Into the Woods

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Okkkk, so here is the chapter. It is very long, but interesting. So, I'm just gonna say it, I got this idea from the game Slender the Arrival. I'm not saying slender is in this, or that they will die. But there will be a threat out there. You'll see what I mean when we start the story. It's just the events that happen are common so I'm just gonna say that I got this idea from the game Slender: The Arrival. So yeah, now they are lost in the woods. And there are cases where Lily might know more than Mariett. Also, prepare for some death, just warning you.
I looked around myself, I was in complete blackness. I appeared to be holding a present that seemed to glow. I turned around to see if anything was behind me, but there was nothing, not even the floor. We were surrounded in darkness, not pitch black, for the present I was holding was glowing. When I turned back around, Lily was standing there, tears in her eyes. Without thinking about it, I walked up to her and held out the present to her. She looked down at it, then back up at me, "Are you sure about this?" She asked.

I nodded, what was so important about a box. She looked back at the present, her shuttering breathing the only audible sound in this void of nothingness.

That is, until I heard a heartbeat. I looked around to try and find the source of the sound, but it seemed to be coming from everywhere in the room. I looked back at Lily. She had opened th
e present.
"Wake up!" A muffled voice shouted, but I couldn't move.

"Mariett! Wake up!" I tried opening my eyes, but the light was too blinding. I could tell it was Billy.

"Mariett! Please, wake up!" When I heard him say please, I knew something was wrong. Billy never said please.

With a groan, I sat up, my eyes still closed. "Too bright." I muttered. I felt a hand go over my eyes, "You can open them." He said.

I opened my eyes to see light, but it was dimmed by his hand, "Can I move my hand now?" He asked.

I nodded, as he slowly removed his hand. It was still bright, but it was less harsh. It was already dusk. "W-where am I?" I stuttered. The hopeful face on his face disappeared, "Don't you remember?" He asked. All of a sudden, flashes of what happened at the accident flowed through my mind. Almost pushing Mango onto the cart. Jumping off of the roof. Using my strings to stop Billy and Lily from falling. Tying the strings to a tree branch, stopping them inches to the ground, before they snapped. Falling into a tree branch. The ground was coming closer. That's all I remember.

"Mariett! Thank goodness your ok! I need help, in the morning, Lily had gone back to the wreckage to try and uncover anything that had survived. She hasn't come back since

I fully stood up, "Which direction did she go?"

Billy pointed towards the cliff. Has that been there before? "C'mon, let's go find her."

-here comes the deathy part so if you can't handle it, skip this part-

We had been walking through the forest until we finally found the wreckage. I was the first to find the not moving blue and purple body laying on the ground, "Billy, close your eyes." Hearing me, he immediately closed them. "What is it? Is she dead?" He asked.

I confirmed his fear sadly. His face quickly turned into a mixture of fear and sadness. We ran over to her. Billy still tried to feel for a pulse, but he didn't find one. A fresh wound was bleeding from her mid section. By the way her body lay, it looked as if she was trying to get back to us. In her left hand, she held a small pocket knife, and in her right, a flashlight and a media player. I picked up the blade while Billy grabbed the flashlight, putting the media player in his pocket. "Billy," I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. "This wound on her, it's fresh. Whoever did this to her, is still in the woods with us."

-ok, you can look now-

"We have to-" I was interrupted when a heartbeat, just like the one from my dream, erupted through the forest, seeming to come from everywhere. Billy's breathing became ragged. "The last ray of sunshine went down." He whispered.

"We gotta get away from here."

Billy turned on the flashlight, the light illuminating the forest, I began to worry, "Billy, turn that off, your gonna attract-"

"Please, I don't like the dark." He whimpered. The flashlight would surely attract attention, but there was so much pain and fear in his voice, all the thoughts of turning it off vanished. "Ok," I said, "You can leave it on."

He chuckled nervously, "Thanks. I just..." He sighed, "I don't like the dark."

"It's fine." I said. I never really liked the dark either, but I wasn't afraid of it like Billy was. "Let's just move. Over that hill will get us to the right street. If we travel a couple miles down it, we'll end up right in front of the pizzeria."

Billy shuttered, "Ok, let's just go."

We started walking. I wouldn't tell Billy that it was a 20 mile walk, he didn't have his hopes up yet. We had walked down a couple miles before a powerful wind blew the canopy of the trees. Billy's breathing quickened and he swung the flashlight to our surroundings. "Calm down Billy," I assured, "There's nothing here."

He calmed down when I put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm here. It's ok."

