Goldie's Bad Side

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Lol I didn't know what to call this chapter. But anyways, Hi! Still in Massachusetts! So here is the next chapter. Short authors note srry. Warning: Gore and angst.

_____________________________Spring's POVSo the 11 year olds were sane from 12-6 AM. Otherwise, they were stuck in play mode, when they are controlled by whoever holds the remote. It was now 7:25, but it was Independance day, so we got the 24 hours off. Unfortunately, they were still stuck in play mode. I wanted to "play" with them, but father said not to. He told me that they could see what's going on around them, but can't control their actions.Right now, father was going off like crazy. We are on our way to capture Mariett. She has no idea what we got planned for her. "Now, I want her experiencing some kind of pain on a 24/7 basis. Bring everyone else to watch, but make sure they are heavily restrained. Are your tools charged."I laughed, slightly shaking the tool box, "Yep!" I loved playing games with my dad. I felt like he was the only one who cared, and if I do what he says, we can be happy together.He ruffled my hair, "Alrighty, you ready champ?""As I always am!" I replied.We both walked into the main room. There she was, my prize. I walked up closer, closer. She turned around to face me. I could see the fear in her eyes. I always have. "Hey Mariett!" I spat, grabbing her arm, "Guess where you're goin'"She tried to squirm, but Vincent held her other arm. I loved it when I was in control, especially when they are older than me.Together, we dragged the stupid girl into the other room. We put her in handcuffs behind a pole. She tugged and pulled, but she wasn't getting out. "Spring, why don't you go grab the others."I nodded, before walking out to her idiotic friends, who were standing their confused. I laughed, before grabbing my pocket knife by the sheath. I held it at them. "Why don't you go follow your friend over there? I'd suggest it unless you want a cut up your back!"Flynn retaliated, "Why should we listen to you?"I held the knife at his throat, drawing blood. Father told me that blood from a knife is good, as long as I'm over the knife, not under it. Besides, I have a reputation to hold. I may be 11, but everyone needs to know how much power I have.Flynn backed away, before covering the others. They slowly walked into the other room. I looked back down at my knife, that had a slight sliver of blood. I smiled, there will soon be a lot more.___________________________I walked into the room to find almost everyone under restraints. It was almost so they couldn't move. Billy was crying again, what a baby. Goldie stood next to me, the tube of water beside her. I felt like she was avoiding me. She use to like me but now...I pushed the thoughts aside me as I walked towards Mariett, who was blindfolded. "So, here's how it's gonna work." I muttered, "I'm gonna hurt you, until I start to get bored. And every time you scream, one of your friends here pays the price for it."She nodded and closed her eyes, shaking slightly. I loved having so much power. It's what dad wanted. Goldie brought up the gallons of water, looking a little down. I don't know what happened to Goldie. She use to be my best friend. She always did stuff like this with me. She would always read me bed time stories and play dolls with me. That was when I was really young. But now, she was just different. Ever since Mariett came, she was always avoiding me. It was all Mariett's fault! My life was fine until she came and ruined it!These thoughts in my mind, I grabbed her head and pushed it all the way into the bucket. She will pay! She will pay for everything she's done! She was squirming, and the others were yelling at me to stop, but I didn't listen. I quickly pulled her head out, before pushing it back in. I only pulled her head out when I was sure she was drowning. After another 5 go's, Goldie put the tub away.She looked back at me with a glare in her eyes. I laughed at her ways, I'll wipe it right off her face. I took out my taser and set it to 10 milliamperes. I readied the clamps to their set position and shot them. The little alligator clips launched into her shoulder and the electricity surged into the wires. I loved my new taser my daddy made me.I saw Mariett's eyes shot open and her mouth went wide, but she still wasn't screaming. Oh, I'll make her scream. I set the bar to the highest level (100) and shot it again. She started spasming, a few tears streaming down her face. But then, she passed out, right then and there. I think I might've gone a little too far.Of course, everyone else thought she was dead. They were screaming at me, screaming for Mariett, screaming at Goldie to do something. Some were calling me a witch and a cruel, nasty person, but others were begging to let her go. Some were begging to be let go, and others were mad at Goldie because she didn't do anything.I heard a snap of metal breaking, before Francesca launched herself into me. I wasn't prepared for it, so I fell down with her. I felt