Beginning of the End

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I don't know whether to disclaim the plot to this first chapter to Pinocchio. So I'm gonna do it anyway cause I don't wanna get arrested lol. I don't own the plot, it belongs to Pinocchio, even though I don't mention his name lol.
Mikayla was a normal girl in the city of Hartford. Although she did not have many friends, she had a loving, optimistic father that loved her very much. After the mother died shortly after Mikayla was born, her father was very upset with her. She was the reason why she was dead, right? Time had passed, and her father became more grateful that he had Mikayla. She was the only thing left of her mother. All those bad moments were forgotten as her father became her new best friend. She had other friends, A cat named Kit and a pink flounder named Grace. Every time she came home, Kit would race down the stairs and Grace would swim around rapidly. Today was just one of those days, but it was the first time Mikayla was staying at the house alone.

"Now, Mikayla, don't play outside. Don't talk to strangers! Only answer the door if it's me, ok?"

Mikayla nodded as her father left into the light flurry. "See you later, my flower! Bye!"

Mikayla waved, "Bye Dad! I love you!"

He closed the door and Mikayla was left alone. She looked over and saw his wallet on the counter. She gasped, he forgot his wallet! She zoomed out of the house, "Dad! You forgot your..."

Her father was no where in sight. She sighed, before turning around, to find the door shut. Realization hit her as she tried opening the locked door. She started to shiver from the cold. She sniffled from the cold, and from sadness. A single tear escaped her eye, before wandering away. She knew her father wouldn't be back for another hour, so she walked around. She had walked three blocks before reaching her destination, Freddy Fazbears Pizza. New animatronics, that's what she called them, were added about a year ago. From her teary eyes, her mouth curved into a grin. Her father still brings her here. It had been a year ago, but she still remembered it's time period. From when only four existed, to when there were 10, she was delighted by the singing animatronics. Fred, Chik, Bon Bon, those were the ones that had performed on stage. She also knew about Mangle, torn apart by toddlers everyday. The take-apart-and-put-together attraction. She remembered her, after all, she was the one who skillfully applied the second head on. She was always the smart Apple of the bunch. She also remembered Balloon Boy, or rather, BB. He gave out balloons and free tokens if you followed him around. After, you would play some games and hand in your tickets to some marionette guy, who in return, would give you a prize, usually a plushy. He would also give gifts on people's birthday. She could somehow feel some sort of connection towards what most kids call the puppet. Similarities were common, but she felt like the person sitting in the corner to. She knew it would be locked, for it was closed on Sunday's. Another tear escaped her eye as the rain grew heavier. That's when a truck like vehicle pulled up next to her.

She paid no mind to it until a man put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong, little one?" He asked her in a raspy voice. She gasped, for he had frightened her. Who wouldn't, he was almost double times her size. His hand had a tough grip and he pressed down on her shoulder. The thing that she thought was the weirdest, was that he was wearing all purple. Isn't that a girl color?

However, she paid no mind to the suspicion and cries, "I-I got locked out of the house! A-and I'm stuck here all alone!"

An evil grin formed on his face, but it was gone in a flash, it had begun to thunder. She screamed,unconsciously squeezing the arm on her shoulder. That hand moved to her back and lightly pushed her towards the truck, the other one opening the door. "Come inside..." he slightly asked her.

"Mikayla! Mikayla Harmony!"

"Ah!" He said, "Let's get out of the rain, shall we?"

She climbed into the trunk of the truck. Inside it held a spooky aura, with worn out walls and rotten, wooden benches. An iron-bared wall separated a forth of the rusty place. But what terrified her the most is when he closed the door, the only source of light was a candle lit lamp, that he was now holding. "Now, let's have a little fun, Mikayla..."
Vincent's POV
And fun she did have. She talked to me about her favorite resturant, Freddy Fazbears. Oh, what a good worker she shall be, at least she might have some spirit. "Well, it's been good talking to you! I'm gonna go home and tell my father about all the fun we had."

"Home?" I asked her. Wow, she actually thinks she'll make it home alive, huh?

"Yep! To my father!"

"Father?" I laughed, she was so gullible.

"Yep! See ya in the mornin'!"

She tried to open the door, but I grabbed the collar of her blue shirt. Her face quickly turned fearful as I started laughing, locking eyes with her so she wouldn't look away as I pushed her towards the caged up wall. She looked at me and nervously laughed, but it was ended as I abruptly opened the cage, almost threw her in there, and locked it quickly. She looked at her, tears already in her eyes, "W-What are you doing? I thought we were friends!" She yelled.

I laughed at her, "Now, child," I spat at her, "Here's how it works. You listen to what I say, and you respect my two daughters, Goldie and Spring, got it?"

Her face read confusion, "W-who's Goldie a-and Spring?"

"You'll meet them soon enough. If I hear from either of them about you, you will be punished." I said, gripping the switchblade in the holder. She saw what I meant, and quickly nodded her head. "Good."

I was about to leave, but quickly remembered something, "Oh, and to make sure no one finds you, your new name is Mariett. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes," she stuttered, "And my last name?"

I laughed again, for what I planned for her, her questions were of stupidity, "You don't have a last name, anybody asks, it's just Mariett, got it?"

She nodded again. She was no longer a child in my eyes, she was property. I burned out the lamp, making it nice and dark. "Good night, my puppet. Be good, or else..."

I left her to her own thoughts as I slammed the door shut. I could hear her scream, good, I want to make her suffer just as much, even though I have spared her.

Mariett's POV
I have never been so afraid before in my life. The darkness in the room was terrifying. I started shaking the bars, "Daddy! Daddy help me! Please!" The lightning flashed, but I didn't care. With one last cry, I yelled, "Daddy!"

No one's POV
The booming sound of the thunder made her jump and fall to her knees. She let out a terrified whimper, and buried her face in her legs, sobbing her heart out. She didn't care who saw, as long as it wasn't that mean purple guy. She cried herself to sleep. It was going to be ok, right? Her dad would find her tomorrow, and everything will return to normal, right? She fell asleep with a glimmer of hope in all the fear and betrayal. But what she didn't know was that it was only the beginning of her "adventure". For he haunted her dreams all night.
So, tell me what you think, but try not to kill me. Don't worry, I'm incliding all the remakes of the animatronics. Only the ones that are real. The only hallucinations that will represent real people is Goldie(Golden Freddy) and Lily (Balloon Girl, or in this story, Lollipop Girl). Check out my other stories!

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