He nodded, before refocusing the flashlight in the direction we were going. We walked another half a mile when we came upon a clearing. A building, with only one floor and no roof. "There could be supplies." I said.

"Or the monster that killed Lily." Billy muttered, but walked towards the building anyway. We walked inside, our footsteps echoing through the hallway. "I don't thinks theres anything in here Mariett." Billy exclaimed, "Can we go now, I just wanna go home."

I nodded, but soon hushed him as we heard footsteps through the hallway, but no one was moving. "What's that?!" Billy shouted, clearly afraid of what could be the source.

"Cute... little...squirrels?" I squeaked nervously. "I'm not gonna wait here to find out." Billy grabbed my hand and lead her out. But a pebble was thrown at his sneaker, followed by a hiss that sounded of a wild animal.

There was no hiding it now, both Billy and I screamed, running out of the building and bypassing trees. We were both tired, but we kept running for another mile, for the chill night of spring was cool. We stopped running once Billy couldn't take another step, as he collapsed from exhaustion.

I stopped, before looking back at him. The flashlight was still on, shaking in his hands. His breaths were raspy and his face was beet red. I don't know how I looked, but I was dizzy to, and my vision was starting to sway. We both sat on a nearby log. I felt Billy lean onto me, and I noticed the soil beneath us was damp. "There's a lake nearby, we could get a drink." I spoke, still trying to catch my breath. I regretted wearing black leggings and a thick, black t-shirt.

Billy nodded, before standing up and walked. I got up as well, and then noticed that Billy was swaying a little. "You need a break?" I asked.

"No," he gasped through his phrase, "I'm ok."

They were grateful the lake wasn't that far from them. "Are you sure this water will be safe to drink?" Billy asked.

"If it is safe or not, I don't think we have much of a choice. This might be the only time we are able to get water, so drink a lot. We don't have any food here, unless we run into a berry bush."

Billy looked at the water and felt it through his fingers. It was a little mucky, but was it safe? I took a drink. It tasted muddy, but not polluted. He took some more sips, trying his best to ignore the sandy taste. Billy knelt beside me and, unlike myself, dipped his whole head in the lake, drinking like a horse. He brought his head up to gasp for air, then went back down.

I continued cupping it in my hand and drinking from it. I was surprised when Billy shot up, coughing something up. When he finally stopped, he pulled out what looked to be gooey water plant out of his mouth. "Eww..." He groaned. He threw it in the lake while I laughed, "That's what you get." I teased.

I thought I saw some fish swim in the water, their movements suspiciously slow, but at least it comforted me that the lake wasn't completely polluted. Finally having enough, I wiped my mouth on my sleeve, then asked Billy, "What time is it."

I really didn't like that he had the flashlight on, but I didn't have the heart to tell him to turn it off. He looked at his watch, "Its 2:34."

As if on cue, he yawned, "I'm getting sleepy."

I sighed, I, being a teenager, was still wide awake, but with Billy being 10, his normal bed time was 7 hours ago. But today isn't a normal day. I sighed, looking at my reflexion, that wavered a little in the water. My hair was still in a bun, but strands of hair had gone down my face. I had a little dirt on my face, but I could fix it when we got back... if we got back.

I was interrupted when I heard a soft snore come from Billy. He had fallen asleep. I sighed, before pulling him onto my back and carrying him. I turned the flashlight off and put it into Billy's big pockets, along with the media player. I walked for another couple of miles until I saw a building in the distance, really wide, but only two stories high. I had two options here. I could go into the building and somehow make it to the second floor and move higher up the hill. Or I could walk the extra 5 miles and increase all kinds of natural diseases. My feet already ache, and carrying Billy wasn't helping either. I looked at his watch, it was 5:43. I sighed, before carefully placing him on the ground.

I felt bad that the kid had only two hours of sleep, but I knew I would need a flashlight, for there were no lights there, and I couldn't carry the flashlight, carry Billy, and watch out for threats at the same time. Besides, it would be good to have some company.

"Billy." I gently shook him. "Billy." I whispered again. He yawned, before opening his eyes. He looked around, back up at me. Then, his eyes shot awake and he stood up. "Where are we? I thought we were at the lake." He wearily said.

"You fell asleep," I soothed, "I carried you here."

He groaned, before putting his head in his hand. When he spoke, his voice was muffled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I fell asleep. I just," he sighed, "you must be exhausted."

"Don't worry about me." I soothed, "I'm fine."

Actually, I had a little headache and my feet felt like they were on fire. I was also starving and was already feeling a little dehydrated. But I wouldn't tell Billy that. He took out the flashlight and turned it on, now able to see words, since we were on the front of the building. "Thomas Mines." Billy read aloud, "In case of emergencies, activate 2 generators and turn on a lift that will get you to the second floor." He shuttered. "Do we have to go?"

