There Are Others?

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Yo, here's another chapter. These parts were suppose to be separate chapters, but I'm just going to combine them. So there's going to be a considerable amount of time travel, k? So I hope you enjoy!
3 months later
Mariett walked down the familiar hallway of Freddy Fazbears Pizza. She had always hoped that someone would find her and take her away from this mean man. That is, until the news report. 'The father of the missing child was ridden off of a cliff during a road rage. The only evidence was his license plate that fell off as the car went over the fence and the road tracks that lead to the end of the hill. Pretty interesting, which is sure to motivate everyone into finding his daughter, Mikayla Harmony, who was kidnapped while he was at a store. This is Jane Tompson, now bringing you the weather.' She had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom to keep herself from crying. But it wasn't like she would've sobbed. As she hung around the kids, a trait rubbed off on her. She started caring more about others than herself. She was happy, as long as the kids were. The restaurant was closed anyway, it was 10 PM. She sighed, before washing off the makeup on her face, getting undressed and slipping on pajamas. As she walked up to the kitchen, she noticed a disco ball hanging in the middle of the room, and to her surprise, began to sway. Mariett tried to stop it, but it only spun faster until, a snap was heard from the ceiling and the ball was flung straight at her. She gasped out of surprise and put her hands out, blocking her face and closed her eyes, expecting shards to be inserted in her chest.

But they never came.

When she finally opened her eyes, she was shocked to see it floating in the air, connected by multiple, thin threads. She was confused, where did these strings come from? She was even more shocked when they hung the disco ball back up, just as she was wondering if they could move. It was almost as if she was able to move them on command. She stared at the strings in amazement as they overlapped. Then, the strings from her hands, as well as the extra string that held the disco ball up, vanished into the air. She gasped, before running off to tell her friends what just happened.

Yup, she had met the animatronics that entertained the kids at day a long time ago. They were so friendly to her, she was considered part of the Fazbear family. They also played games at night, usually something about catching the night guard. She liked to play around with him. She would stared into the cameras once and awhile and look like a scary child that was looking for their mother. But most of the time they would catch her and make her go back to bed. Whenever she decided to play, she would leave on her make up that would be faded from the days work, but if she were tired, she would wash up and nap near the prize corner, as listening to the tune helped her fall asleep. Sometimes, the music would stop, and apparently the puppet listened to it to, as he would get out of his box. She would get scared and follow him, occasionally sending a hazy glaze at the camera to warn the night guard that he was coming. But he always lasted until 6, he was good at this!

They would always greet her with a kind attitude. But 5 seconds ago, when she stumbled upon her mysterious power, she hadn't noticed that her entire body, including her clothes, turned black, the only exception being the 3 grey buttons in the middle of her shirt. Or that her face turned white, with purple tears streaming down her cheeks, which had red circles on them. And she didn't even notice.
6 months later
Mariett was 11 now, and barely anything had changed since the beginning. Spring continued to be a jerk. Goldie continued to be mysterious. The search for the missing girl had died down, for Mariett was proclaimed dead. But what did change was her height, she was tall, for she was already 4'5.

But she refused to give up hope. She had gotten better at her powers, for she could now swing from her threads and completely control them. But none of them knew about her special talent. Now, Mariett was sure of one thing, if Spring had a talent, it would be hurting people without getting tired. "Hey stupid." She poked Mariett for what had to be the fifth time today.

But all Mariett could do was sigh, for if she so much as laid a finger on her, it would be the end. But Spring didn't stop, as she slapped her. Obvious that she wanted a response, Mariett covered the cheek she hit her and yelled, "Ow!"

Spring laughed, "Ha!" Before Goldie came beside her, speaking in a monotone voice, "Dad wants you in the cage."

Mariett looked at her, it was a little early for that. They called it the cage, she called it the safe zone. But she'd usually go at night, it was only 4 PM. "Why?" She asked.

"Father has some... errands to do."

She tried to keep it mono tonal, but the tint of fear in her eyes said enough. He was going to do something, something bad.

As a quick reaction, Mariett tried to run away, to try and stop him for whatever he was going to do. But before she could move an inch, her arm was grabbed by a brisk hand. "Let's go, now." Goldie repeated, this time Spring grabbing her other arm. But Mariett continued to squirm. Goldie and Spring's strength didn't fail them, but Mariett tried her best to resist. Before any of them knew it, she was thrown into the cage.

Spring smiled while Goldie looked down, her face almost emotionless. Mariett shook the bars, "Let me go! Let me go!"

