Ryan McCauley is a jerk

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The bell rings and I grab my things, putting everything in my backpack. I can't wait to throw myself on the bed and get a good nap, so I bid my friends goodbye to and make my way to Hank, my car. As the sun is really hot now, I decide to take shortcut by the back of the school, where I can go to my car spot while enjoy the shadow of the building.

Suddenly I hear voices, and I can tell that one of them is Ryan's, harsh and cracked. I stop behind the wall to hear it, frowning. It seems like a fight.

"You have no idea of who are you messing with, asshole." I hear him hissing. "You should be careful about what you do".

"W-what do y-y-you m-mean?" The other guy stammers and I can tell he is completly frightened.

"You don't remember, huh? Let me refresh your mind, pal".

In a second I realize that McCauley is going to punch him, and I suddenly leave my hiding place.

"Stop!" I shout. His hand was already near the guy's face, and both of them look at me. I see that the guy is Eko, my ex science partner, and I frown. What did he do to McCauley?

Eko is the most nerdy guy I've ever met, and really, you could notice it from miles and miles of distance. His pants always show his white socks and it always covers the belly button, that is also covered by a button shirt. His blonde hair is always sectioned in the middle and it looks like a cow licked it, as it's completely straight. Besides all that, he even is a little good-looking (really, really deep inside his nerdish way of dressing), and I can say that Eko Ray is quite cool to talk with.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Ryan, putting his hand down, clearly annoyed. "We are in the middle of something, you know".

"I can see." I place myself between him and Eko with all the courage I could summon, my heart beating fast. "Leave him alone, McCauley."

"Woah, superwoman". Ryan chuckles sarcastically and looks to Eko, that's standing behind me with a relieved expression. "Really, mate, I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I snap with an angry look. "And you have no right to beat people around. Get a grip."

"Look, you're pretty cute, so if you ask I'm gonna let you boy alone for now." McCauley says and I roll my eyes. "You may go now, Ray. But don't forget about what we talked."

"C'mon, Eko." I mutter, turning my back and walking away with my ex partner.

"Hey, Archbald!" Ryan calls me and I don't even wonder how he knows my surname. Here in this town everybody knows about everyone.

"What?" I ask impatient, turning in my heels, and I face him. He's grinning and holding a blue pen.

"You forgot your pen".

If I had any doubt, it went away for good: Ryan McCauley is a jerk.


I get home and see that there's nobody in there. As I didn't lunch because of my excessive drama (well, I have a reason!), I'm starving and run to the kitchen to prepare something completely unhealthy. I get there and notice a note on the table. 'Ella, Katie is at dance class and I and your grandfather went to the market. We'll be right back. Grandma".

I put the note on my pocket and open the refrigerator, grabbing some items that are in front of me. Now we have mayonnaise, Nutella, cheddar, some pieces of sausage and a bottle of coke to make a snack.

I cut one piece of bread, place the cheddar in it and the Nutella, cover it with the sausage and apply mayo to cover all that. Yummy!

"It is completely disgusting." I hear a voice behind me and I throw my sandwich in the air with a scream.

"Please don't kill me" I beg, closing my eyes and protecting myself with my arms.

"I will think about it" The person laughs and I recognize the voice as Katie's. I open my eyes and face her laughing her life off, sitting on a chair with her hair up in a sweaty ponytail and gym clothes. "You should have seen your face!"

"Katie!" I shout in indignation. "I almost died!"

"I noticed! You would kill yourself if I didn't come in. You know how many calories this sandwich had?" She snaps, scolding me. "Your cholesterol would increase to four digits!".

"Yeah, Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Now you have to help me clean this mess. And prepare me a new sandwich!"

"Sure, miss". She agrees, making an exaggerated bow.

Katie is thirteen years old, but she is really mature. I love her a lot. She likes natural things and healthy stuff, so it's like I'm stabbing her in the chest when I eat foods like my sandwich, that I so affectionately named Heart Attack (R.I.P, my dear).

"So, how was your first day of senior?" She asks while cleaning the floor. Now I'm preparing a new sandwich; this time it's healthy, I promise.

"It sucked a big time" I answer her truly, placing tomatoes in the bread.

"What do you mean?" Katie asks worriedly, stopping to rub the floor and looking at me, sitting on her knees. "What happened?"

"Well, you remember Lydia, that tall, black-haired girl of the science fair?" I introduce the subject casually, pretending to be emotionless about it and failing horribly.

"Yep, the super model looking girl?" Katie confirms. "What about her?"

"She will go out with Jay tonight" I say under my breath. "Isn't that terrible?"

"Not actually" My sister shrugs her shoulder and I look at her incredulously. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? It's the truth! Look, you're into him since last year, right? Or he's blind enough to not realize that, or he knows and ignores it. You don't deserve to run after someone who doesn't like you. Now that he's going out with miss perfect, you may finally notice that."

Woah, it is like cold water thrown directly at my face. I wish it was that easy; how I'd love to stop liking Jay as much as I do! However doesn't matter how hard I try, he keeps showing up in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my every day, and talking to him and having him as a best friend makes everything harder.

I'm not really into philosophy, nevertheless I often catch myself thinking about the intricacy of feelings, mainly love. It will surely be the best thing you ever felt; and it also will be one of the worst pains you will ever feel. It's not like I suffer that much for Jay, in fact I'm talking about my parents and the love I feel for them. I suffered so much when they died, and still suffer today because of this same reason, that I learned that the sorrow of the soul it's way more lasting than the sorrow of the body. Anyway, the love I felt and still feel for them is completely worth the pain, for we lived such great moments that I'll never forget. What would we be if we were completely apathetic? I rather live with the pain of losing someone who I loved than feel nothing at all.

I just lost myself. What was I talking about?

"Sometimes you scare me. Are you really a teen of thirteen years old?" I ask her and she seems to think for a while.

"No. I'm actually a motivational lecturer of fifty years old and I'm here to analyze your life for my next book." Katie answers with a fake tone. Her face turns thoughtful. "I'm thinking about 'How to face the friendzone – With Ella Archbald.' What do you think?"

I roll my eyes but can't avoid a laugh.


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