"I think so." Mariett replied, "It's a shortcut, and I'm not sure if I could handle the extra 5 miles."

"Oh." Billy stated, before opening the metal door and closing it behind them, in hopes that they would keep the monster out. They walked down the tipped over carts. "It's abandoned." Billy wondered about the obvious.

"Now remember," I said, "we need to activate 2 generators."

I looked down the hall, "And there's one right here!" Without thinking about it, I turned it on. A clanking sound was made, before activating another door that lead to another hallway. "Uh..." Billy moaned, "another spooky task."

"It's just another generator." I said. "Besides, it will cut off some of our trip."

Although I heard footsteps running in the distance, I forced myself to move on, the only thing allowing us to see is the flashlight. We entered another room. A room had a red glow, indicating that there was a generator in there. Too tired to think straight, I ran into the room, followed by Billy, fear sticking him to me like glue. However, when I entered, something tackled me. It had bright, glowing eyes and an ugly green torn body. I grunted as it scratched at my arms. I couldn't reach the pocket knife in my back pocket. Billy let out an ear piercing scream, before sprinting to the generator, turning it on. I screamed as well, but it wasn't from fear. The creature had bitten into my right arm.

I thought it was over as it twisted its mouth, increasing my agony. But to my surprise, Billy had grabbed an iron bar in the corner of the room and beat the creature until it fell off of me. The creature grunted as Billy helped me up. He was brave for a kid his age.

But what was even more surprising was when the creature threw a yellow rod at me and screeched in a raspy tone, "Turn this in, and if you make it back, you can have the antidote." Antidote? Antidote for what. The thing that looked strangely like a human jumped on Billy, who screamed out of surprise. But I grabbed the pocket knife and sliced the right side of its face. It yelled out in pain as it clutched the right side of its face. I was thankful Billy wasn't harmed. Before the creature could fully recover, I grabbed Billy's hand and ran towards the lift. I was relieved when the lift went up, just in time to leave the creature behind. But it was laughing insanely. It sounded almost like Spring.

I looked at the cut, that was starting to drop on the floor. Hoping that the second floor wouldn't have more terrors, Billy and I walked down the one way hallway, scared of what's around the corner. But I was relieved when Billy sighed in relief, "Light!"

I looked around the corner to see the forest, that dawn had arrived. I wondered what time it was. I quickly grabbed some leaves and wiped off the blood. I looked up, the view was beautiful. The sky was orange with the green trees of the forest below us giving us a wonderful view. We could see the building we walked in before. We could see the lake, and even where we crashed, we had gone a long way. There was another cliff, but there was a dirt path.

"It's beautiful." I said, trying to distract myself from the slight pain in my stomach and the rather more sharp pain in my arm.

"Yeah," Billy sighed, "Lily would've loved it."

"Now now," I soothed, "Lily's in a better place now. She's not suffering anymore."

"It's more like a trial." He grimaced, holding his stomach, "Like a test, some sick, cruel test where it doesn't matter who dies."

I looked down, it did seem a little planned out for a run away. "At least we get a break." He sighed.

He walked up next to the cliff, "That's a LONG drop." He exclaimed.

That's when realization hit me, this could be a suicidal challenge. See who was ready to give up. After all, this would be a more merciful way to die. "Don't jump Billy," I said, "We'll make it."

"I just wish Lily was here with me. I wonder where she is." He whimpered.

"She's with the sun." I assured, making sure the flashlight was off, which it was. "With enough light for her to embrace."

Billy looked down, but looked back up at me with a smile, "Let's go then, for Lily!"

He held out his hand, but it took me a second to register the high five. I returned the gesture, "For Lily."
We walked down the dirt road for about a mile. It was really hot out, and Billy said it was only 10:13. My feet felt like they were on fire and my arm hurt like heck, but it scabbed over. I was very hungry and thirsty, but I pushed myself forward. That is, until we reached a cave. "It's the only way Billy." I reasoned. This wasn't a short cut, it really was the only way through. Despite the heat wave though, Billy shivered, "No way! I'm not going in there! The forest and the mines were bad enough, but the caves? I don't know how much more I can take of this!"

"Calm down," I smiled, "It's ok, I'm here with you."

Billy smiled, "I'm glad you are."
I realized what she meant by an antidote, my arm was oozing greenish puss and hurt as if it were on fire. I also felt lightheaded, and dehydration wasn't helping at all. That and I was so confused. The cave was like a maze, with every way being an end. "Mariett," Billy groaned, "We have to stop."

