Trust in Eachother

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Heyo! Here is a chapter a little early, sorry it's taking so long. In my middle school right now, we are in the middle of SBAC. I also just got my first communion (yes, I'm 13). But I just went to Sturbridge Village to. It was really fun! So... here is another chapter. Hope you enjoy!
"So, what'd be the plan captain'? Do we trust the lassie?" Francesca exclaimed. It had been a week since they had been captured, and the four stayed in their little group, blocking out everything, good and bad. They had met Spring and, like Mariett, weren't that fond of her either. Goldie for the most part, had either ignored them, or engaged in small conversations. But what was the creepiest thing for them, was that they were going to hang out at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria... in the Parts and Service room. They were told to try and fix the animatronics in there, but only Becky knew basic repairs. The rest only knew color coding. They couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Mariett because she got to be out there and not in the dark. But as soon as they found out what she was doing, they all backed out. So here they were, finished with what they could with repairs which was nothing, because the only one who knew about robotics was Becky, who was legally blind and couldn't see very well in the dark. So they all sat there with nothing to do, when Francesca spoke up. Flynn responded to her, "Eh, I don't think we need to avoid her, but be careful. If she could hang from strings, who knows what else she could do."

Becky, who was next to Flynn said, "I think we could trust her. She seems pretty nice."

Cristy didn't say much since they've been kidnapped. She had stayed silent the whole time, hiding in Flynn's brown colored flannel shirt. Flynn shrugged, "Nah, looks can deceive Becky. Don't forget that."

Becky looked down and sat next to Cristy, "Ok Flynn."

Their little group hug didn't last long, as a bone-chilling laugh filled the room, it was Spring.

"Hello twerps." She said.

Everyone looked down except Francesca, who stood up and walked towards her, "Who ye callin' twerp, brat."

"Francesca..." Flynn warned, but neither of the girls seemed to notice.

Spring's smile faded into a scowl and grabbed Francesca's hair, "Don't call me brat, idiot."

"Fine," Francesca scoffed, and Spring let go of her hair. But as Spring was walking away, she whispered, "But I'd be speakin' the truth."

Spring spun around and lunged at Francesca, who fell down with her. Becky and Cristy got up to help Francesca, but Flynn held them back; this was Francesca's fight.

Spring lay on top of Francesca holding her wrists, despite that she was a year younger than them. Sprig abruptly let go of Francesca and punched her in the gut. Francesca grunted and covered her stomach. Spring them punched her in the face, sure to leave a black eye. She repeatedly punched her, while Francesca covered her face with her arms, trying to block them. While Spring was preparing for another punch, Francesca made one of her own, on the top of her nose. A snap was heard, before Spring covered her face and fell off of Francesca, who got up and pulled her sleeves over the cuts on her arms. Spring got up, crazy in her eyes, and rubbed her hands against her puke green pants. Her nose was bleeding, and the pants were now stained with fresh blood. Francesca backed away as Spring screamed, "You idiot! I am definitely telling my dad, and when I do, your gonna be sorry!"

She was going to tackle Francesca again, but was held back when two thin, but sturdy strings wrapped around her wrists, a more thicker one wrapping around her mouth as a gag. She pulled against them, but it was obvious that she wouldn't have any luck breaking free. To prove her point, behind her was Mariett, with strings coming out of her hands, like their last encounter. But her face... it was white with red circles blush and purple streaks going down her face.

Spring spun around and saw her, an even more angry look on her face. Mariett spoke in a raspy voice, "Don't hurt them, Spring."

The strings loosened, with Spring squirming to get free. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, before Spring screamed, "Dad!" and ran off.

Mariett's face looked fear stricken, but it disappeared as soon as it came. Everyone just stared, in disbelief that Mariett, the person who shouldn't be trusted, had just saved Francesca from at least a good beating. Mariett looked at them, as of a gentle plead. Francesca, like the others, had a look of shock on her face, but it disappeared when Vincent stormed in the room, "Mariett! I'm gonna kill you for punching my daughter! You are being punished!"

He harshly grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Francesca was about to speak up that it was her who punched Spring, but Mariett motioned for her to keep quiet.

Mariett walked back into the room with another cut that danced along with scars from other punishing. Every time Mariett did something "bad", she would get a cut down her back. But he wouldn't dare strike anything vital. He needed her to work, as Freddy Fazbear was already losing customers.

But the others didn't notice. Mariett sat down next to them, making sure to keep her distance, trying not to smile at the gratitude in their eyes. Francesca inched closer to her, "What ye did t'ere was very brave of ye lassie."

Mariett chuckled, "Don't mention it." She teased. Flynn came up behind her, Becky and Cristy by his side. "You alright?" He asked.

"Ai, I'd be fine captin'. Thanks to this ol' lassie over 'ere. What'd be yer name? I'd have seemed to ferget."

"My names Mariett." The girl said, the prints on her face now faded away. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you have a pirate accent?"

"I be readin' pirate books and kinda got use to readin' 'loud."

Mariett giggled, "So, I take it you like pirates?"

Francesca nodded, but Becky spoke up, "Yep, you could say pirates are her expertise. As for me, I'm more into robotics and engineering."

Cristy spoke in a rather quiet voice, "Yeah, I like food. Any kind, I can cook it."

Flynn chuckled and crossed his arms, "Yeah, we are a weird group. I mean, I like to sing. For some reason, I was always drawn to the stage and the bright lights. I know it's stupid and it's a girl thing but..."

He was interrupted by Mariett, "I don't see anything wrong with it."

She was now sitting up next to them, her legs crossed, as if she was being told a story. Flynn blushed, but it was so light, it was barely visible.

