Goldie and Spring

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29 reads! You guys are amazing! I published it two days ago and it already has 29 reads! I'm gonna cry (don't judge). So anyways, I was going to update sooner but the wifi was flickering on and off the internet and it was horrible. But anyways, here you go! Thanks for the support!
"Wakey Wakey!" a young female voice crooned.

All that was there was darkness, for she was afraid of what she'd see if she opened her eyes.

"Seriously, it's time to play!" an even younger female voice teased

There was a bit of silence, so someone was here.

"C'mon, you stupid thing! WAKE UP!" The same voice screamed.

She gasped as she was kicked near the arm by a rather small but sneakered foot. She grabbed her arm and sat up. "Ow!" Mariett yelled, as she realized two girls were in the cage to. To her left was a 9 year old girl who had golden, short locks of hair only to her ears. The buzzard hair style was short, but not boyish. She had amber eyes and an evil grin on. She had a size-too-large short sleeved shirt on and baggy jeans that his two polished, black shoes. She kept her distance and had her hands in her jean pocket.

Mariett knew she was far too back to have kicked her, so she looked at the other girl, who looked bigger since Mariett was looking up at her. However, Mariett was slightly taller, but despite the shortness, she looked scary. She had a hazelly greenish eyes and brown hair pulled into a ponytail. Two dark green hi-lights crossed her hair and, like the other girl, had an evil smirk. She had a green, torn-up shirt with ripped jeans and grey sneakers. She crossed her arms and laughed, before kicking her again. "That hurts, huh?" She asked, in a way that made her think she would hurt her again if she said yes.

Mariett was just silent, until this mystery girl picked up her chin and forced her to look up at her, "You will answer me when I talk to you, ok!"

She gasped in fear again and quickly nodded her head. "So," she resumed, "does that hurt?"

Mariett was trembling, and she was sure that her arm would bruise, she was convinced that she would hurt her more if she said yes. "N-no." She stuttered.

Mariett's hopes fell as the girl's face quickly turned angry. "Oh..." she said, "my bad, I wasn't kicking you hard enough. How about this!" She grunted as she kicked her so hard, her body flew back from the blow to the stomach. Mariett gasped for air as she had lost her breath, that hurt, a lot. She curled up into a ball on the floor and her eyes involuntarily teared up. But she grew even more afraid as her shadow towered over her. The girl pulled her up by harshly grabbing her hair and bringing her eye level. "DOES IT?" She yelled, so close she could feel her breath.

She closed her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks, "Yes! Yes it does!" She cried. "Stop! P-please!"

She laughed, before dropping her to the floor. "Now, was that so hard?" She sneered, "But you don't lie to me puppet, you hear me?"

She nodded and prepared for another blow by the 8-year-old, but her hand was held back by the older one, "Now Spring, you don't wanna get carried away. Or else dad will be mad at us."

A stab of fear took over Spring's face, but it disappeared as soon as it came, "Aww! But why, Goldie? I was having so much fun!"

Goldie sighed, before running her hands through her hair, before lashing out at her, "You don't wanna be punished, do you?"

Spring's fear was obvious this time, "N-no Goldie. I don't."

Mariett was curious. What happens if you mess up? What happens when you are punished? But she pushed those questions aside, did she really wanna find out?

"So, you guys are Goldie and Spring?"

They both looked over at her. "Yes," Goldie exclaimed, "Yes we are."

"We're the daughters of that guy who "played" with you,"

Mariett looked down, he scared her, but now, so did Spring. He hurt her, but so did Spring. So why did Spring scare her more? "Yeah, your dad told me." She chose her words craftily, knowing that if she messed up, she would be punished. Just then, the guy from yesterday came, walking straight towards her.

"Good morning father." They both said in unison as he walked closer towards her.

He threw a purple backpack that wasn't visible next to them. He came up to the cage and unlocked it, harshly grabbing Mariett's hand. "Where are we going father?" They both said in unison, again.

"Work." He coughed, leading the rest outside, Goldie shutting the door behind them. It was a little plain, with burnt logs in the middle, surrounded by red rocks. Two tents were visible, both on opposite sides. A small school bus sat near a dirt road. Far away from civilization, as forests said the place was only half a mile square foot. He opened the school bus doors and climbed in the drivers seat, followed by Goldie and Spring, who rushed to the two back seats. Goldie plugged in her earphones and leaned against the window. Spring's soft snores could be heard, as she almost immediately collapsed onto the chair and fell asleep. Mariett sat in the middle of the bus, separating herself by one row from Goldie and Spring. The bus started with a grumble and slowly began to move. Goldie's earphones were blaring rock music and the bus wobbled under the dirt road. All she did was look out the window, for the hour it took to get to the place called "work".
So, tell me what u think! Comment, Rate, Follow, whatever you feel like doing. "All men are created equal", so we all have freedom...probably. Not really the case for Mariett here, so...yeah. See ya the next chapter! BAI!

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