For what seemed to be the seventh time today, we stopped again for Billy to dry heave. The water from the lake had apparently poisoned us, and poor Billy was experiencing the worst of it. I managed to keep what little food I had left in me down, but he had puked everything. Once, he was done, he shuttered, "I'm tired." He moaned. "Can we stop."

"N-No." I answered, "We gotta keep going." I got another dizzy spell. I closed my eyes, being in the caves for 12 hours has taken a toll on all of us. "Face it." Billy grunted, "We can't go on like this."

"C'mon, we are probably almost done." I sighed, the spell fading away. Billy breathed heavily, "Your insane." He muttered before getting up. My legs didn't want to move, but I dragged them on.

•flashback• (Lily's POV)
I finally made it to the crash sight, with smoke making it hard to see. I looked around, almost nothing had survived. All that was there was a flashlight, a knife, and an IPod. I scanned the area, before I grabbed the stuff and started walking back. That's when I heard a rustle. I looked around, "Hello?" I spoke out, but no one answered.

I turned around to keep walking but something leaped onto me. I screamed, trying to fling it off. A sharp pain hit my stomach, and I immediately lost the stength I had to fight. The greenish creature snickered, before running off a different

I clutched my stomach, only to see red on my hands. I managed to whisper, "Billy." before I blackened out.

I was covered in darkness. It was all I saw. That, and a glow coming from a present, Mariett standing behind it. I was scared, who wouldn't be. Mariett grabbed the box and handed it to me. I knew what was happening, I had died, and she was giving me a second chance. I looked at the box, "Are you sure?" I asked.

She quickly nodded, before I grasped the box with my trembling hands. I looked at her, then back at the present. I took a deep breath, then opened the box. Blue and purple swirls flooded my vision, until a light appeared. It was the sun. I waved my hand next to a tree to confirm that I wasn't alive. But where could Mariett and Billy gone?

•end of flashback• (reminding you it's now back to Mariett's POV)

"T-Time?" I asked.

"Who cares, " Billy muttered, "We're never getting out of here."

I didn't want to lose hope yet, but I had a feeling the caves didn't have an end. I hope they did. Billy shuttered, "Ugh, why is it so cold in here?"

He rubbed his arms together while I was confused altogether, what was he talking about? It was super hot in here!

It took me a while to finally realize that he might have a fever. He stopped and sat down, "I need another break."

As soon as he sat, more like collapsed, onto a nearby rock, I put my hand on his forehead. Man, he was blazing hot. "Oh," he moaned, "I don't know how much more I can take of this. I'm tired, I'm hungry, my stomach's on fire, I lost my best friend, we're lost in the caves, and we're stuck here with some soulless monster that wants to kill us."

"Now, don't think like that Billy," I said, "at least we got..." I tried to think, but there seemed to be nothing positive about our trip. "We got each other," Billy mumbled, "with all the people to be stuck with on this crazy ride,"He sighed, "I'm glad it's a friend."

If my condition was better, my heart would've melted at his comment, with him being the first to confirm our friendship. But I was so tired, and I was so dizzy, comfort like this seemed normal.

He stood up, "C'mon," he shouted, the yells echoing through the caves, "Let's get outta here!"

And, as if almost on cue, a glow came from the walls of the cave. "Finally!" Billy shouted with enthusiastic energy, "The way out!"

Mariett couldn't help but smile, for they were 3/4 done with their trip. "And it's only 10:56! 12 hours, but we finally made it out!"

I smiled, he had so much joy in his voice. But he stopped when the flashlight flickered, before turning off completely. It had run out of battery. "Who cares!" He said, "We're finally getting out of here!"

Wait... if it was night time, why was there light? I followed Billy until we reached the exit of the cave, but I gasped, the woods were on fire.
"Your call Mariett." Billy shouted. It would be dangerous, but we were too close to give up now. "Go as fast as you can."

I forced myself to run, even though my body screamed at me to stop. Billy ran beside me, and by the way his eyes were dilated, I knew he was in no better condition. I kept running, even when I heard a voice, "Help us!"

It sounded like Lily's, but she was dead. But there it was again, "Save us!"

It started screaming, before I saw a huge, black blob with long spider-like legs. I screamed, pointing at it. Billy looked where I pointed, then back at me, "What? What is it?"

Didn't he see it? It was obvious to see. I kept running, although I knew I couldn't keep going for much longer. I didn't see a burning branch that fell on top of me.

