Meeting the Animatronics

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It had been only a mere half an hour before they arrived at Freddy Fazbears Pizza. It being exactly 6 in the morning, so not a lot of people were there. The bus stopped with a creak, and they all walked out of the truck. Mariett was surprised when the purple guy opened the door and practically pushed her out of the bus. She was left stumbling out, not wanting to fall on the pavement. Goldie and Spring soon followed her out and the doors of the bus shut when the guy pressed a remote. He walked over to the door and fumbled with his keys. While he was distracted, Goldie started talking to her, "This is going to be fun. Our father never took us here before."

Mariett didn't respond, instead just sighed and put her hands in her pockets. Finally, the man opened the door, the smell of day-old pizza rushing to the fresh air of outside. They stepped in, and the lights flickered, but then turned on.

The place was filled with lots of color. The walls had drawings from little kids all over the place. But that wasn't what she was focused on. She was looking at the animatronics on the stage. She immediately recognized them as Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. As she looked around some more, she saw a balloon vendor near the game area, known as balloon boy. Then there was a box near the prize corner, strings coming out of the box. An eerie feeling came over her as she stepped closer into the room. The man grabbed her hand and lead her onto the stage, near the back of the animatronics. He opened some panels on their backs. Confused, Mariett asked, "What do I do?"

He looked at her, a smile way too big for his face appeared before he said, "Your gonna give them life."
Mariett gulped, the phrase sounding spooky, but assuming he just wanted her to turn them on. She went over the first one, who was Freddy, and turned the switch on. Machinery whirled on, before his eyes flickered on, "H-hello! I'm Freddy Fazbear." He waved to the crowd that wasn't there. Mariett nervously stepped towards Chica. Like Freddy, she had a switch to, so when she flicked it on, her eyes flickered on and spoke in a cheerful voice, "And I'm Chica, let's celebrate!"

She closed the lid and walked over towards Bonnie. When she flicked the switch, a strum of his guitar echoed through the resturant. "Don't forget about me guys! I'm Bonnie the bunny, and I'm ready to rock!"

She smiled, before closing the lid and walking off the stage. She followed the guy who walked over to the balloon boy. He had a much more complex machinery, but she found a power button in the middle. Balloon Boy spun towards Mariett and spoke, "Hello, I'm Balloon Boy, would you like a balloon?" He asked, holding out balloons of all different kinds of colors. She giggled, "No thanks, but that was very kind of you to ask." He laughed, "Ok! I hope you enjoy your time at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria!"

She smiled and waved at him before moving to the last thing, the Marionette. There wasn't a switched for him, but there was a big handle on the side of the box. She grabbed the handle and started to turn it. The pop goes the weasel song played as she began to turn it. Suddenly, the box shot open and a black figure popped out. She gasped and fell on the ground, that thing seemed creepy. It wore a white porcelain mask with barely visible puckered lips and red blush, with also purple lines streaming down its mask. It got even closer to her as she tried to back away. But he leaned away and grabbed a plushy from the counter. He stood in silence as he held it out to her, but she pushed it away, "N-no thanks."

He almost had a disappointed look on his face, but put the toy back on the shelf and waved at her. She giggled and waved back, before she was tossed an outfit. Black shoes with black shorts were the first out of the pair she noticed. White stripped black knee-high socks stood under them, followed by a black t-shirt with a dark blue outline of the sleeve. She was given sleeve coverings, like her socks, stripped black and white and a red ribbon, followed by a comb. Assuming it was for her hair, she moved to the bottom of the pile. Face makeup of white, purple, and red lay on the bottom of the pile. There was a diagram with a girl on it. Her face was drawled on by colored sharpie. Almost all of its face was white, only leaving red circles on its cheeks and purple triangles upside down below her eyes. "You have 5 minutes to put this on," Spring said. "Or you'll suffer the consequences." Goldie finished. There was something about Goldie that was different from Spring. Goldie looked more sincere than Spring, despite the difference of age. However, Mariett wasn't going to tell her that, or else she might find that she was wrong. Besides, she probably only thought this way because Goldie didn't beat her up the first time she saw her. Yeah, that was it.

But Mariett paid no attention to this as she quickly ran to the girls bathroom and slipped on her clothes. She put her hair into a ballerina bun and tied it with the red ribbon. She quickly painted the makeup on her face and packed away the clothes from yesterday. She threw the clothes in the janitors closet just as a bell rung, signifying that the restaurant was open. She ran over, which was hard because she was wearing black ballerina shoes. Some kids looked curiously at her, and boy, was Mariett nervous. She didn't know if she would be accepted by the children, or torn apart like Mangle. Mangle... Mangle! She forgot to turn her on! Oh well, it would be an act of mercy anyway. She took a deep breath and looked at the other, slightly smaller children and smiled, "Hello, my name is Mariett, and I welcome you to Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria! A magical place for children and adults alike, where fantasy and fun come to life."
So, recognize the quote? From Five Nights at Freddys 1? Yes? No? Maybe? Ok, sorry it took me a while. For the few who are interested, I'm pretty sure you know that they (yes there are more) are connected to the animatronics. Also, I'm just going to call purple guy Vincent because I'm getting lazy. So yeah, look for another chapter soon. If u want, I'll add an extra chapter about what Mariett does during the day. So see you in the next chapter! Check out my other stories!

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