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Ok! Here is the final chappie. I would just like to say, I have never expected this story to get a lot of views. You guys are truly amazing and I take every comment to heart. I love hearing about other fellow writers, so feel free if you want to chat.

__________________________________Goldie's POVI coughed as I pushed open the doors that lead outside the room. The others were following me, frightened looks in their eyes. I also took notice, Francesca was carrying an unconscious Billy. We had to move quickly.We sprinted past the room and back into the main room. The whole place was on fire, flames dancing all over the equipment. Even with all of the light, you could barely see. I heard loopy sounds and my vision started spinning, sometimes static filling it. (Slenderman! Dun dun duun! XD just joking)We ran through the long, skinny railing that lead to the exit door. Flames flew by our arms and legs, but luckily not touching us. I heard Spring scream, and it just pushed me to go further out of the factory. It felt like hours, but the exit door finally came in sight. I pushed open the door, coughing out fire smoke and gasping in air as I stumbled out into the abandoned parking lot. The others followed me, Spring being on fire. Becky was the last one to leave, carrying a fire extinguisher and spraying Spring with it, until all of the fire was put out.Cristy motioned Billy, Spring, and Mariett to come with her, using her healing powers to her advantage. That sure comes in handy.I looked over at Francesca, her face black from ash and soot. In fact, all of our faces were smeared with the black substance. I rubbed my eyes, trying to clean it from my eyes, before sitting down on the ground. I fell staring at Flynn, rushing around to make sure everyone was ok. That's what I liked so much about him.Not even a minute later, the police came, their flashing lights slightly blinding me. Now I knew how Becky felt. But I did notice other cars following close behind.Mango ran up to a pink car, beaming at all of us, jumping in the car. The car stopped, but moved again. She screamed from out the window, "Bye guys! I love you!" "Momma!" Francesca shouted, running over to a green car following the fire truck. The green car pulled over, followed by a 30 year old woman with brown hair and eyes jump out of the car. "Francesca!" The woman running over, tackling her into a hug, both starting to cry. Francesca smiled at her, "Momma, tis me crew. I made friends during this misfortune."She stared back at all of us, before turning her head to Mariett. She pointed a shaky finger at her, "A-Are you, M-Mikayla Harmony?"Mariett, or Mikayla, nodded, speaking up, "Please," she smiled down at us, "Call me Mariett."__________________________________I turned around to find Flynn, inches away from me, "Are you going to be alright?"I nodded, before grabbing his arm, "I just thought of this, we might never get to see each other again!"Flynn shushed me, before lightly kissing me on the lips ((^u^)). It was brief, but it was nice. He pulled away, cupping my cheek, "I have to go, see you soon."I didn't even get the chance to speak, before Flynn ran off, joining his mother as he too tackled her to the ground. I looked back at Spring, who was watching the factory burn. I sat down next to her, "Spring?"She looked up at me, as I continued to speak, "You can stay with me, if you'd like."She smiled back at me, before hugging me, "I would like that."It was only now that I realized, I missed the old Spring. Not the sadistic one, who loved to hurt and weapons. I liked the younger Spring. The one who loved story tails and princesses. The one who wanted anything but to hurt someone else. Yeah, I did miss her. The last two cars pulled up, one belonging to my mom, and the other belonging to Billy's. My mom got out of the car. I couldn't help it, after not seeing her for 8 years. "Mom!" I yelled, running up to her. I tightly squeezed her in my arms, Spring following. I was in tears, but they were happy ones. "Mom I missed you so much!"She closed her eyes, "I missed you too sweetie."I remembered what I was going to ask her, "Mom, this is my friend, Spring, can she stay with us? Her parents aren't here."She nodded, "of course she can! We would love to have a new addition to the family!"Spring smiled, "Thank you."We both got in the back seat of the car, for the first time in 8 years. And as I watched Mariett and Billy get farther and farther away, I felt Springs head fall on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully. And that's when it hit me, after those many dark days, they were now over, but I might never see any of the people I grew up with ever again. I suddenly felt very fortunate to have Spring by my side.__________________________________Mariett's POVI watched as Goldie and Spring drove away, leaving just me and Billy. The car behind them pulled in front of us, and two parents stepped out of the car. Billy's face grew a wide smile as he ran up to them. "Mommy! Daddy!"He jumped up on his dad's arms as both of the parents hugged him. The mother sighed, "Billy! I was so worried! I thought I lost you forever!"The man frowned, "I'm so sorry son, I promise I'll never leave you alone again. Poor Lily though."Billy cried, "Oh my, Lily's dead! She died in the forest, with that horrible monster!"The parents looked sorrowful that Lily was gone, but relieved that Billy was ok. I walked up to them, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't save her."The parents looked up at me, before the mother spoke up, "Thank you, for protecting my son."I smiled, "It's was no problem, in fact, you have a wonderful son."Billy looked back up at them, "Can we take her home, please? She doesn't have anywhere to go."They looked to think for a moment, before nodding, "She can stay with us, we have a guest room."We all climbed into the sleek, red car. The mother restarted the car, before looking from behind the seat at me, "What is your name honey?"My smile grew wider, as I squeezed Billy's hand, looking down at him, "My name is Mariett, Mariett Bubin."__________________________________They actually ended up attending the same high school, although only attending one full year together, with Billy being a freshman and Mariett being a senior. Vincent was found, and eventually got arrested, although he escaped five days ago. He was last seen entering Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria before mysteriously disappearing. He wasn't seen since.Phil had grown to have a wife named Victoria, and had a son named Arnold. He worked as a phone caller for an oil company.Danny got a job as a McDonalds drive in manager. He fell in love with a girl named Darla, and is in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.Lily, after Vincent was eventually killed, was freed from the pizzeria, and resides with Felix, Bobby, and Crystal.Felix, Bobby, and Crystal moved onto a better place, being put to rest after they were destroyed. Mango continued to function properly for a year, before trying to upgrade herself, but instead downloaded a virus into her system and died a year and two months after.Francesca ended up becoming a member of a gang, and was deemed a criminal. However, she always holds the memory of the others in her head.Becky continued to follow her dream job as a scientist, and found a way to help people who were blind.Cristy followed her dream job as a cook, and became a chef for a five star restaurant.Flynn owned a five star restaurant, and was always able to keep in touch with Cristy. Billy grew up to become a daycare helper. He was great with kids, although never brought up the courage to love someone because of what happened to Lily.Spring became a professional boxer, and won twelve Olympic metals. Not a single thought of hurting or killing others came into her mind.Goldie fell in love with Flynn in high school, and they got married soon after Goldie finished college. She became a journalist, and traveled the world.Mariett continued a normal life living with Billy. She worked at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, even with her past there, as a waitress. Although the reason why she really was there, was to make sure Vincent never got the chance to hurt anybody there.---------------------------------But as the six children's souls left the bloody scene in front of them, one finger from the Springtrap suit twitched.___________________________________I just want to say, thank you all of my loyal readers for sticking through with me! I thank you for all of your support. I hope you have enjoyed this story. Feel free to tell others about it! And if you'd like, check out my other stories. I also have an account on Wattpad, same name, DroneSaver. Still, don't be shy to comment or give me feedback!

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