numerous punches to my face and arms. When I got a glimpse of her, she had tears in her face and anger in her eyes.Her voice was hoarse, but it was still understandable, "What have ye done to Mariett?! What have I and me hearty crew ever do to ye?! Ye always torture us with yer ways! Why must you put us through so much pain?!"I heard a snap, before Francesca fell off of me, screaming. Vincent had twisted her hand the wrong way and was thrown to the back of the room. "How dare you hit my Spring?!" He yelled, helping me up. Francesca flared up at him, cradling her hand, "Y-Ye monster." She muttered. That did it.He growled, before kicking at her. I heard multiple snaps as her ribs cracked from the pressure. She screamed out again. He kicked her again. She screamed again. Flynn broke out of the restraints and tried to pull Vincent away, but Vincent just slapped him hard enough to make him fall over. He kicked her again. Vincent sighed, before stomping out of the room. He was clearly frustrated about something.Goldie started crying, running out of the room. I couldn't believe it. Isn't this what she wanted? Was this what I really wanted?I looked back at Mariett, who was unconscious at the moment. I unclamped the alligator clips and untied her. But I harshly grabbed her arm and locked her into a room. There was a key, but I lost it; and there was only one key. We're not finished with you yet._____________________________Mariett's POVI slowly opened my eyes to see that I couldn't move. I had restraints, wrapping around my arms, legs, head, and waist. I literally couldn't move. A couple of candles were the only light source in the room. I still tried to loosen the restraints, with no luck."You're not going to escape." Goldie muttered. That was the first time I noticed she was in the room, near a corner. I could just make out her figure, but I could definitely tell it was her. She walked closer to the candle, her face now visible. I sighed in relief."Oh, thank goodness it's you! Can you please help me out of here?"She glared up at me, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."She held something over the candle. I became more worried as I recognized it as a small blade. Oh no."G-Goldie. P-Please don't." My voice trembled. She looked up at me, before pulling the knife away.She was so calm about it. "Don't do what?"But as she approached me, I could see the crazy, the insanity, in her amber eyes. Her voice wavered, "DOn't wOrry about mE! I'm fINe! It'll all be OK! See, u I'll let yOu fEEl it!"She rolled up my sleeves, revealing an unmarked arm. "Goldie! Please! Don't do this!" I was scared.She didn't even listen to me as she pressed the hot metal on my arm. I hissed as the metal burned away at my arm. They turned into whimpers as the blade dug into my arm. She pulled it out swiftly, cutting deeper into my arm, before placing it back down on the table. "sEE! It's not THAT bad! It takes away SOME pain!"What was she talking about?When I didn't answer to me, she grabbed my shirt and forced me against the wall. "TALK TO ME!" She screamed.I held back from crying as I whispered, "Please, Goldie. I wanna go home. I wanna go back to the others. Please let me go."Goldie screamed again, punching me as she spoke each word. "You. Never. Talked. To me. I. Was alone. I needed you. And you left me."She grabbed the knife as she sliced at my shoulder again. It hit my collarbone, and she pulled it back. I don't know how much more I could take of this. She pressed the blade into my arm. I screamed, before my mind went black._____________________________Goldie's POVI laughed insanely as she passed out from the last cut. I saw the cut oozing a red liquid, not like the black burn on her arm. I was breathing heavily as I held up the knife in my hand. I saw my reflection in it, but blood was on the sharp edges. Wait...I looked back up at Mariett; and she looked horrible. She had black bruises on her face and cuts on her arms. A couple drops of blood was falling from her limp head and there was a big, black burn on her other arm. I looked back at my own hands, to see that blood was covering at least half of it. Sickening blood. It took one more look at Mariett, before I realized what happened. I did this to her!I gasped as I dropped the knife in my hand. It clattered on the concrete floor, but that didn't matter. I put my hands over my mouth, and I had tears in the corner of my eyes. What have I done?I ran out of the room. The others needed to know. Maybe they could help her. Save her from me.I ran through the hallways and past doors, until I found the one I was looking for. I burst open the door and was relieved to find the others there. Mango was nursing Francesca's hand while she wrapped white medical tape around it. They all looked up at me as I ran to Flynn. He looked startled as I clung onto his arms, some blood from my hands getting onto his shirt. "Flynn!" I closed my eyes and buried my head into his shirt. "Flynn please!"He pushed me off of him, before holding my shaking head. He forced my head to look into his blue eyes, "What happened?" He spoke in a calm tone. It didn't help."Please!" I yelled, "Please! Help her!"Flynn looked confused, "What are you talking abo-"He realized that I was talking about Mariett, and his face turned angry, all traces of calm vanished. "What did you do?!" He yelled at me."I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I cried, before running away. Hopefully they would help her. I locked myself into my room and cried. Please let her be ok.