Jay, Lydia and the freaking stars

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What the heck is he doing here? I mean, he studies at Thomas Jefferson High! Everyone is whispering as he walks into the room. It's not like he has many friends, however everyone knows who he is.

He's like a legend among the teens of St. Louis. Boys fear him, some girls would love his attention and parents dislike him strongly. I don't know Ryan really well, but I'm not really fond to him after all I heard. Anyway, I can't deny that he's really handsome. McCauley dresses like a bad boy from the 50's, and I would bet a finger that he even uses hair gel. He is tall, strong, always wears his leather jacket and has that oh-so-amazing defined jaw line.

"What is he doing here?" I ask with an incredulous look.

"I have no idea." Ange babbles. I look at her and roll my eyes when I notice the way she looks at him. "He is a great piece of man!"

"Is that for real?" Jay looks like he's going to vomit. Even that way he stills looking amazingly great.

"He's coming!" My best friend widens her eyes, pulling me away of my thoughts, and I see that McCauley is actually walking in our direction.

I smell his great scent and he stops in front of me. By the corner of my eye I can see the way that Ange pretends she's doing something in her notebook while plays frenetically with her hair.

"Are you keeping this spot?" Ryan asks with a cracked voice, pointing to the chair in front of me.

"Yes" Answers Jay at the same time that I answer 'no'.

"No, it's empty." Angela says while scolding her brother with laser eyes. If a look could kill, Jay would be long dead.

"Hey princess, could you lend me a pen?" McCauley asks me and my cheeks turn red.

"Her name is Ella". I hear Jay muttering under his breath. It looks like Ryan doesn't listen to him, as he keeps his deep brown eyes on me. It's really intimidating, in fact.

"Um... Sure." I babble, taking a pen out of my pencil case and handing it to him.

"Thanks." He says and turns his back to me.

The first part of the day seemed to pass in a blur, and soon the lunch approached. The bell rings and I gather with my friends so we can go to the cafeteria. The line is big and Ange decides to grab her lunch first.

"You both stay here." She demands, looking at me. It's obvious that she just wants to give us some time alone, and my cheeks get rosy. I need to thank her later. I decided that, as this is our last school year, I will summon the courage to try something with Jay.

"So, Jella, how are you?" He asks as soon and Ange goes away, placing his elbows at the table.

"Well, I'm fine" I feel myself grinning like a fool.

"Did the boys mess around with you this vacation?" He asks casually, with a funny tone. I look away shyly.

"Um... No... What do you mean?" I stammer and Jay chuckles.

"You are so cute when you get embarrassed."

How I wish you actually meant it.

"I heard about the game next month" I change subjects fast. "I'm looking forward for that."

Jay is the quarterback from the team, and he's amazed by football. Next month we'll have the first game of the season and everybody is talking about it. With the mention of the game I can see a glint on his eyes. Even though it's not much, St. Louis's and Thomas High have this rivality between them and it's interesting to see how the games turn out to be.

"Me either. I can't wait! You will be there, won't you Jella? Ange is planning a party after that. It will be crushing!" He exclaims.

"Of course I'll be there, silly." I smile wholeheartedly.

In this very moment Lidya appears. She's part of the astronomy team and is classified as the most gorgeous girl from school, winning miss trophies and modeling for some regional brands. Besides that, she's really smart and nice. We're not actually friends, however she always was polite to me and vice-versa.

She places her hands in Jay's shoulders and I frown in confusion, as I never actually saw them talking. Her black hair is down in beautiful waves and she smiles at me.

"Hey, Ella." Lydia greets and I wave back with my lips stretched in a smile. "Hey, Jay, we are still going out tonight, right?" She sits at Ange's spot, facing him.

"Of course we are" I can see him grinning like a fool, just like I was minutes ago. "Pick you up at seven, okay?"

"Seems great for me." She gives him one of her best looks and a peck on the cheeks. "Bye Ella!"

"Bye..." I babble astounded with what just happened.

I just can't believe that. If I had a chance, it's completely gone by now. I and Lydia, fighting for Jay? No way! I mean, she manages to be a genius of the astronomy's team and still be the most popular girl of the whole school. And I am just me. I bet she knows the name of most part of the constellations, and really, I just know the name of one single star, and that would be the sun.

My eyes tear up as I imagine him with her. Holding her, laughing with her, kissing her... Looking at the freaking stars with her!

"Isn't she great?" Jay looks at me with that silly look and I stare at him for a moment, speachless. "We started talking this vacation, as we got in the same flight. It was such a coincidence".

"She's wonderful." I manage to smile, choosing the best words. "Hey, can you tell Ange that I'm going to the restroom? I'll be right back."

He nods and I leave, trying not to show my tears.


The classes went on and I met some new teachers. At first sight, they seem nice; however I need to wait to see. Anyway, I didn't pay attention at anything they said, thinking about that date of Jay and Lydia. Because of that, I didn't even lunch. And believe me, if something takes my hunger away, it is definitely something to worry about.

Ange probably noticed the way I was off and tried to make me tell what was going on, but I told her that it was only a cramp, what was not actually a lie. In fact, I still feeling an annoying pain and I'm so irritated with the mix of jealousy and cramps that I could easily punch anyone that upsets me today. Just kidding, I would never do that, however you get the way I feel.

"I'm so going down this year." Ange growls while drops the pen in the table and runs her hands through her hair.

"That's the spirit." I ironically congratulate her.

"Really, look at that thing in the board!" She exclaims worriedly.

"You mean the formula?" I chuckle. "Relax, don't be a drama queen. It's just the first day, you have time until the first tests."

Ange has always been terrible at math and physics, and she almost didn't make to senior year because of her grades in those subjects. In the other hand, I love numbers, so I eventually help her with it while she helps me with philosophy, where I'm a mess.

"Yes, I think so. I wish I was as good with numbers as you. Your future is as bright as a star!" She chirps sincerely.

And there comes the stars again! I close my eyes and breathe deeply. This is going to be a long day.

Yay! Here I am again. Hope you guys like that chapter, tell me what you think. Soon I'll update.

PLEASE READ HERE. I'm brazilian, so I'm still trying to improve my english. If you find any grammar mistake, tell me and I'll fix it. Thank you!

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