The Secrets Part 1

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So, I got nothing *claps* and sorry for so many gender benders! I just think girls have a more interesting reaction than boys. Sorry if u find this offensive.

______________________________Jessica's POVHi, my names Jessica. I am what people call the shy one. I'm usually the girl who sits in the back of the classroom. I don't have many friends, but I do have one. She was my best friend since the beginning of time. Her name is Michaela, and she is the opposite of me. She is always so bold and outgoing. I wish I could be more like her.Today was my birthday, and we were going to celebrate it by taking a trip to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. I noticed that over the years, the animatronics changed. When I was younger, they actually looked like animatronics. Then, when I turned 8, there was an animatronic girl that walked around and served tables. She went by the name Mariett. Then, two years later, all of them changed. The animatronics that were on stage became smaller and sleeker. Balloon Boy was the same size, but he was a little skinnier. Even the Marionette seemed a little smaller, and it's fingers became soft and curved. Michaela couldn't stop going on about how their motions were so fluid, that they were almost human-like. She said that when she shook Balloon Boy's hand, it was warm like a human to. Ever since then, she had studied them, almost like a stalker. She would always watch them.I didn't even believe her, not until she approached Balloon Boy, "Hello!" He chimed, "Would you like a balloon?"Michaela didn't answer him, but stared him down instead. She got closer to him as I stood their awkwardly. But my attention returned to Balloon Boy as he took a step back, "Heh, you're kinda in my space bubble."Michaela gasped, "He's a human! He's not a robot!"Everyone turned to the two of us, including "Toy Chica, Toy Freddy, and Toy Bonnie". I chuckled nervously, embarrassed by Michaela's sudden outburst.When we turned around, the "animatronics" went back to singing, and all of the attention faded to them. Michaela grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the music box. "Do you need more proof?"She grabbed the crank and quickly wound it. The tune of Pop Goes the Weasel played briskly, before the Marionette popped out of the box, as usual. But before it could even speak, she grabbed its hand. "Look!" She yelled, pulling its hand closer to me, "Feel how warm and curved the fingers are!" It was staring between the two of us, a facial expression of confusion on its face. I felt the hand, it did seem unusually soft.But that didn't mean it was human..."And look, they respond to feeling and touch!"Michaela poked its side, and it responded with a high pitched "Eep!" Before it shrank back into the box.Michaela looked back at me, "Jessica, animatronics don't do that!"I shrugged, "Well, I guess these ones are different."I looked around, until I found something weird. There was a security guard, dressed in all purple, even his skin. And he was... glaring at us. "Uh, M-M-Michaela! L-Look!" I stammered.She looked to where I pointed, before turning away, flashing a pose. "He's interested in us."I laughed, she was funny. That's when Finely walked up to us. He was Michaela's friend, but I'm a little too shy for his kind. "Hey ladies!" He said deductively, "I see we got some hot stuff here."He wavered his finger at Michaela, who pushed it away, "I'm too good for you." She flipped her hair."Oh really, is that true Michey?"He always called her that. "Yeah!" She replied with sass, "But if u want to prove me wrong, you'll show that the animatronics are human."He chuckled, "Fine! That'll be easy!"We watched with amusement as he almost jumped onto the stage. Everyone backed up from him as he marched up to "Toy Chica". She put on a smile, but he tried pulling up her bikini top. It didn't work, but it made her angry."Hey! Stop it!" She yelled in a robotic voice.He was gonna try again, but the same guy who was staring at us pulled him off the stage. He stepped up to the mic. "I'm sorry about the distraction. I will handle it personally."The animatronics looked nervously at each other, before beginning to sing, again. Finely's mom dropped him off for the sleepover that we were having (his mom doesn't really care about him, so she could care less about what he does), so she didn't see what happened. He pushed Finely (Michaela call him Frizzy) with him struggling. When he handcuffed the boy's arms behind his back, Michaela and I ran up to him."Sir," she exclaimed, "Do you mind letting