It's Ok

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Alright, here is the full chapter! It was going to be more but I don't really like rewriting stuff.
I woke up feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I didn't know what happened, all I knew was that I was here. I couldn't even see, all I saw was a harsh light. I heard murmured voices, rushed, young ones.

All of a sudden, the blinding light had dimmed, almost to were it was completely gone. After the black dots disappeared from my vision, I saw a girl with brown hair trailing down her back. She had thin glasses on and looked concerned. She was face to face with me. She looked away from me towards a door and yelled something I couldn't hear.

She looked back at me and, just like magic, bombarded me with questions, "Do you know who you are? Do you know where you are? Do you remember anything that happened?"

I hushed her, giving her the notion to give me a little space. She complied, and inched away from me as I sat up. I looked up at her, "I, I don't know..." I was ashamed that I didn't even know my own name.

"Your name is Mariett." She began, was that my name? I swear, my name was Mikayla. Yeah, Mikayla Harmony. Something told me though not to tell them that, so I kept my mouth shut. "You are in the back room." She continued. That made sense, "Can you tell me what happened?"

I shook my head, before a 10 year old boy opened the door. He seemed rather familiar. But as soon as he spoke, everything came back to me, "Mariett? Are you ok?"

As soon as I heard his concerned voice, flashing memories embedded my vision. The car accident... The forest... The caves... Lily... That monster...

After I was finally out of the past, Billy's hopeful face was slowly falling. "I don't think she remembers us." Becky groaned.

I looked back at Billy, "Billy?" I questioned. He looked back up at me, a smile returned to his face as he shouted, "Mariett!"

"Billy!" I shouted as he ran up to me. If he was heavier, I would've fallen under his weight as he leaped on me. But he was only 10, and I was 13, I think I would be able to handle it.

I looked up at Becky, shouting her name to acknowledge her. She smiled and yawned, "Well, I think I'm gonna catch some more sleep. It's almost 3AM, so, I'm gonna go next door to sleep with the others. Good night!"

I waved her goodbye as Billy stooped in front of me with energetic eyes, "I know, you were asleep for 5 whole days! Becky slipped this needle in your arm and a bigger one in your stomach and I asked why and she said so you don't get dehydrated or malnourished. I didn't know what those meant so I just asked Flynn and he said it means that you don't get thirsty or hungry. I mean, you've been sleeping all day, so you must be wide awake."

I was actually really tired, but I let him continue, "As for me I ate some lollipops that were just sitting there on the counter. Oh wait, that was chocolate. Yeah, I ate some chocolate bars. I found the lollipops but it reminded me of... Lily."

I hushed him, "Wait... how many chocolate bars did you eat?" He seemed really hyper.

"Eh, not many, about 14 of them."

This time, I was shocked. 14, even I couldn't even eat that many?! No wonder he was so spirited.

"I'm sorry I ate so many chocolate bars. I couldn't stop thinking about Lily and I didn't even know if you were gonna wake up. When it was getting closer to night, I couldn't sleep. The others were already sleeping and the dark was starting to scare me. I wanted to go to Francesca, but I was trying to prove that I was brave enough. I think I'm too old for sleeping with people anyways. So I waited for another hour, before I was hungry. So I walked around and I found all those chocolate bars on the table. So I ate them until I was full and then I was too wide awake to go to sleep. So I found a lit up room and I found Becky watching you so I hung out with her."

I nodded, "Yeah, was Lily here? I swear I saw her."

Billy shook his head, "No, she's... gone."

He looked down no longer making eye contact with me, "Billy?" I questioned.

I became more concerned I heard a sniffle, followed by a tear falling on the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, before putting his hands on his face, some of his speech being muffled. After removing his hands from his face, he looked at a wall. "I'm so stupid! I should have gone with Lily! She's now gone because of me! I could've done something, but instead I hid with you like a coward! I'm so worthless and stupid and..."

I shut his mouth before he could say anything else about himself, "Billy, I know your sad, but being mad isn't gonna solve anything."

He looked back up at me, his hands were shaking. "I-I have to be s-strong. F-F-For L-Li-ily-y."

I made eye contact with him. He looked back at me, "it's ok Billy."

He started wheezing, before breaking out into tears, crawling into my lap. He sobbed and sobbed, and I let him. He needed to get all those bundled feelings out. After his cries were muffled to sniffles, I scooped up his legs and cradled him. He looked up at me, with a gaze that seemed in a comatose. He snuggles more into me as I pulled him closer, trying to give him warmth. I never put him down until his breathing was steady and his body was limp. He was asleep.

I laid him down near myself. I moved a hair strand out of his face. He looked cute when he slept. Not like boyfriend cute, like a childish cute.

"I'm glad to see you awake."

I turned around, but relaxed when it was just Mango. I didn't even notice her standing there. "Is he alright?" She asked

I nodded. She looked down at Billy, "Poor kid, he couldn't stop crying after you fainted. At first, he thought you were dead. But we assured him that you were still alive. After that, he was always asking us if you'd be alright. You actually almost died. Your heart stopped, Becky had to electrocute you and give you CPR. Yeah, he wouldn't ever leave you alone."

I suddenly felt bad for the kid, he was super worried about me. And along with the death of Lily, he had to be under a lot of stress.

She sniffled, kneeling down next to me, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I could've helped you guys."

"Or died trying," I interrupted, "I'm glad you weren't stuck with us, you probably wouldn't of made it through."

Mango leaned on my shoulder, "I just... feel so bad. That I didn't have to feel the pain you guys did. I thought you guys were dead. But I'm glad your not."

I noticed my shoulder getting a little damp. She was crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I just feel so guilty. I got to escape while you, Lily, and Billy suffered the merciless forest. And it killed her."

"If you were there, it would've killed you too."

I rubbed her back in a circular motion as her grip on me slackened. Like Billy, her breathing had become even.

I placed Mango down next to Billy, before looking back down at them. During the day, they always carried that childish aura. But now, they looked so vulnerable, so helpless. It made me want to do anything to protect them. Save them from the nightmare that we are held captive in. I laid down next to them. I promised myself that one day, I'll save them from this nightmare. I promise...
Shhh... You'll wake them. *whispers* ok, I'll see you guys in the next chapter, I just wanted to fit in some fluff before things get wild again. Bye! And sorry for the uncoupled chapter, it's full now!

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