Locked Away

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Alright! Short author note! Just warning you. Everything isn't as it seems.

____________________________Mariett's POVToday was another day, and I only had about 5 minutes to fix up what was left of my make up. I woke up Billy because his make up was still on. He yawned, looking up around the cell. He groaned, "Ugh, I was hoping that it was all a bad dream." I patted his back, "Hey, at least you have me, right?"He nodded, "Yeah..."We heard the drones walking from the end of the hallway. We quickly rushed out to them, sending the cross flying again. How does that even work. Each of our younger friends were carrying their older friends. "L-Let us go!" Flynn yelled."P-Please!" Cristy begged."Vincent! I swear when I am free, I will kill you!" Francesca screamed.Becky sadly stared at the ground, as Bobby kept pushing her forward. She was the only one letting him push her, as even Cristy was dragging her feet. Then again, I also noticed that he was grabbing her a little less forcefully. I felt bad for her, she had told me that she was legally blind, with a vision of 20/400. She had to get special glasses. Her vision was so horrible, and she could only see a limited space. (Look through your hands like binoculars and pretend they are black).I looked back at her, the purple glasses still fixed tight on her face. There weren't anybody behind the two, so Billy and I quietly joined the line. "Where do you think we're going?" Billy whispered to me. I shrugged, "I don't know, but I think it's best to play along. At least until we can find a way out of here."He nodded, before looking at the others. I turned back around, facing their direction. We ended up walking into a huge room. To be exact, it looked like a giant factory. We kept walking along the almost transparent floors. They creaked as we steps on the floor, but it held.The floor turned into a metal chain, which felt a little safer to walk on, but you could still see the ground below you. Everyone in front of us stopped, turning towards the gate, the only safety precaution in this place. We turned around just as Vincent opened the door to our right, Goldie by his left side and Spring by his right. He faced us, like we were soldiers ready for battle. He looked at all of us, as if he were inspecting us. He scanned the four robotic friends, and his eyes stopped when they fell on me.I must've been glaring too much, for he walked up to me. I forced myself to stare back, knowing it would be too late to look away. He snickered, "There was always something wrong with your programming." He kicked my shin, and I bit my tongue to keep from flinching, "I think a night by yourself will change that."He moved from me, to Billy. "Teh, I know your alive Billy. You can't hide forever."He was silent, so was Billy. In fact, everyone was watching in slight curiosity, except for the robots of course.He rolled his eyes, before looking back over at Spring. "Have em go by the cells. I'll figure out what to do with them. Goldie, have Mariett come with me.She sighed, before I felt slight tugging from the cross above me. I decided to play along again, letting the cross guide me where I wanted to go. He looked back at Spring, "And put Billy back again to their cell."Spring nodded, before Billy walked behind Spring, slightly scared. I ended up walking behind Vincent. I wondered if he thought I was alive or not. He lead me into another room. This one was completely dark, with muggy air and no furniture in it. He pushed me into it, "This usually does it." He muttered, before slamming the door, leaving me engulfed in darkness.It wasn't as bad as you would think. At least this meant that I could sleep. The muggy feeling didn't really bother me, at least, until I realized why he locked me in here. It was getting harder to breathe. I was locked in airtight.I forced myself to breathe slower, trying to conserve oxygen. I couldn't fall asleep now, I had just woken up! I wasn't tired enough. I rested my head on my knees, bored of daydreaming.An hour had passed, and the tight space only got harder to breathe. Hopefully I wouldn't be in here too long. At least the mugginess of the room, kinda made me a little drowsy. Maybe I should take a nap. After all, I didn't get much sleep. I shifted so I was laying down. I closed my eyes, and hoped my breathing would slow down.I didn't know when I woke up, but a loud whirling noise came from the right corner of the room. It was the heater.Along with it came oxygen, but there was also making it hotter. The mugginess was getting worse, but it was a little easier to breathe. Maybe I could take another nap. I don't even know how long it had been. When I woke up, the heater wasn't on anymore, but it had gotten really hot. It was also getting harder to breathe. I wouldn't be able to sleep again, but at least now I'm well rested. I was also hungry, and thirsty. It must've been at least four hours.Someone had opened the door, and to my relief, it was Goldie. She was holding a water bottle and an apple. She left the door slightly cracked open and sat next to me, giving me the water bottle and the apple. "Geez, it's hot in here."I couldn't help but smile as I took