He chuckled, his face now a welcoming smile, holding out his hand to help her up, which she gratefully took. He looked around, barely noticing that they were in the main room until them. Mariett gazed around at the animatronics, before looking back at them and shook his hand. "Welcome to the Fazbear family."
Three months later
"Mariett! You've gotta see this!" Becky yelled, running down the hallway. Mariett peeked her head out of a party room, curious to what Becky was yelling about, when said Becky almost ran into her. After she caught her breath, Becky shot a bolt of lightning in the air. Mariett looked marveled, but Becky's face also looked almost completely black except for her pupils, that almost glowed a drone red. "I know right?" She more exclaimed than asked, "This goes completely against human physics! That not all though, Cristy has been healing herself a lot quicker and Francesca can run 20 mph! Flynn is the craziest though, he can open doors without even touching them and; get this, once in a while, his eyes turn black with white pinpricks in the middle."

"Wow!" Mariett exclaimed, "You guys have powers like me now! Check this out, I only learned how to do it yesterday but..." Mariett fell silent as she focused on her hands and, much to Becky's surprise, a ball of white with black accents formed in between her hands.

"How did you do that?" Becky exclaimed in amazement.

"I don't know, I just try and put all my energy into my hands. Can I try doing it with you?"

"Sure." Becky said, closing her eyes and both of them squatting down. Mariett looked at her, then back down at her own hands. A small spark of purple erupted in her hands when Becky hissed, "S-stop. It h-hurts."

With this, Mariett immediately stopped. Becky released a breath that she didn't even realize she was holding and relaxed. Mariett winced, before fiddling with her hands nervously, "Was it really that bad?"

Becky got up and shook her head, "No, it just hurt a little, that's all."

Mariett stood up also and looked over at Becky, who put her arm around her back. They both walked to the Parts and Service room together, where clattering and laughter could be heard.
Later that night
Mariett was sitting next to the four sleeping children, just watching them. As soon as she knew they weren't going to wake up anytime soon, she tried using it on Cristy. When a little yellow came in her hands, she checked on Cristy, who appeared to be in no physical pain. The glow grew bigger and bigger until a yellow glow the size of a baseball levitated in her hand. Mariett moved to brush some hair out of her face, but when she made contact, a memory of when Cristy was 9 popped into her head, but disappeared as fast as it came. But when she looked back at the glow, she was surprised to see Cristy running through what seemed to be grass when she was 8. She looked back at Cristy to see if there was any reaction, and there was. She was beaming in her sleep and let out a pleasant-full sigh. Mariett smiled as the light in her hands dimmed and traveled to her head.

Getting an idea, Mariett went over to Becky and placed one hand on her forehead, the other forming a similar-sized purple glow. She imagined a guitar and transferred it to the glow. A soft smile grew on her face and her shoulders seemed to get lower. Then she realized that Becky had set her glasses to the side. Her hair wasn't in a bun, but in a high ponytail that somehow managed to stay neat. She looked so, vulnerable. With her glasses on, she seemed so much like a nerd, but now that they were off, she had this softness on her face that made her look like an average 10 year old.

The purple glow evaporated in her head, before Mariett let out a yawn of her own. She would never admit it, but using this power had made her exhausted. She stood up and made her way back to her room, she'll do Flynn and Francesca tomorrow, she was curious. But until then, she laid down and prepared herself for the delighted screams of children the next day
The next night
Mariett tip toed into the room when she was sure they were all asleep. Flynn slept in the middle of Cristy and Becky, his arms wrapping around them. Cristy's head rested on his slow rising chest while Becky curled up by his side. Without a doubt, it was adorable. Mariett knelt down near him. She put her hand on his shoulder and was about to begin, when a pair of footsteps echoing through the hallway. Startled by this, Mariett backed away into a corner.

But she relaxed when it was only Francesca who stepped into the room holding a glass of water. How stupid was Mariett to not notice that Francesca wasn't in the room. She laid herself down, half a foot from the group, her back turned from them. That means that if Francesca opened her eyes, she would've come face to face with Mariett. So she didn't move a muscle until soft snores came from Francesca.

Mariett inched closer to the now sleeping girl and put her hand on Francesca's forehead. A rusty red glow formed into her hand, soon being imprinted with pirates sailing the seven seas. Like the others, the glow seemed to evaporate into her forehead, leaving Francesca in a sense of joy and adventure. She turned over and did the same to Flynn, but the brown glow that formed already had a picture in it; and it wasn't a pretty one.

What looked to be the 4 kids walking together formed inside the brown glow. A man now entered the image, he seemed to be talking to the group. About a minute passed when the kid in the middle separated the two kids next to them while the forth backed away. The man laughed, before grabbing the kid in the middle. The kid who backed away ran at the man, but he grabbed their hair. The two other kids fearfully followed him to a truck. Wait...

He was having a nightmare! But wait a minute, this isn't a nightmare, this was a flashback, a horrible flashback. The first kid had a look of determination on his face, but Flynn's had a fearful face, almost as if he was paralyzed in fear. When a couple tears escaped his eyes, Mariett thought he had enough. With one swift movement, she pictured the nicest thing she could think of and transferred it into the glow.

All the images in the glow vanished, before soon being replaced with a woman cradling a smaller child, it was his mother. She slowly backed away, the look on his face now turned to serenity and comfort.

But before she left the room, Flynn whispered in his sleep, "Thanks Mariett."

How did he know...
So, that's a wrap for that chapter. Next time, there comes even more kids locked into this perpetual doom. I feel a little bad since I didn't actually tell the story, just introduced the characters. I want to speed this along

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