I screamed out again. The branch was burning my leg. "Billy!" I yelled. The black blob was now in front of me. Billy turned around, before grabbing my arms and tried to pull me out. "Get out of here! Save yourself!" I yelled.

"No!" Billy shouted, "I made that mistake with Lily, I'm not making it with you."

To prove his point, he finally pulled me out. I solemnly limped away, hoping nothing else would fall on me. And nothing else did. The darkness of the damp forest ahead of us offered a safe place to hide from the blazing fire. I looked beside me at Billy, who was red in the face. He stopped though, a couple of feet in front of the trees, his breathing was heavy, "it's d-dark." He complained.

"Billy, we have to." I reasoned.

"I- I can't, I can't go in there." He muttered, backing away, but I grabbed his arm with my left hand. He grimaced, and I loosened my grip only so it wouldn't hurt him, "We don't have much of a choice."

It was easy for me to drag him, although he showed a lot of resistance, he didn't have much of a fight to put up, much less walk straight. We jogged into the damp woods, fear pushing me in. After a while, we slowed down. Billy was clinging to my arm. "It's d-dark." He whispered, "I-I can't s-see my h-hand."

"It's ok," I soothed, "We're almost to the road."

We walked for a while, Billy shuttering, almost like he was trying to cry. After about a mile, something scurried in front of us. He gasped, squeezing me tighter, but he didn't even have enough strength to hold my hand. I could feel it in the way he walked, he was using more momentum than his own strength. I, in turn, held his hand, barely even being able to stand up straight.

A bright light shifted my attention, at first, I thought I was hallucinating, but Billy had noticed it to. It was a street light. Both of us smiled, we had made it. Billy giggled, "We made it!" He shouted, his voice hoarse, but full of joy. We walked up to the edge of the forest and the street was small, but it was there. We hugged each other, after all of out troubles, it was all over; almost over. We still had to walk a mile down to the pizzeria, but we had past the worst of it.

I finally let him go, "C'mon, we're almost there!"

He chuckled, before following me. By the time the pizzeria was in sight, we were tripping over our own feet. We were going slow, but hope pushed us forward. We had come this far, we couldn't stop now. "What time is it?" I asked.

"12:57." He replied. I hope someone would notice us, I don't think we could wait the couple of hours. We limped to the door and knocked on it. My hopes were evaporating when no one came. Were they gone? But they lifted high when Flynn walked by the area, a bandage around his head. He looked over and noticed us. He rubbed his eyes, but his look remained shocked. He yelled out for someone, and Becky peered over. She had a look of shock herself and ran over to the door.

So much relief flooded over me when the door clicked unlocked and opened with a screech. She stared at us in complete shock. That is, until a rusty red blur went by me. "Billy!" Francesca yelled, tears of joy streaming down her face. She squeezed him and actually lifted him up, "I missed ye so much!"

After putting him down, she looked at me. "Thank ye fer bringin' 'im 'ome safe."

I smiled at her. I honestly was ready to drop, two days without sleep had left me ragged. "Guys! You've got to see this! Mariett and Billy are okay!" Felix shouted with joy from the other side of the room.

Shouts came from a distant room, before Crystal, Bobby, and Cristy rushed out of the room, soon followed by Mango and... wait, was that Lily?!

"Lily? Is that you?!" I asked. They all nodded, "She appeared last night!" Mango shouted.

"Yeah!" Lily shouted, before giggling, "I'm a ghost! Walking through walls and stuff!"

Billy giggled, it was good to see him laugh. But something brushed against the bite in my arm. I hissed out and on instinct, shielded my arm to my side. But whatever had brushed my arm grabbed my wrist. "How did you get this?" Flynn asked, staring at my arm. I looked down on it also, and that's when I saw really how bad it was.

My arm was swollen twice it's size and was a bluish purple color from the elbow to my wrist. The cuts had green scabs and the area surrounding it was a yellow.

Just looking at it made me lightheaded. But this time, I let it come. My vision turned blurry and I started seeing spots in the room.

Billy put my hand on my shoulder, "Mariett, are you ok? You seem a little pale."

"Te lad be right," Francesca warned, "Ye got dilated eyes and ye be swayin'. Ye don't look so good."

I looked at Becky, who seemed to inch over to me. She gave me a look, she knew I would faint. She always did understand me. I managed to whisper, "tell me about it.". Before I passed out, the last thing I saw was Becky's arms ready to catch me.
So, that was a long chapter! I'm proud of myself. Only took a day to write! So, stay tuned to find out what happens after, because this story will only get more interesting. So, see at next chapter and DroneSaver... AWAY!!! P.S.- I was too lazy to edit this chapter so... yeah. *brofist*

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