a bite out of the apple, "Yeah, it's like he knows I'm still alive."She chuckled, "Can't blame the guy. He's always so paranoid. About all of this stuff that's going on."I nodded, "Yeah, thanks for helping us and all of that. We really appreciate it."Goldie nodded, "You're welcome. I know it's not nearly enough but I'm doing my best. Phil is coming back over tonight to try and help out. Which reminds me, I have to go back out. My dad wanted to show me something. Probably just more passwords and stuff."She started walking towards the door. I called out, "Do you know what time it is?"She looked over at me, opening the door, "It's 3:12. I think Vincent lets you back out at 7:30 tomorrow. I'll check back on you later."I nodded, "ok, thanks!"She smiled, before closing the door, leaving me alone again. She wasn't kidding when she said it was hot. I was sweating like crazy, and I sure hope Vincent wouldn't notice it. I coughed a little, before leaning against the wall. If it was one thing that would kill me, it would be the boredom of this room. There was nothing to do.After about a hour had passed, I began to daydream. I had quickly grown bored of trying to see any of my surroundings. But there was still one problem, I didn't even know what to daydream!In the end, I had decided to try and process what just happened in the past 24 hours. We had left the pizzeria to go to some kind of factory. Let's see, half of my friends have died and are now revived. The others are held captive in who knows where. I'm stuck in this really humid, dark room in which I can't even see. Billy is probably sitting there all alone worried sick about me. Aw, but he's afraid of the dark! It was frightening enough for him when I was by his side, but all alone! I sure hope he could handle it. I just have to trust that Goldie and some Phil guy that I have never met can help him. I let my mind zoom off, unaware of the time. I started thinking of all the bad stuff that could happen. Billy could be discovered, the others could've been killed, Goldie could be caught. I thought of all the positive outcomes. The others could be alright. Someone else could find us. Or we could all run away.I thought until I could somehow no longer think. I started feeling lightheaded, and I felt like I was spinning around, even if I couldn't even see. My head started to hurt as it once again, became harder to breathe. I literally had to force myself to breathe in more air. When I started wheezing, I began to panic. I was actually suffocating.I started to lose feeling in my hands, leaving a tingling feeling. I tried to slow down my breathing, but it ended up getting faster. I felt myself become weaker, until it came to a point where I was struggling to sit up right. My lungs were hurting, and I was trying to gasp in air. The dizziness had only increased, and it felt like I was on Jupiter. Then, all of a sudden, the pain in my head numbed, and I fell to the ground. I could no longer move, and I felt myself drift off.I didn't even know what time it was, but I sat there in silence. I started feeling the blood drain out of my face. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to breathe. The very little oxygen I had was not enough.I heard what sounded like keys jiggling into a lock. It was swapping keys, looking for the right one. I couldn't even crawl over to the door. But I used all of my strength to nudge the wall with my foot and whisper, "H-Help."The person on the other side fully unlocked the door, before it swung open, revealing Goldie holding a flashlight. I couldn't really see that well, but I could tell by her blurry golden hair and the musty yellow shirt she was wearing.I couldn't even hear anything anymore, but she ran up to me. She looked to be shouting something, before another blob-like figure came in, carrying something. Assuming it was a boy, he ran up closer and closer, until he was kneeling next to me, as Goldie was on the other side. He fiddled with the thing he was holding, before holding some plastic thingy over my mouth and nose.It suddenly became easier to breathe. It must've been an oxygen mask. I took in big gulps of air, as each breath I took became easier and easier. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. Goldie's voice was quiet, but at least it was there, "It's ok, just breathe."This time, I took slow, shuttering breaths. My vision was slowly clearing, until I saw Goldie to my left, and another guy to my left. He looked to be about 12, with short, brown hair and green eyes. He brought out a fan. "I managed to sneak this. It should help. We need to breathe as well, Goldie" He also handed me a water bottle. "Sorry, I didn't have much time to get anything. Danny was too busy and was practically pulling me out of the door."I tilted my head to the side as I started drinking from the water bottle, "Who's Danny?" I asked.He shrugged, "He had to make sure Billy was alright."As if almost on cue, a 9 year old boy with dark brown, shaggy hair and brown eyes practically ran up to us. His eyes were full of energy as he asked me questions non-stop. "Are you the infamous Mariett? Is it true that you guys are human? Do you like entertaining the kids? Is Michaela right about you guys having