We're In This Together

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Hello. ;) So I am just going to introduce the characters and then it's going to get interesting. So hope you enjoy for those of you who are taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me. :)
1 year later
Time had passed, and they all became best friends. Although Mariett was an outcast, she was still loved by the other four. They had turned 11 now, and Mariett's birthday was a week ago, now being 12. Her powers didn't weaken, but only strengthened. She could lift things and move them, with her strings of course. Becky could now electrocute items across the room and Cristy could heal herself in a matter of seconds. Francesca grew faster and faster by the second and Flynn could levitate a person at this point.

All was well for the five, excluding the fact that they were kidnapped and held there against their will. What they didn't know though was that more would be dragged into this doom; and things were about to get a lot harder.

It was a normal Saturday, with the place being closed only on Sundays. It was 3 PM at the time, but Goldie and Spring were nowhere to be found; neither was Vincent. Mariett finished serving another family pizza, before moving to the kitchen near the back. In between the year, Vincent finally allowed them to work. It was only if they wore a mask so they wouldn't be recognized. Flynn, wearing a mustache and mopped hair, and Francesca, wearing an eyepatch and stage make up, got to help Mariett serve the kids. Cristy and Becky, who weren't seen by the kids, got to cook in the kitchen. Or by them, it was really Cristy cooking pizzas and Becky reading Geometry books.

"Hi!" Mariett chimed. Cristy looked over her cooking while Becky gave her a nod, letting her know that she was listening. "Hi! Cristy responded cheerfully. "Have you seen Goldie?" Mariett asked.

Cristy shook her head, "No sorry."

"Ok." Mariett said, "We got 2 hours left. Thankful for that, I got a headache.

"Sorry to hear that." Was the last thing Mariett heard before she left the room. Outside was a mess, kids were trying to climb on the stage, a crowd was literally around balloon boy, who was frantic in passing out balloons, and kids were throwing birthday wrapping and boxes all over the place. This was going to take a while...

Cristy kept cooking for the next 15 minutes, but was interrupted by Goldie walking into the room. "Can you follow me?" She asked, but there was fear in her voice, and they never even noticed. "Sure." They both piped up. As they walked by, they almost ran into Spring, who was holding Francesca and Flynn's hand. That was a little odd.

They were lead into a dark room, the room barely lit. They shut the door and Spring looked up at Goldie, "Where's Mariett?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter." Answered Goldie as she locked the door behind them. The four looked back at the two. Goldie put her hands on Spring's shoulder. "I'm sorry, but it'll make sense when it's over."

Then, they teleported out of the room. "Woah!" Becky shouted out in surprise. Francesca ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked, inside and out. She banged on the door, "'ey!" She yelled, "Let us out!" But there was no answer. Flynn tried to open it, using his powers, but it didn't work.

"Looks like were stuck here." Flynn muttered. "Wait." Cristy's eyes lit up with hope, "There's Mariett!"

"Yeah, but she could've gotten locked into a different room."

"Or worse." Francesca's voice hitched, "What if Spring talked Goldie inta lockin' us in 'ere so we can't defend te lad. Cause Spring'd want revenge fer Mariett holdin' 'er back."

"If that's the case, all we can do is sit here until someone comes for us."

"If she can come for us." Becky mumbled.

"Mariett's gonna be alright, she has to be, she's gonna be alright, right?" Cristy asked.

"Don't worry about her, she's going to be alright. When she comes for us, and she will, things will go back to normal."

Cristy nodded in satisfaction, but when Flynn walked away, he whispered, "I hope."
When Mariett was done, it was already 8PM, with the last people leaving. She looked over the room, everything was in its place. She sighed, before wiping some beaded sweat that she wouldn't dare touch while she was working. For all everybody knew, she was a complex humanoid/robot. She wouldn't really call herself humanoid or animatronic, since the way the makeup was designed on her face made her look like a clown. Mariett looked over at the sudden snap that sounded like stuff falling over. She looked over at Spring, who looked at her, her eyes almost glowing in hatred.

Mariett knew that look, she was angry. She barely got to put her hands up when Spring lunged at her. She put her hands up in self defense, just as Spring threw a punch at her face. A crack was heard, the sound of Spring's knuckles breaking, but she didn't stop trying to punch her. Mariett took this advantage to wrap strings around her mouth and yank her back. She got up, releasing her while doing so. Spring leaped up, a malicious grin on her face. "It's too late!" she yelled, "Dad already took them!"

She laughed demonically, before running away, sprinting down the hall. Mariett stood in confusion, what did she mean? Then realization hit her like a dart, "Oh no." She said, before running down the main hall. She called out for the others, then heard yelling from the Parts and Service room. She ran over and tried to open the closed door, when said door was locked. "Unlock the door!" Mariett yelled. She heard commotion, before a muffled yell, "Break it down!"

Much more commotion was heard, unfamiliar voices, young voices. "Stand back!" Mariett yelled, before kicking down the door.

