from where he sat to follow her.

As if Ana felt it, she turned around to a stop and smiled at Xander.

"You've got to stay here Xander. This is girl time, Sara won't like it if you followed me to go an talk to her" Ana said trying to get him to understand. Xander just nodded and backed away with sad eyes.

Xander hated being apart from Ana, they must have a really strong bond now, so they must hate being apart for little as a few hours. Although, I'm hardly one to talk. No-one has ever reduced me to tears and Sara has just by walking away from me..

Or in this case.. Running..

"I'll be back with her soon Dan! Don't you worry! I won't come back without her!" Ana shouted as she started to run.

Xander heard her and started to run towards her.. Ana knew that as well.

Yet again, she turned around and started to laugh.

"Xander, it's an expression, I'll be back stop worrying! Ana laughed.

"It's not funny Ana.. You know I can't be without you!" Xander whispered through gritted teeth.

"I know, I know, you don't have to tell me.. But.. I do have to do this for Dan.. He needs me" Ana explained, wrapping her arms around him tightly and squeezing him..

I watched for a few minutes as Ana started to walk away from Xander. Xander looked terrible and she's only just left.. Bah! I can't just let him be upset cause of me..

"Xander, come on! Let's go play some video games or something.. Ana will be back" I said trying to cheer him up.. It worked.

"Yeah, I know she will, I just hate being away from her, you know?" Xander smiled.

"Ana will be fine, remember who taught her how to fight!" I laughed again, I remember taking her out into the field and training her for hours on end every day! It was hilarious.

Xander chuckled "Yeah, I know. Sara will be back too man. If she is your mate, she will feel the longing just as much as you are now".

"Yeah.. I hope so" Dan whispered as they both walked back into the mansion look-a-like, waiting for both of their loves of their lives to come back to them..

Xander knew for sure that Ana was coming back to him..

But me?..

I didn't know for sure if Sara would ever come back to me..


I woke from the most worst sleep ever, only to find that it was still night time. I must have only been asleep for a little while I sighed deeply.

I wrapped my coat around me tighter and sat up under the tree. I just want to go home!

The night's cold started washing right through me.. I was freezing. As I rubbed my arms erratically up and down trying to get some heat into me, I couldn't help but notice a rustling noise to the left of the tree..

I started looking around but yet I couldn't find anything.

When I was sure that it was just an animal, I started to lie down again and try getting some more sleep. The more I don't think about the cold, the better chances I have to actually sleep and not feel the cold.. Until I wake up that is.

As I closed my eyes and tried forgetting the cold, I heard another twig snap. It was louder than the last and this time to the right of me...

What on earth is that!

I jumped up from where I was yet again, and started to look around me.. Fear was rising through my body.. Who knows what would be in these woods, and here I am, the most stupidest person in the world that ran away from a safe place and into a dangerous set of woods!

Stupid! Urghh!

"Sara.. Isn't it?" A voice called..

I swung my head over to the right.. Only to be greeted by someone I really hadn't expected..


"Actually! ANA! Let me come with you!" I shouted. I had the urge that I had to go with her.. Something just wasn't feeling right.

"What about me though?!" Xander called.

"Guys! Come on! When I say it's just girls I mean it!" Ana shouted, getting impatient with me and Xander..

I ran over to Ana and put my hands on her shoulders, making her face in my direction.  

Ana's face was angry, and then turned from angry to concern. I think she probably already knew..

"Ana, something's wrong.. I need to go with you" I sighed.

Ana just cocked her head to the side and started to nod.

"I think I know what you mean.. I should get Xander to come with us" Ana whispered then turned towards Xander and waved her hands around, gesturing for him to come with us.

"Xander, I need you to come with us.. I don't know what it is, but I can feel something.. Can you feel it?" Ana asked Xander.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean.. I guess I can kind of feel something" Xander sighed, scratching his head.

"Let's get going.. It's getting stronger" I spoke a little louder this time.. Enough to get Ana and Xander's attention for us to get moving..

I really don't like this already I thought to myself as we started to run into the woods, changing form as we jumped in mid air.

Whatever was wrong, I needed to get there..

I needed to get there fast.

Well.. This Complicates Things! (Werewolf/Romance)Where stories live. Discover now