They All Fall Down

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K, so this is that short chapter that changes everything! So here we goooooo...
1 month later.
I became known for handing out free tokens to the kids everyday to play games. After going from being a kid, to seeing what it's like to watch kids, my view has been, persuaded. Some are complete brats, who always take the most tokens and are almost never polite. Some even push other kids away so they could get more tokens. But I really only enjoy my job for the few kids that are polite and rather nice. To them, I secretly sneak in extra tickets to, but only when the bullies aren't around.

As for the other coworkers, it wouldn't be as bad as you think. I had met the rest of the 12 year olds, Becky, Flynn, and Cristy. They are really nice and kind. For the 11 year olds, Crystal, Felix, Bobby, and Mango, they are really nice to. They are actually good friends with the older ones, and I even think Bobby might have a crush on Becky. I don't know, I'm just a kid, so I don't understand it. I also feel bad for Mango, with getting scratched at and stuff. For some reason, the kids were always a little rough whenever she tried to help kids with games. They usually pushed her away. Goldie and Spring are very, scary. Spring threatens me to do my job, even when I'm doing it instead of using the own tokens I had to play games with the kids myself. Goldie would just stare at me from time to time. So I became friends with Francesca and Mariett.

But nonetheless, we were all excited, for we would be able to perform at a circus, a REAL circus. It would be so cool, and everyone would be able to perform, even Mango with acrobatics. I know Lily and I would be doing magic tricks. Mariett would be tightroping and the others would be dancing and taming lions, because taming lions was something Francesca and Flynn thought would be fun.

We couldn't wait for it to begin. But we were a little hesitant, for the truck now had three carts to it, more like a train. But we still got in, probably the worst mistake we would ever make. The first cart was full of stage props and makeup. That would be where Felix, Bobby, and Crystal sit. As we continued walking back, with the three already sitting down, we opened a door and stepped onto the second cart, full of spare parts and tools needed for the show. This would be where Flynn, Francesca, Becky, and Cristy sit. The four sat down as we continued walking back, once again, jumping over a latch, where so much as a kick could separate the cart from this weird vehicle. The third and final cart had almost nothing in it. This would be where Mariett, Mango, Lily, and I would sit. Goldie and Spring were in the front with Vincent.

Felix's POV
As soon as the grumble of the engine started, I got an uneasy feeling, like something bad was going to happen, but I ignored it and enjoyed the air rushing to my face. All was well, until we started going down a hill. A truck had been speeding up the hill while Vincent had lost control of his vehicle. We ended up crashing into the truck, I saw it from the window. Our cart began to violently vibrate, as if we were skidding down. Crystal gasped and tightened her grip on the metal bars on her seat. Bobby cried out and clenched onto the seat in front of him. I, unfortunately, didn't have as fast reflexes so I hit the chair in front of me, before I grabbed my own seat to keep myself from falling out. As we stopped, I heard a crash, followed by a scream. As soon as we were no longer moving, we all rushed out of the front of our cart, only to find that we had been very lucky; for the second cart was tipped on its side, and the third cart was completely missing.

Flynn's POV

The ride had been a little bumpy, but otherwise it was ok. That is, until we went down a big hill. A cliff overhang was to our right, and it was a BIG drop. I believe we were driving down the hill when Vincent lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a truck near the left side. Our cart jarred forward, making us crash into the seats in front of us. We were still moving, but we were still recovering from the blow by the seats. Then, our cart actually started tipping over. We all grasped onto the metal bars near the storage area above our heads. Francesca lost her grip and started falling near the window, but I grabbed her waist with one arm, "I gotcha!" I screamed over the squealing of tires skidding down the street. The door connecting cart 3 opened, with Mango and Mariett grasping onto the door frame. Francesca outstretched her hands to take Mango, who looked almost ready to cry. After Mango was fully into our cart, Billy screamed, "We're all gonna fall!"

"Brace yourselves!" I yelled, but Mariett just stood there. She looked at the lever connecting the three carts. "No, not you guys," she almost whispered, "Just us."

And before I could stop her, she kicked the lever and cart three was no longer connected, "I'll see you guys later if we make it!"

Our cart shuttered some more, before completely falling onto its side. The scraping of metal could be heard from the skidding cart, before the friction made us stop.

Ringing was in my ears, I couldn't hear anything. Everything I saw was a blur. I let go of the railing and crawled my way out. As I reached closer to the exit, I started to hear slight static, coming from Mango. The last thing I saw was Felix, Crystal, and Bobby running towards us before I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes again, I had a headache and a slightly cracked skull near the right side. Becky and Crystal were beside me, as well as the 11 year olds and Francesca. It was good that they were ok. But the thing that upset me, was when they said that cart three had fallen off the cliff. I couldn't save them...

Billy's POV

I was still excited, even though people had calmed down about it, I was too excited to so much as relax a little. The car ride was fun, until everything went downhill from there, literally. We were going down a mountain when Vincent lost control and crashed into something, I think it was a truck.

Almost immediately, our cart abruptly stopped, before we began to tilt to the right, towards a cliff. Lily screamed as I put my arm out to stop her from falling through the window. Mango whimpered, she got hurt by crashing into the seat. But we didn't stop. With the cart still moving at an even faster speed, Mariett stood up and ran down the isle, grabbing Mango and pulling her towards the connection of cart two. She immediately grasped onto the door frame, for the cart had leaned even further towards the cliff. I could no longer hold onto the seat as Lily and I fell to the window on the other side of us. Meanwhile, Mariett had lifted Mango to cart two. At least she might be ok. I looked back down through the window, to see that we were inches away from the cliff. "We're all gonna fall!" I shouted.

Mariett muttered something, before kicking the lever that connected carts two and three, and turned back to us. With nothing guiding the cart, it had turned sideways and fell into the cliff. All of us were forced on the ceiling of it, before Mariett quickly opened the emergency door on the roof and shouted, "Jump off!"

"B-but." I tried to reason with her, but it was no use.

"Now!" She shouted, "before it's too late!

I closed my eyes, grabbed Lily, and jumped, soon followed by Mariett. The last thing I remember was that two strings had wrapped around Lily and my waist before we both blacked out.
Soooo. Suspenseful? Maybe? Anyways, in case you didn't understand, I did it from three different view points, Felix (cart 1), Flynn (cart 2), and Billy (cart 3). So, hope you like this chapter, next, we see what will happen to Billy, Lily, and Mariett as they are completely lost in the woods. Bye!😉

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