She walked into the room to see the other four, who smiled at her. But there were more people on the other side of the corner. You could tell by their age that they were all 10 year olds. There were three of them. The first one had almond shaped blue eyes and brown, shaggy hair that swept to the side. He wore a brown t-shirt with a tuxedo imprint and boot cut jeans with black sneakers. The boy next to him had bright green eyes and light brown hair that was pulled behind his ears. He had a bright blue shirt with a lightning bolt and ripped, baggy jeans and bright blue sneakers. The girl next to the blue eyed boy had blue eyes and blonde hair that was pulled into a side ponytail. She wore a short, yellow jacket with a white tank-top underneath. She had short, white leggings on and neon orange dress shoes on.

"Who are they?" Mariett asked the four 11 year olds.

"Donnow." Francesca shrugged, "Te lads won't tell us."

"Don't worry," Mariett reassured, "we won't hurt you."

The three kids looked between themselves, before the boy with light brown shaggy hair stepped up, "H-hi. I'm Felix." He shyly waved, before the boy wearing the light blue t-shirt stepped in front of him. "Don't mind him, he's shy. I'm Bobby."

The girl smiled, "I'm Cristy." She moved out of the way for a forth kid to greet them. Her condition was pitiful. She had scars everywhere and her left leg was missing from the knee down. She was leaning on a crotch to keep her up straight and a slight static sound came when she spoke, "I-I'm M-Mango. I d-don't bite."

"What happened to you?" She felt rude for asking, but she had to know.

"Abuse." Felix sighed, "From her parents. She doesn't have many friends, nobody really cared when she lost her leg that night. In fact she had to call 911 herself."

Mango had sat down and put her head down on the one knee she had. She was whispering, "No one cares. No one cares." Not even listening to them.

Felix sat down next to her and stroked her back, "It's ok Mango," he soothed, "You got us, we're in this toge-"

"No!" She shouted, "You guys have done nothing to help me!"

"That was in the past. We are in a new setting, we need to work together." Bobby tried to reason with her.

"Do you think I'm really gonna believe you? After you guys have bullied me and put me under so much?"

"I'm sorry! But we all need to stick together." Felix stood up.

"Ed thinks that I shouldn't trust you."

"Who's Ed?" Mariett asked.

"Imaginary friend." Bobby answered over Mango's yelling, "Ed wants to go home, and so do I!"

"Mango, you realize Eds not real, right?"

"He's the only one that will listen. All you guys have done is bully me my entire life! Just cause the same guys kidnaps us doesn't mean I forgive you for what you guys have done."

"Look, just, give us a second chance, please. I promise, we'll treat you better." Felix almost begged.

Mango stayed silent, her static breathing filling the silence in the room. That is until a scream was heard from outside the room.

"That doors going to take forever to fix! Would anybody like to take responsibility for this?"

The room stayed silent, until he grabbed Mango, "If no ones gonna take the blame, I'm just gonna beat the weakest one in 'ere." He was about to strike when Francesca lied, "It was me."

Vincent let go of Mango, who was sobbing static sounds on the floor, and walked ominously towards Francesca. Without warning, he sliced her right shoulder, making a deep cut, but wouldn't need stitches. He walked away, but not before kicking Mango and yelling, "Will you shut up, freak."

He stomped down the hallway as the three rushed to Mango's side. The older kids gathered around Francesca, who had grabbed a spare cloth and dabbed the cut. "Now we're even." She murmured to Mariett in a joking manner.

"It's ok, he was just kidding around."Bobby assured.

"Yeah, he's the real freak." Cristy muttered.

Mango kept crying, before she shakily got up, with the help of Felix, "T-Thanks guys." She whimpered.

"No problem hun'" Cristy replied, "that guys got some problems.
1 year later
"Hello?" I whimpered next to my best friend, Lily. I was playing with my best friend down the street when this mean purple guy took us away. There was complete darkness, making the aura a little tense. We were sitting under one light that lit up the room, hanging on a wire. I heard a hissing sound, and as I turned around, I saw the wall had been burnt to say, "It's me."

Lily had now began to inch closer to me. It was comfortable being here with someone else. What does she look like?

She has brown piggy tails that just brushed her shoulder and observant, bright-green eyes. She had a peach complexion and wore a blue and purple dress with black dress shoes. She wore a blue and purple stripped hat. As for me?

I had long brown hair combed to the sides and big, blue eyes. I had a rather more like a peach-tan skin-tone. I wore a red and blue stripped short and short jeans and bike sneakers. I had an identical red and blue hat.

I heard footsteps that were next to us, followed by a high pitched laughter. I heard some wires on the ceiling start to swing and clash together. I was definitely scared now, I think this would scare any 10 year old!

I inched closer to Lily, who was now inches away from me. I heard the slightly off pitched sound of Pop Goes the Weasel in a corner of the room. Once it finished its tune, there was ominous silence, before someone grabbed our shoulders and screamed, "Boo!"