"SHUT UP! Or father will kill us all!" Goldie shouted, and the room fell silent. Goldie grabbed Spring's hand, "C'mon Spring, let's go." This time, her voice was hoarse, the amount of sadness great.

Spring waved evilly, before slamming the door, leaving Mariett in the dark. Seeing there was nothing to do, she sat on the floor and waited, and waited, and waited. But finally, what felt like an hour, the door opened, and it wasn't what Mariett was hoping it would be. Vincent came, pulling someone in by their hair. He opened the cage, and grabbed Mariett with his other hand, "Don't leave this cage or your dead!"

Mariett fearfully nodded her hand, before he dropped her, now focused on the boy. She used her thread and lifted herself to the ceiling, scared of what would happen. He muttered something, before grabbing him by the ear and pushed him inside. Mariett slowly and carefully moved to the corner of the room. Next came a girl, who was grasping the frame of the door. It took no effort to push her into the cage next to the boy, who quickly clutched him. The next one was another girl, who was grunting in his grasp. She was a fighter, as she repeatedly tried to throw him off of her, but failed, as he pushed her in next to the kids. She fell on the floor, and waved a fist in the air, "You'll pay for this!"

Vincent just laughed, before literally throwing the last, girl, on top of her. "I'm not so sure about that." Then he slammed the door, when something fell, activating the lights, everywhere dimly lit except where Mariett was hiding. They looked no more than 10, all having terrified looks on their face, even the girl who fought him. All the girls, excluding the aggressive one, were clutching onto the boy, as if their life depended on it. Other than the fighter, they weren't much of a threat. But just to make sure, she wouldn't trust them, not yet. She slowly let the strings she was hanging on loosen, leaving her hanging near the wall, she cautiously called out to them, "Hello."

The two girls whimpering in the boys stomach, gasping and pointed where she was. The boy muttered something, before wrapping his arms around the two girls protectively, although he had a fearful gaze to. The other girl hid behind the group, but peeped her head over theirs. "Who are you?" She asked, before ducking her head behind the group again. The strings fully disappeared, allowing Mariett to fall to her feet, step into the light so they could see her, and answered in an optimistic tone, "I'm Mariett! A friend!"

The kids were now more than black figures. The boy had brown hair that was swept behind his ears and shiny, blue eyes. He wore a tuxedo imprint on a black shirt and jeans, with black sneakers. The girl to his right had short, blonde hair that reached her shoulders and, like the boy, had blue eyes. She wore a yellow dress with a white hem at the bottom. To the boy's left, this girl was slightly smaller than the rest. She had chocolate brown hair that was pulled into a bun with the exception of two streaks of hair that went down the sides of her face. She had chocolate brown eyes, that were under a pair of sleek glasses. She wore a purple jacket and jeans as well. The final girl, who finally peaked her head out of the pack had dark brown hair that went out wildly with wavy flows of hair. She had amber eyes that burned like fire. She wore a dark red t-shirt and ripped up jeans.

The kids looked unsure of whether to trust me or not, but the girl with the glasses waved to me, "Hi Mariett, I'm Becky, and these are my friends," she pointed to the blonde haired girl, "Cristy," she waved at Mariett, to which she waved back. She pointed to the boy, "Flynn," He crossed his arms, trying to look cool, but traces of fear were still in his eyes. She pointed to the last girl, who's amber eyes lit up the room, "and Francesca." Francesca nodded, before her terrified face was replaced with one of anger, "If you double cross us I'll make you sorry!"

Mariett held up her hands as a sign of surrender. "Don't worry," she said, "I won't bite."

Mariett continued to walk closer to them, never removing her hands from the air. She was now a foot away from them. They never stood up, as Flynn still had his arms over Christie, who was still trembling. Francesca seemed to stare at her with a laser gaze. Becky seemed to be the only one who was comfortable being around Mariett.

Flynn spoke in a soft, but ominous voice, "Are you going to hurt us?"

"Of course not! If I wanted to hurt you, I already would of done so. I'm sorry if I'm being a little invasive, it just gets lonely here. I don't get company often, other than Goldie, who ignores me, and Spring, the one who tries to beat me up."

"Speakin' v' here, where we at?" Spoke Francesca, she had a heavy pirate accent.

Mariett knelt down to them and spoke in a sad voice, "This is our new life."
I know, sad right? So sorry if it's a little confusing. It will all make sense in the end. So like, comment, check out some of my other stories if u want.

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