our friend go? I promise he won't do it again.""I will deal with this myself ladies. If I so much as see you brats here again, you'll join him."Much to our dismay, we walked away. We didn't know what would happen to our freckled, red-head friend. Hopefully just a scolding. "We'll go back for him later." Michaela whispered.We didn't touch the animatronics for the rest of the time there. "I gotta go to the bathroom." I spoke, before heading off."I'm coming with you."Michaela reassured me. I was going to say thanks, but an announcement interrupted me, "Attention, all parents and children must leave in 5 minutes."I looked at my watch. Was it already 9:55? Wow, time flies by fast.I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. Drying my hands off with a towel, I redid the pony tail in my brown hair. My brown eyes shined brightly against my peach skin. The moment I fixed the bracelet down my arm and on my wrist, I thought of Frizzy. I would never tell him, but I had a huge crush on him since middle school. Somehow, I found his orange curly hair and bright blue eyes I found attractive. I found his freckles eye appealing. The thing that got me most, was his smile. My heart would always melt from it.He got me this friendship bracelet for my 11th birthday. I always kept it with me. I wanted him to think of me more than a friend, but it was obvious that he liked Michaela. Who wouldn't?She had straight, dark brown hair and green eyes. I could see why he was attracted to her.I smiled in the mirror, before the door opened. It was Michaela. "Hey, are you alright? The place closed five minutes ago, and you've been in here for a while.""Yeah, I'm fine. I just, I just wish I was more prettier, like you."Michaela now looked concerned, "This is about Frizzy, isn't it?"I nodded, we had this conversation before. She chuckled, "well, I don't have an interest in him, if it makes ya feel any better."I nodded again, I wasn't a talkative person. She put her arm around my back, "it's alright! I'm sure Friz loves you. Where is he by the way?"The last time I saw Frizzy was when he was handcuffed. Did he go back home? I was about to turn around, until I heard a muffled scream. Apparently Michaela heard it to, as she turned around too. "Could it be Friz?" I questioned."Only one way to find out." Replied Michaela. As soon as she took a step forward, the lights went out. It was 11:30."Friz!" She called out for our friend, and another muffled scream followed. We walked up to the door, where the yelling and constant sound of someone squirming fell to. She knocked on the door, "Frizzy! Finely are you in there?"Another yell came from behind the door. "I'm gonna kick the door down! Stand back!"I counted the number of seconds that passed. 1... 2... 3...She kicked the door, it swinging back as her foot made impact with the wood. There was Frizzy, in the far corner of the room. But his glasses were on the floor. All of the restraints I could imagine were on him. He was blindfolded and gagged. He was tied from the neck down in thick rope. Another rope was wrapped around his waist, holding him to the wall. The man was no where to be found.I shook myself out of a trance as Michaela took the blindfold and gag off. "What happened?" Michaela more demanded than asked.He laid there, shivering. She stood up and grabbed one of the blades laying around the room. She held it up to cut the ropes, but he started screaming, "No! Please no! Don't hurt me dad! I promise I'll do better!"I felt bad for him. This is what happens to kids when their dad abuses them and their mom ignores them. I grabbed the glasses off of the floor and slid them to his eyes.He blinked a couple of times, before looking up at me. "Now," I spoke in a gentle voice, "what happened?""That mean guy! He told me that I was going to jail! When I refused, he tied me up and kept me here! Talk about rude!"I nodded as Michaela finished cutting the ropes. Uh oh, it was 11:55. Mom would kill me!We rushed down the hallways and into the main room. I swear I heard commotion, but it died down as we entered. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. The room was dimly lit by the windows, but it was a little dark."It's no use." Frizzy sighed, "We're locked in here."But I didn't even hear him. I was caught in my own breath, terrified at what I saw. "What's wrong Jessica?" Michaela asked me, And when I pointed at the terror, or the lack of terror, all of us froze. Balloon Boy was gone...____________________________Spooky! Stay tuned, and btw this is the same story, it's just new characters. ;)

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