normal personalities? And do the animatronics go kill crazy over the night guards?"His mind was coming at me a million miles an hour, and I honestly didn't think I had the energy to respond. Luckily, Phil got the hint and slightly pushed Danny back. "Alright, let's give her some space, Danny. I know you're excited, but remember that she is an actual person." He looked back at me, "I'm sorry, Danny is just really, really, excited to meet you."I smiled, "it's ok, he's only nine."He pouted, crossing his arms, "Hey! I'm his twin brother! Sure, I'm the younger one, but does it really make a difference?"I was shocked. He was so, small! He was only about an inch taller than Billy, but he was just so energetic. I pointed at who I supposed was the older boy, "Hey, are you Phil?" I asked.He smiled, "The one and only, but I guess Goldie already told you that."Goldie smiled, "Hey, you can't blame me! It gets boring around here!"Danny rolled his eyes, "Someone's crushing." Goldie playfully glared at him, "You wish pint size."I couldn't help but smirk as the two started to bicker. I turned to Phil, "Are they always like this?"Phil sighed, "Yeah, but it's usually just playful."I continued to watch them, as they eventually gave up on it, with Goldie repainting the make up on my face; Danny over her shoulder. Once she was done, Phil smiled, "Well, we better get going. There should be a lot of oxygen in here, and we'll turn on the AC for a couple of hours. Other than that, it was nice to meet you Mariett."I smiled back, "Until next time."Danny giggled, looking back at me. He made circles with his hands, "Keep that air flowing!" He semi shouted to me. I nodded and waved, "Good bye Danny."Goldie smiled, "Good luck."I just had to ask, "What time is it?"She looked back at me, "I think it's somewhere around 12:30 AM"I shrugged, "Ok, good night Goldie!"She shyly waved, "Good night."She closed the door. I relaxed slightly when the AC turned on. I sat up against the wall, because Vincent could be coming back tomorrow. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.Meanwhile back in their cell...I couldn't bring myself to sleep. I was so scared. Some kid checked up on me, Danny I think it was. I thought that Mariett would want me to be brave, so I told him that I was fine. I did ask about Mariett, and he said that he still had to get to her. I tried to convince myself that she was ok. She always was.But I couldn't do it. I didn't know if she was hurt or... dead. I didn't know if my robotic friends were ok, or still in control. It would be a lot harder to follow them if I didn't even wake up.I also worried about the only other friends I have that were alive. I sure hope they're ok. They're with Flynn, and he would never let any of them get hurt. But at this point, I didn't even know if Lily was safe. I wish she was here. It was just so dark...______________________________I was in my Foxy costume, waiting for the curtains to unroll so I could surprise the kids. It was like a big game of peek-a-boo. I heard the cue being shouted by kids. "Go! Go! Go!" They had shouted.I jogged down the hall and entered a room. There was the party, a rather small one, with only about 5 kids. I remember getting a glance of them. Their names were Flint, Briana, Clara, Frank, and Giana. Flint had neat, brown hair and calm blue eyes. Briana had more of a shy look, with brown hair and a purple highlight. Clara seemed to be the youngest, her dirty blonde hair making her the smallest. Frankie was wearing a red shirt and had wild, brown hair with big, amber eyes. Giana had blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a party hat, meaning that she was the birthday girl. But they all had a smile on their face.I smiled and walked back to the cove. I waited for my cue, and when the kids screamed, "Go! Go! Go!", I ran back out, with a little more motivation. On my way back, I saw Golden Freddy walk into the room.When I went back to Pirate's Cove, I noticed Vincent. He had a grin on his face that made me uneasy. He did something. Whatever it was, I wanted nothing to do with it.I waited for the kids, for my cue. But it was silent. Except for his laughter, that seemed to swirl around in my head. He snickered, almost evil like, before muttering, "Go. Go. Go."It was creepy, and his voice sent chills down my spine. I found myself running faster this time. What happened? Why weren't they calling for me?I raced down the hallway and opened the door. The sight horrified me. All 5 kids, were dead.------------------------------------I shot up from where I was sleeping, my breath still very fast. What was that all about?! I looked to my left. Becky and Cristy were there, sleeping soundly. I looked to my right, Flynn the closest to our friends, or the guards. He seemed to have stir a little from my movement, but he stayed asleep.I relaxed, laying back down. It was just a dream. It couldn't be real, right?______________________________Alright! Sorry it took me so long to update! I've just been busy with stuff other than Quotev. With soccer conditioning and summer homework, along with other camps and stuff. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! 😉

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