______________________________Flynn's POVI ran through the hallways of the pizzeria, almost desperate to help Mariett. I felt bad because I had forgotten all about her when Francesca got hurt. I was too scared that something would happen to the others. I completely forgot about Mariett.I turned to the left towards a door. I knocked on the door. "Mariett! Mariett are you there?" No answer. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door again. No answer. "Mariett! Please open the door!" Still nothing. I kicked the door once. Twice. The third time, the door gave in, swinging to the side. Oh no...There she was, in metal clamps restraining her. Bruises and cuts seemed to cover her entire body. I felt a pang of guilt, for yelling at her earlier.I ran up to her, trying to free her, but couldn't. I started crying, "Mariett, Mariett please wake up."I got no response. I tried pulling on the clamps again, with no luck. I hated the feeling, the feeling that made me feel powerless. Not being able to help at all, instead only able to watch as my friend laid there in need of medical care.I wiped away a little droplet of blood that escaped the corner of her mouth. I tried my best to hug her. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I whimpered."What's wrong little buddy?"I looked behind myself to see the original Freddy, his shadow cascading over me. "I-I need help." I stepped aside, revealing the iron bonds that held her in place. He looked shocked, but I pointed to the bars, "Can you break these?" I more begged than asked.He was silent for a second, before he stepped over to the bars. The movement was so swift, but he easily tore the bonds off. I wouldn't wanna mess with him.He carefully picked up Mariett, who had still not stirred. Her skinny shins now looked so frail in his arms. "Wow... at least she's alive. Her breathing is altogether normal. Just give her some rest and she'll be alright."The two of us walked out of the room towards the others. I opened the door to bring her in. Everyone looked up at us, Francesca's wrist was healed. Their eyes followed us as he placed Mariett on a sleeping mat.We all shot glances at each other. "Should we let him see this?" Becky asked us all. We all shot glances at the bear, before I spoke up, "I think it's time they know the truth." I nodded.Cristy looked back at Mariett, before placing her hands near her abdominal. Her hands glowed a yellow aura, before all the cuts and wounds vanished. Freddy was flabbergasted.Mariett slowly opened her eyes. "Hello? What happened? All I remember...""Mariett!" Billy cried, before he practically leaped onto her. "I was so worried! I thought I wouldn't see you again!"Mariett looked startled, but soon caught on and hugged him closer. "It's ok. I'm here now."After Freddy had left, Mariett and Billy had stayed that way for a while. She only put him down when he fell asleep. "Listen Mariett, I'm really sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was just, upset about what happened to them."She hugged me, "it's ok. I understand that you were upset. You can come to me anytime.""Mariett I... It's hard keeping up with the others. I'm just worried for them. I'm trying to keep them safe and alive. I worry about them because I know that if anything were to happen to them, I would never forgive myself.""It's ok. I understand that with leadership comes with a tremendous responsibility. You have to keep them within grasp and let them free at the same time." Mariett soothed.I sighed, "Yeah, I know. But it's just hard to keep up with everyone. It's a lot to do."I felt a hand slowly rub circles on my back. It felt nice to say the least. I felt a little vulnerable, but that's what was good about it. I never really had the chance to be vulnerable, especially around my friends, so it felt nice to let loose a little. "Just make sure you take good care of yourself as well, ok?"I nodded, "I promise.""Good, I'm just getting worried for you. All of this stress isn't good for someone your age.""As goes for you." I responded.I didn't get a response, so I guess that means that I got my point across.I smiled, closing my eyes and falling asleep. I had a good dream that night, about my mom and dad. I loved them, even if they thought I was dead. But I missed the sad look in her eyes. I missed how hurt she had looked back when I yelled at her. And I didn't even notice...____________________________And that's a wrap for this chapter! I promise the next chapter is when it get interesting. Sci-fi and war inferences. Love the Age Of Ultron trailer music! It's awesome!

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