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I'm so sorry it's taking so long to get this chapter done. Like I said in the updates, IPhone decided to be a douche. So here it is, hope you like it. ^_^

______________________________I was back in the pizzeria, the first thing I noticed were the black and white tiles on the floor. The second thing I noticed, was that the costume I was wearing was a lot more realistic than the older one. I looked almost exactly like Freddy! I heard fast footsteps approach the room I was in, followed by a door creaking open. I couldn't tell if it were Mariett or the actual Marionette, they both look alike when she was in her uniform. This figure was really tall though, most likely taller than Mariett, but it spoke in her voice, "Follow Me."I was so confused. Who was this person? I followed in vast curiosity, as whoever this was seemed to be worried. I kept following her into the main hallway. But she wasn't there anymore. I looked around, trying to find her. Where did she go? I suddenly heard screaming, before Vincent ran down the hall. He charged at me, knife in hand, as he ran closer and closer when...______________________________I sat up and gasped as I pulled myself out of that weird dream. It was all a dream. I looked to my left, seeing Becky, Cristy, and Francesca, sleeping soundly.Mango, who was guarding the door hissed at me, "Nightmares are for the weak. I believe one of your friends had a nightmare as well, what was her name, Francesca I believe?"At least she remembered. I didn't answer her, I don't wanna fight a battle I already know I'm going to lose. Instead, I lay back down. I still felt frustrated at Mariett, why did she have to bring them back to life? Why couldn't she just have left them in peace? _____________________________Mariett's POVVincent called me over 5 minutes ago, Goldie had said. She opened the door, pulling me back out. The air seemed a lot easier to breathe. Probably because that room was sealed in air tight. She lead me into the main hall, before I stood next to Billy as Goldie stood next to Vincent. "Tomorrow will be the day," Vincent muttered, "tomorrow will be the day when they all die. When they all pay for what they have done to my son."What was he talking about? Did he have a son? What have we ever done to him?Spring smirked, looking up at him, "And I'd be glad to help, father."Goldie stood there, silent as ever. She did give me a these people are crazy look, which lightened my mood a little. The four turned back, facing the cells. Billy and I quickly followed them, with him giving me a curious glance. They started walking back, leaving me confused. That was all? No important announcements or anything? Was there something going on?I was all the way in the back, with Billy following Mango, the person in front of him. But as soon as I heard a surprised gasp, my heart stopped.Billy had tripped...Billy's POVAs soon as I felt myself lose balance, I knew it was all over. I fell onto the metal stairs, almost banging my head on Mango's leg. The robotic four turned around, giving me a hateful glare. I meekly smiled, waving a hello.The two closest to me, Bobby and Mango, grabbed my arms. I tried to struggle, but I knew they weren't gonna let me go. I looked back at Mariett, "Mariett! Help me! Please!"She looked back at me, with a dead, emotionless stare. Vincent chuckled, "Mariett can't hear you anymore. Mango! Bobby! Put him with the other four!"They dragged me past Mariett, who had moved aside for them to get through. I continued to struggle anyways. They brought me down the stairs and down another hallway. "Guys! It's me, Billy! Your friend!" I shouted to them.Mango glared back at me, "Friends? I'm not friends with a brat!"They opened a door to their right, bringing me into a room. They almost threw me to the floor. "Let's see how long you last!" Bobby sneered, before slamming the door.It was dark, not pitch black, but still dark. I could barely see anything, just four forms laying around, and I recognized their shapes. Flynn was laying on the ground, while Cristy was leaning against a wall, playing with her thumbs. Becky was sitting next to a wall, her knees drawn to her chest, and Francesca was sitting in a corner. She was the first one to recognize my movement, as she almost immediately ran up to me. She knelt down to my height and squeezed me into a bear hug. "Billy! I was so worried about ye! Are ye alright?"I started crying, "No! I'm scared! I don't wanna die! I wanna go home! I miss my mommy and daddy! I don't wanna be here anymore!"She hugged me tighter, rocking me back and forth, "It's alright. It's going to be ok. You'll see yer parents again, I promise."I buried my head into her shoulder, "I hope so."_____________________________I was in the new Freddy outfit again. This time, I was handing out cakes to children. It seemed to be that I was occupying a birthday party. As I continued giving the cakes to another whining child, I began to notice another child, wearing a blue shirt, crying and banging on the door. How did no one notice him?I wanted to help him, but I couldn't. Whenever I tried, I would freeze up. All I could do was continue handing out cakes. As I walked to another child, I noticed a purple car pulled up, followed by Vincent grinning evilly. The child stopped crying, before crying even harder as Vincent pulled out a knife.I began walking slower, not out of my own free will, but every step I took was harder to take. I only watched in horror as Vincent stabbed the child, killing him instantly. At this point, I could no longer move. Vincent turned, before looking up at me, laughing as he stepped back into his car and drove away.______________________________So, I actually managed to get that to you a lot faster than I thought. Yay! Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I would just like to thank you all for the support. It really motivates me to continue writing this story. Don't be afraid to leave a comment or even a favorite. It really means a lot to me. ^_^ See you all in the next chapter!

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