I screamed so loud, I dug my face into Lily's shirt and started crying. Lily in response clutched onto the back of my shirt and started trembling in it. We cried and cried and cried, until a voice said, "Oh, C'mon, was it really that scary?"

I looked up to see a kid wearing a bright blue polo shirt and slight blush. He had brown hair and playful green eyes.

"C'mon darlin', there's nothing to be worried about." I heard another voice assure me, followed by more clattering from the ceiling. Above us hung a girl, with one eye, the other clearly plastic. She had blonde hair and green eyes and wore a grey shirt with pink swirls on it. But she also had pink wolf-like ears on the top of her head. She had a second grey head and heavy blush. I prepared myself for a scream when I heard a young female voice, "Dude, are you always scared?"

I turned my head to find a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing a white confetti shirt that said Let's Party! She wore way too small jean shorts and pink tap shoes. She was less creepy, but I was still scared. I relaxed when someone gruffed, "Good job making a first impression." There stood a boy with brown shaggy hair and blue eyes, a sarcastic look on his face. They all seemed to be 11.

He held out his hand, while the blue polo shirted guy helped Lily up. I grabbed it as he said, "I'm Felix, I can see you have met Bobby, Mango and Cristy."

I nodded nervously, I felt like I could trust him. Until I heard an older voice yell, "Did you guys hide the music box? Jeremy has been asking all about it all day and it's getting annoying."

I looked around to try to find the source of the voice, with no luck. But when I turned around, I was met with a terrifying white face with red circles for blush and purple tears streaming down its face. I screamed and ran out of the room, ditching Lily, not hearing her yell "wait!"

I ran and ran down the hallways until I turned a corner to bump into someone. Both of us fell to the ground, me on top of this person. We squirmed on the ground until the person shouted, "Ai! W'cha get off 've me?"

I stopped squirming and got off. She stood up as well. She had dark brown hair to match her eyes and wore a rust red torn up t-shirt with baggy jeans and black sneakers.

"Ai, ar you te new lad 'ere."

I gulped, but nodded.

"Don't cry lad! Ye get use ta it after awile."

I looked up, this person was interesting. "W-Who are you?" I asked.

"T'name be Francesca, and what about you lad?"

"Me?" I responded, excited that I finally made a friend, "I'm Billy Bogeen, but my friends just call me BB."

"Billy eh?" She asked, "Ye ready for 'n adventure?"

I giggled and nodded again. She was funny. I heard footsteps behind me, to find that the people from earlier. They all stopped when I saw them, but they were only a few feet away. There was also a young teenage girl that stood behind them with blonde hair in a bun tied with a red ribbon and blue eyes. She wore the same outfit as that creepy dude, a long black shirt with dark blue hems and black leggings. She was also the first one to speak, "I'm sorry I scared you. I know the mask I wear during the day can be... unsettling as first glance. Why don't we start over?" She walked up to me and held out her hand, "Hi! I'm Mariett, and you are..."

"Billy, but you can call me BB." I'll give her another chance, it's not like they were trying to scare me. I grabbed Lily and pulled her aside me, "And this is my best friend, Lily."

She smiled and shyly waved, before Bobby came up to me, "You like my vandalism kid?" He giggled. It was him that burned the wall.

Bobby giggled, "Don't worry bud, we all get them at some point. Cristy has a frozen touch, Felix can read minds, and Mango can hang from the ceiling. I'm sure you will have a power at sometime to-"

"Helium," I said, "I can blow out helium."

I always had this unique power to blow helium out of my mouth. I don't know it was helium until I filled up some balloons and they flew to the ceiling.

They looked a little startled, that I had a power, but they seemed to shrug it off. "I know it's not as cool as swinging on wires on the ceiling or reading minds, but it's something." I sighed, I just want to go home.

"There there, don't cry." Mariett said, kneeling down and wiping a tear that had unknowingly escaped my eyes. "Everything is going to be ok." I couldn't hold it in anymore. I pulled her into a hug and sobbed into her shirt. She tensed up, before wrapping her own arms around me and swayed me back and forth. It was rather... soothing, with a little bit of care in the way she rubbed circles in my back.

I continued to cry, but it was followed by a smile. That's when I realized that we had only just met 5 minutes ago. I thought she would stare at me with an awkward or disgusted look. But instead, she gazed at me with acceptance, maybe even sympathy. I had carelessly not noticed that the others had left a long time ago, including Lily. The only people that were there were Mariett and Francesca. I looked back at Francesca, who offered a hand, "Don't worry lad, we'd be in tis together."

I grabbed her hand and stood up. I think I just made a couple of new friends.
Sorry if this chapter was a little too quick. Like I said, I wanted to introduce the characters. So that's all of them. The next chapter is going to be a little shorter, but it is very important, it will completely shift the story. I also suck at summaries lol. So BAI!!!

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